All posts by matthewl066

Community and Friendship

Community and Friendship


This morning we started off our day with a series of activities called Charger Trails. The series consisted of three activities called the Hog Call, Marble Challenge, and Maze. In the hog call, I thought we were successful because we all listened to each other’s ideas. For example: David stepped up and said that we should all get in a line and he would tap you on the shoulder, so then you would partner up. In the Maze, I thought Rohin Stepped up and was a great leader because of how he guided people through the maze only using his hands and gestures. On the marble challenge, I thought that Runyon stepped up became a leader by trying to give as many ideas as he could and tried to mush them al together.

Daily Life-Burial Practices

Daily Life – Burial Practices

Matthew Logel


  • The first step of embalming is to take a dead body to an ibu which means tent of purification.
  • Next you will need to save up lots of linen to use in your mummification.
  • Then use oils to make you smooth and sweet-smelling.
  • You need priest wearing the mask of Anubis, the god of embalming, to act as a chief embalmer at your death.


  • You will need a knife to cut your body open.
  • They needed Natron salt to dry the body up.
  • Also a hooked instrument will be used to take your brain out through your nose.
  • You will need jars with different heads to store each organ.
  • The human god Imesty for your liver, a head of the baboon Hapy to store your lungs, a jar with a jackal head of Duamutef to store the stomach, And the intestines go in a head with head of the falcon god Qebehsenuef.


        • There is a priest who watches over the embalming and he wears a Jackal mask of the god Anubis.
        • There are also embalmers who remove all the organs except the heart and dry the bodies with natron salt.
        • There would be a high priest to oversee the embalming of a pharaoh but he would not appear for a regular embalming.

Types of Royalty

  • Cheap means the body is injected with cedar oil, which makes its insides liquefy and drain out. Then it is dried out with natron salt.
  • Mid-range means organs are removed and embalmed. The body is dried out by natron salt and then completely wrapