Tag Archives: seedfolks

Character Favs

My favorite character from Seedfolks is Leona. She is very confident and without trying, is very funny. She is nice how she saw the garden and decided to help out. I can’t believe how she spent 3 whole days on the phone just to try to clear up the trash.

I think she is very funny how she marched into the PHD and took out a trash bag filled with trash, and opened it, releasing out all the fumes. She was very confident and expertly proved her point to the PHD, getting all the trash out (as well as an angry homeless guys couch).

Sam is my favorite character

Sam is my favorite character because he is like me. He greets everyone with a smile no matter if he doesn’t feel like it and he starts conversations. He doesn’t think differently about different skin color people and different immigrants. He treats everyone with respect no matter how they look. He wants everyone to go join together if they’re a different skin color or different immigrants.

Seedfolks Paper- Leona’s Grandma

Leona’s grandmother is the definition of a great character. She has only been talked about for a couple pages, but I can already tell I like her. She is sassy, funny, creative, and smart. She kept all the obituaries of the doctors that she outlived, which I thought was hilarious. She does what she wants to do and speaks her mind, which are great traits most of the time, but can get you in trouble. She kept drinking her golden rod tea, even when the doctors told her to stop. She never took the pills the doctors told her too, and she proved them wrong. Leona’s grandma has a funny, interesting personality, and she’s a little crazy. Her personality is different from other personalities, and I really like it. She is like me in a couple ways. She is so sassy and funny and creative that I think it would be a lot of fun to be her friend if she was younger. She seems like the kind of person you would make a lot of great memories with. She really passed down her traits to her granddaughter Leona, and you could definitely tell when Leona brought the bag of trash to city hall. I think Leona really respects her grandma, thinks of her as a role model, and follows and her traits and ways.

Character Favs

My favorite character out of Seedfolks is Kim. Kim can be very secretly and cautious. Her father died eight months before Kim was born. Kim secretly goes to a vacant lot and makes a garden, she plants lima beans. She wants to show her dead father that she is related to him and she could one day be farmer to impress my father. When I admire someone, I would try to become similar, but not completely the same. Kim is very strong and determined. I like how she doesn’t give up and believes to become like her father.


In Seedfolks, My favorite character is Sam. Three things that I like about Sam is that he didn’t stereotype people based on race or age. Sam also taught people to talk with one another even if they are another race. Sam made sure good people didn’t go to jail. I can relate to Sam because he helps people and smiles.


Anna is one of my favorite characters in the book Seedfolks. I like her because she is curious , she is funny, and she is nice to Wendell. I think she is curious about what everyone was doing. She was wondering what Kim was doing and she always wants to know what people are doing. I think she is funny because she thought that Kim a little girl was barring drugs. I think it is funny that she is a stalker, Anna looks out the window all the time. In the book Anna says “why do I need T.V when I have forty-eight apartments to watch.” Anna is a nice women, she is always talking to Wendell even though he is a sad and depresses man. Anna tells Wendell about everything. She told him about the garden and how she saw a little girl planting. Anna tells Wendell to water the plants, when Wendell goes to water Kim’s plants he feels attached and wants to take good care of the garden. Anna is curious funny and nice and she is my favorite character.


The character I chose was Gonzalo. I like Gonzalo because I think his name is cool. I like his name because I think that it sounds Mexican and I like Mexican names. I think he is funny because he just learns English by watching cartoons. I like that about him because I sometimes watch movies or videos in different languages too. I also like how he learns more at the end of his chapter. I like that because I think it is funny at the end when he watches Tio Wan garden and has no clue how to garden himself. I think that I can relate to him because sometimes I too think things that aren’t exactly true but I normally change my thoughts of that later.


My favorite character in the book, Seedfolks, is Leona. The reason she is my favorite character is because she was persistent in finding a way to clean up the lot. She also has good ideas, for example she knew that the people at the Public Health Department wouldn’t pay attention to her complain, so she brought a trash bag with trash from the lot in it and the smell was enough to get the people at the department listen to her. I admire how Leona is a kid, but she still got the job done. I can relate to Leona because when I want to do something but it doesn’t work, I try it again with a different plan. When Leona called the Public Health Department and they didn’t pay attention to her complain, she came up with the trash bag idea and went to the Public Health Building.

My Favorite Character in Seedfolks

In the book seedfolks by Paul Fleischman, so far my favorite character is Leona’s grandma. I like her because I think that she is sassy. I think she is sassy, because in the book it tells us that she does not believe in doctors. When a doctor tries to help her she doesn’t listen and the doctor always dies before her. I think that she is also very funny, because after every doctor that tries to help her dies she keeps the obituary. One other thing that I like about her is that she does things her way. Something that I can relate to her is that I can be sassy and moody and funny at times. Personally I like when I and people do things my way. I also get things done. I think that Leona’s grandma is very funny and makes you laugh. She is a great character in seedfolks.

Character Faves!

My favorite character so far is Wendell. What I like most about Wendell is how he treats Ana. He lost both his son and his wife so he was left with pretty much no one. He was really depressed. Even though he’s been through a lot, he still cares about her. On page 12 it says ” ‘Get up here quick!’ … I ran up the stairs.” That shows that when he thought she might be hurt he came running. Another thing I like about him is that he overcame all of the horrible things that have happened to him and decided to change. It takes a lot of strength to look on the bright side of things when things are going so badly. He went from a depressed person to an optimist, like me. Wendell’s brave to try to help the things he can, and that’s really difficult. The fact that Wendell did that makes him m favorite character.

My Favorites Seedfolks Character

The character I choose is Wendell, or the writer of chapter 3. He is friends with Ana, the old lady. The three things I like about Wendell are 1. He is hard working. 2. He has a kind of sadness, but he decides that though he can’t change the world, he can make it a better place. 3. He has a nerve to be the friend of an old lady [Cough cough stalker cough cough]. I can relate to my character because he works hard to plant a garden, and he is brave enough to be one of the first to plant a garden in the lot.

Seedfolks- Favorite Character

Tío Juan is my favorite character so far. He keeps trying to communicate even when nobody understands him. He was trying to talk to Wendell but it must have sounded like gibberish to Wendell. He came from somewhere in Central America maybe, and before that, maybe from a First Nation tribe or another place like Brazil! Tio Juan is different from everyone else, because of origin, language, and maybe skin color. He keeps on trying and when he found the farming lot, he was back. He had a purpose and he was going to use it. I can relate to him in a way because we both know a language not commonly known in our area. That is why he is my favorite character.

Character Favs!!!

My favorite character is Kim. I like her because she is the one who started the garden. She seems to still care about her father, even though he is dead. She is very devoted to her plants, and wants them to succeed. She wants to impress her father’s spirit by growing them, because he was a farmer. She is very determined to make them grow, and seems like a nice person. That’s why Kim is my favorite Seedfolk.

Seedfolks Character Fav.


The character I chose is Leona and I think I can easily relate to her for many reasons. She is very caring and wants to make the world a better place and will do anything to let her voice heard. In fifth grade I made speeches that expressed how I felt about something when it changed, normally for the worst. She also is very confident and went so far as to bring garbage to state her belief. I once stood up to my teacher when we didn’t have recess one day for no reason and that soon changed when I gave many examples of why I was right along with some articles. Even if everyone thought Leona was stupid she would still stand up tall and proud. This is why Leona is my favorite character.

Character Favs!!!

So far in the book Seed folks, my favorite character is Leona. I like how the author created her to be older, so she has experience with many things. I also really enjoy hearing about how determined she is, when something doesn’t go her way, she keeps striving and pushing, until she gets what she wants. For example, when she made a phone call, and they put her on hold, she went there in person, to get her way. I also admire Leona because since she has kids, she knows what it is like to have to be a caring, and loving mother to other living things. Leona reminds me of my soccer team, who is calm, and caring, but can be very determined and strong when they want to be.


My favorite character in Seedfolks so far is Sam. This is because he comes up with the water contest, and also because he tries to make the world a better place, and he’s smart. He reminds me of my dad because they both wear glasses and try to make the world a better place.


My favorite character is Wendell. I like him because he is helpful and kind. He is an experienced farmer and even gave Kim some advice on how to tend to the garden. He has had a rough past but puts that aside to help Ana, Kim, and the school he works at as an janitor. He reminds me of the janitor in “Girl Meets World” that my sister watches because he is very nice but has had a rough past just like Wendell.


My favorite character is Leona right now. She is my favorite character because she stands up for herself. When she was calling all these people to try and get the trash out of the lot. She realized that she had to see them in person. She went to the town hall and talked to the women at the front desk. She realized that they were taking her like she was ling. Then she opened one of the bags from the vacant lot. Then she got to talk to someone right away. I really like that she did that to get everyone’s attention. I also like how she cared so much about the lot but she does not even own it. I think I would also try hard to get the lot cleaned, because I would realize that the people need more space to plant, plants.


My favorite character in Seedfolks so far is Kim. I really enjoy how she started the community garden in memory of her father. I find that she is the most important character, because she came up with the idea of a garden, and began it by herself. Kim reminds me of myself in a way. I love to make things in honor of someone else, just like Kim made the garden in honor of her father. Kim is a very positive person, I think. I really like those kind of people, which is another reason I am fond of Kim. I think I can relate to Kim because I always want to try new things.

Favorite character in Seedfolks

My favorite character in Seedfolks so far is Ana. I like Ana because she takes a helpful watch through the community. She is also stubborn but nice. At the beginning of her chapter she was judging people by their cover but at the end she understood. She also took care of the seeds that she dug up in the lot. Last but not least she gets help from everyone she can because it is hard or impossible to do herself. I can relate to my character because like her I also care for what I do wrong so if I broke something I will try to fix or replace it.

Seedfolks Character Favorites

My favorite character in the book Seedfolks so far is Sam because he is a very wise, inspiring person. Sam has devoted his entire life to bringing peace and hope everywhere he goes. Even after retiring, he continues to pursue his lifelong wish of improving his surroundings and doing humanitarian things. I admire that he is passionate about helping people view the world in a positive way. When he saw the garden, he knew that could be an opportunity to improve the current condition of the cold and lonely neighborhood. He realized that it was a place for people to gather and socialize while planting their own gardens. It was a wonderful improvement to the vacant lot and a chance to bring the people of Cleveland together as a community.


Seedfolks Favorite character

My favorite character in Seedfolks is Gonzalo. He is my favorite character because he has so much problems that he faces like he moved from another country and he learned English by watching cartoons. He also is like the man of the house he must make all the calls and business transactions because his dad can’t speak English. I also have many things in common but here’s one he has to take care of his Grandfather and I have to take care of my sister sometimes. My favorite character in Seedfolks is Gonzalo for many reasons.


My favorite character so far in Seedfolks is Gonzalo because he is smart and interesting. I also like him because he reminds me of one of my lacrosse friends. Another thing that I found interesting is that his dad likes planting and farming like my mom. A connection that we have is that we both have great uncles. Gonzalo also reminds me of how a lot of my friends are funny and interesting just like Gonzalo. How Gonzalo takes care of his great Uncle also surprises me because of how uncles usually take care of their nephews, not swapped around.


My favorite character in Seedfolks so far is Leona because she is really tough. I would never have marched into city hall with a trash bag full of trash to get someone to clean up a bunch of junk in an empty lot. She is also really smart, because she figured out that all the people on the phone were not really trying to help her, and she knew what actions to take to make what she wanted to happen actually happen. She is also very funny when she talks about her grandmother outliving all of her doctors that said her tea was bad for her. I can relate to her because we are both very persistent.

My favorite character from Seedfolks

My favorite character is Ana, this is because she is very nosy about what people do. When she thinks about kids she thinks that the kids always have to be bad or horrible. But, when she figures out that she is wrong about Kim’s doing she regrets it. She regrets staring out the back window and being suspicious. So then she gets help to plant the seeds back and enjoys the sprouting of the beautiful plants.

Leona Seedfolks

My favorite character is Leona because she has a little bit of sass. Also she was very brave to call the city to complain about the trash in the garden. The best part about her is whenever her grandmas doctors has funeral who said that she was going to die if she drank goldenrod tea they would leave goldenrod leaves on their coffin and her Grandma lived till 99 years. I can relate to Leona because when she opened that bag of trash in the public health department and she got called first. It is like time I wanted one of my sisters t-shirts and she would not give it to me I told I her I was going call mom and it was funny how I got that t-shirt so fast. I like Leona because she is a spunky, sassy, and funny character.


My favorite character is Tio Juan. He likes to play tricks and sneak out of the house and go on walks when Gonzalo is not looking. He used to be a farmer when he lived in Guatemala. So out on one of his walks he saw a man in a vacant lot planting a garden. So the next day he was demanding his great nephew and his niece to buy him seeds. Also he has a mind of his own because he doesn’t like to feel like a baby just because he can’t speak English. This caused him to make Gonzalo help him turn soil, plant seeds, and water the seeds.

Seedfolks-My Favorite Character

My favorite character in Seedfolks is Tio Juan. I admire Tio Juan because he still tried to feel a connection to the community even though he didn’t know English and couldn’t communicate . He had previously been a farmer, so he asked his niece to get seeds for the garden so he could reconnect with the community. He reconnected to the community through building a small garden for the seeds and trowels. I can relate to Tio Juan because I saw some sprouts in my compost pile and grew a garden out of them.

My Favorite Character in Seedfolks

Leona’s grandmother is my favorite character in the book “Seedfolks” so far, it may change though. She is my favorite because when all the doctors were telling her to take the medicine that they were offering her she didn’t listen. She believed that her goldenrod tea was the only thing that she needed. Every time one doctor died before her she would keep track and put goldenrod on their graves. I can relate to her because she is stubborn and won’t listen. She believes that the tea is all she needs and won’t listen to the doctors. What is totally ironic is how she lives longer than the doctors and goes to their funerals.

Seedfolks Leona writing

Leona is my favorite character . One thing that I like about her is that she is a strong independent person. And she takes charge if something is not right. For example since there was so much trash in the vacant lot she tried to do something about it. She also is very clever. For example when she went to address the situation with all the trash she brought a sample to show them how bad it was. She also is handling all the tragedies that have happened to her very well.

Favorite Seedfolks Character

My favorite character in Seedfolks so far is Sam. I like Sam’s character because he’s a good person. He’s always trying to bring people together. For example when he was talking about smiling to everyone so they know that he’s a nice person, and that way they feel welcome. He said that he always tries to help the world, I admire that because I think being kind is important. I feel like Sam is the person that I want to be, this is because everything he does is for others sake. He tries to impact the world in a good way, and bring everyone together.

Seedfolks Character Favorites

Virgil is my favorite character because he is someone that never gives up. That means a lot because he beliefs in his and his father’s garden. He will do anything to help him plant these lettuce. Also, he beliefs in miracles and success. For example, in school he was learning about myths and gods. They learned about the gardening god which was inside the locket that Virgil had seen. He whispered to her to help him and his father. That means he cares about his father’s lettuce. Since the lettuce shriveled up, Virgil was mad at the work his father made him do. He realized, they don’t know much, and it was just the beginning of their garden. Once he and his father started, they never stopped. They want to pursue their dream.

Seedfolks- my favorite character



Leona is my favorite character so far, in the book the seedfolks. I admire Leona because she is very determined. Once she has decided she wants to clear out the trashy lot, there is no stopping her, and she will get the job done. She will not give up her mission to clear the lot without a fight! Leona is headstrong, and is confident in her beliefs. I can relate to Leona because, when I am determined to do something, then I will do almost whatever it takes to work up to that goal, and do it!

My Favorite Character

My favorite character is an older white man named Wendell. He was one of the first people to have lived in those apartments with Ana, so he knows just about everything in the city. He is a school janitor, so he can fix many things, something I enjoy doing as well. He is a very good gardener, considering that he grew up on a farm in Kentucky, something very different compared to me. I can’t wait to keep reading the book to see if my favorite character changes!


Favorite Character From Seedfolks

So far in the book, my favorite character has become Sam. He is my favorite character because I liked how he wanted to change the world and make everyone feel that there are still kind people in the world. I also really liked how he is able to notice things that still separate people like the chicken wire and fences and is frowning upon them and wanting to fix them. Another thing that makes him my favorite character is that he always has a smile on his face and believes that smiling to people is his job in the world. I can relate to him because I want everyone to be happy and notice that there are still many kind people in the world who want everyone to be treated equal.


Tio Juan Seed Folks favorite character

My favorite character is named Gonzalo. Gonzalo has to help take care of his great uncle because he does not speak English. I like Gonzalo because he helps his uncle with the garden. Also Gonzalo helps Tio Juan do the things he doesn’t know how to do in the garden like read the packages of seeds. I can relate to Gonzalo because when my grandma with dementia lived with me I had to take care of her when my parents weren’t home.

Seedfolks Favorite Character

My favorite character so far is Wendell. I like Wendell because he has a true meaning for the garden. I also think he is very kind because of how he treats Anna and will help anybody in the garden. This is my favorite line in the book. ” There’s plenty about my life I can’t change. Can’t bring the dead back to life on this earth. Can’t make the world loving and kind. Can’t change myself into a millionaire. But a patch of ground in this trashy lot- I can change that.” I love that quote because it shows his will power and knowing that he can’t change everything but he can change some things. If Wendell was not there the garden would not become what it is now.

Leonna from Seedfolks

My favorite character is Leona. Leona is a strong women with determination. What I really like about Leona is that she is really funny. In the book Leona says that her kids school has more guns than books. I thought that it was funny. Another great thing about Leona is that she sticks up for herself. She doesn’t like to be ignored. I also don’t like to be ignored. I think she is a powerful women who is determined.

SeedFolks: Gonzalo

The character that I chose is Gonzalo. Three things about Gonzalo that I admire him for are that he moved to a new country and he learned the language and the people really well. He also goes with his grandfather to the garden every day  to help with planting and watering. Gonzalo also is very kind to everyone he meets especially his grandfather even though he doesn’t speak English or Spanish. I can relate to Gonzalo because I’ve been to another country and I don’t think I would be able to learn the language or the people as well as Gonzalo did. I wonder who my favorite character will be by the end of “Seed Folks”.

My Favorite Character In Seedfolks

My favorite character is Sam. He is an old white man. Sam is my favorite character, because he is a pacifist. That means that he loves and supports the idea of peace, which I admire about him. He is trying to “patch up” his neighborhood by smiling at people, which I think is great, because in the book, there still seems to be some segregation in the garden. I admire this because a lot of people tend to judge others because of their race, and I don’t think that’s right. Sam also raises money for community service and charities, which is an important thing because all people deserve to nourish and grow, even if that means they go to a charity. He is like me because I support the idea of peace, I love to brighten people’s days and make them feel better, I help charities and I don’t support the idea of segregation. All in all, he is a good person that supports things that are really important to the world and I think that makes him my favorite character, because I support his ideals and he seems like he is open minded, which is always a good thing for a character.

My favorite Seedfolks Character

         My favorite character is Sam because he is always nice to everybody and makes them smile. He tries to bring be together to make a more united community. He thinks before he acts or does, like the time when he said the garden was like paradise. He then said that paradise meant walled park. He cares about other people and cares about the city. He wants to make everyone friendly with each other. He thought the garden would do that, but it is not so he thinks he might have to step in.

My Favorite Character

My favorite character from SeedFolks is Kim. Kim is my favorite character so far because she wants something and she wants it enough to work for it. Kim wants to make her father proud by growing a garden that she thinks would please him. She’s the first person who even wanted to grow a garden and was brave enough to actually do it. I can relate to Kim because she never met her father and had no memories of him. I have never met my grandfather because he died before I was born. She wants to make her father proud and I respect that.

Seedfolks – Tío Juan

Tio Juan is my favorite character because the way he acts. He is different from most of them, mainly because he helps others garden. He is always trying to communicate to others. For an example, when Virgil’s father was frustrated that his lettuce was not growing, Tio Juan came over and showed them why. Tio Juan is emotionally attached to this garden because in Guatemala he had a garden. He knows so much about gardening, giving himself the power to help others, which he does.

Seed folks character favorites

The character that I choose was Leona. The three things I like or admire about Leona is that she is willing to fix the lot even if it means going to extra proportions. That she does not settle for being on the phone and being put on hold, but she goes out and decides to tell people in person her problem with the vacant lot. When it comes to fighting, she is not physical, but vocal and that’s a trait that most people don’t have. I can relate to Leona because when I see something that is not right I always listen to what my dad always tells me, “If you see something wrong, don’t just stand there, fix it and make it better.”

My favorite Seed Folk character

What I admire about Kim is not how she rebels or does something else and people thinks she’s strange. What admires me about her is that she starts trends. Some things Kim started were she started a trend by planting. Kim planted a few beans because she wanted to be closer to her dad who passed on. Her dad planted when he was younger so she could relate to him. Then an older woman that saw her and then that’s when the trend started. The woman called upon a farmer or a man to churn the soil and plant the plants. Plus that when everybody saw the plants and were anxious to plant. Then it became a “paradise”.   

My favorite character

The character I like the most is Sam that because he is the kind of person who believes in world peace and wants to go out and solve problems. He also gives money to charities to solve other problems as well. He believes in something that my whole family believes in, that is smiling at everyone you see. I also like how he tries to make everyone comfortable despite their differences. I can relate to this character because my mom is like him and my mom advises me to do those good things.

My Favorite Seedfolks Character

My favorite character in the book Seedfolks is Virgil because he doesn’t feel that if he didn’t have the garden, he would be very sad. He also cares a lot about kid stuff like school, friends, bikes, and other kid stuff. Something that makes me like him the most though, is that even though the locket was in the trash and was very dirty, he still kept it because he thought it was special. We can relate because we are both boys and because we also both care about friends, bikes, and kid stuff.

My Favorite Seedfolks Character

My favorite character so far is Leona. Leona is one of those people that loves to make a difference for the better, and I admire that. She absolutely despises the garbage-ridden vacant lot, and after many tries on the phone, she finally takes a trash bag to the City Hall, and opens it to make a point. That was a really thoughtless thing to do, but if we had a garbage-ridden lot in our town, I would have done the same. I like her because she seems like the kind of person that wants to make a difference for the better. She is like me because I like to make a difference too, and I won’t be mean about it to get that difference made.

My Favorite Seedfolks Character

   My favorite character in Seedfolks so far is Kim. I admire her desire to impress her dead father by planting a garden because he was a farmer. She also stands up for what she believes in by cleaning up the lot a little bit and starts a community garden. She is hardworking and dedicated. She walks to the garden with jugs of water every day before school. I also love gardening and I would work hard on it just like Kim.

My Favorite Seedfolks Character

My favorite character in Seedfolkes is Tío Juan. There are many reasons that Tío Juan is my favorite character. One reason that my favorite character is Tío Juan because he has the ability to communicate without speaking a language that other people understand. My second reason is that Tío Juan is a great gardener. My final reason is that Tío Juan can adapt to life in America quickly. I relate to Tío Juan because he gardens a lot and I garden a lot. These are several reasons that Tío Juan is my favorite character in Seedfolks.

My Favorite Character

So far in SeedFolks, my favorite character has been Tio Juan. So far in the book, I have completely understood him, and knew how he was feeling. I liked him because he came to America and was trying to learn English, and he’s really trying to communicate. He is still trying to figure out how America works, for instance, when he stood in front of the lady with the hair dryer, he had never seen anything like that in his whole life. I also admired Tio Juan because he was trying to help people. In the end when he showed them how to plant the community garden, he felt that the towns people could understand him since he was helping them. I can relate to Tio Juan because I am learning Spanish, and on my first day, I truly couldn’t understand anyone and didn’t know how to communicate.





My Favorite Seedfolks Character

The character that I chose is Kim. Kim is just a little girl yet she started a whole neighborhood garden from a little square of dirt in a big junkyard. Kim planted her beans and took care of them throughout the winter and they survived even when normally plants die in the winter. Kim never met her father before he passed away, yet she is eager for him to notice her an make him proud. I can relate to Kim because I also want to make my parents proud of me.

My Favorite Seedfolks Character

My favorite character in seed folks is Sam, Virgil’s father. Sam is my favorite character because he has a passion for planting the cabbage, he almost cried when they wilted. I respect him for that and I think it makes him a good character. Also he is hopeful, when the plants started wilting he was sad but didn’t give up. He asked everyone In the taxi that he drives what to do. This is important because without hope, you can’t accomplish many things. Finally, I think Sam is smart. He was able to lie to an adult convincingly on the spot. These are my reasons for picking Sam as my favorite character.

My favorite seed folks character.

I choose to write about Kim as my favorite character. I like Kim for three main reasons. First of all she accidently starts a big community garden for the soul reason of impressing her deceased father. Second the seeds Kim uses to plant aren’t real seeds. There are beans she eats. Last but not least I can relate to her. Kim, like me has seen dirty rats unexpected in dirty places.
That is why , in my opinion Kim is the best character in the book.

My favorite character

My favorite character that I like right now is Leona. The three things that I like about Leona are, she wants to help people, she cares about our planet, and she never gives up. First, she never gives up, she was on the phone for three days trying to reach someone that could help her. Also, she wants to help people, but she doesn’t want to help them face to face, she just does it on the phone. Finally, she cares about the earth, which is very important. I can relate to Leona because, she wants to help people and she cares about the earth which I do to.


My Favorite Seedfolks Character

Tio Juan doesn’t speak English or Spanish, but it’s interesting how he tries to communicate to people who don’t speak his language and most of them can understand the point that he is trying to get across. He knows a lot about seeds, and helps others with their gardens, like when Virgil didn’t understand why the lettuce wasn’t growing, Tio Juan came and tried to help. Tio Juan is very adventurous and likes to sneak away from the house pretty often, just to explore and see what’s out there, which is how he found the garden and made connections with it. Tio Juan, at first, didn’t like how he was being treated by Gonzalo. Gonzalo would act like Tio Juan was two years old, even though Tio Juan was very respected in his old village. Tio Juan must have been really confused when he moved to the U.S and nobody could even speak to him except for Gonzalo’s mother. I can relate because sometimes my parents speak a different language and I cannot understand what they are saying either, just like how Tio Juan doesn’t understand what others are saying.

My Favorite Seedfolks Character

My favorite character so far is Sam. I really like him because he sounds like a very nice and kind person. Sam makes all of the right choices in his life. The biggest thing that Sam does is making everyone happy. He doesn’t like seeing all of the different types of people separated. He likes seeing them all having conversations together and getting along. Sam is a very awesome and caring person.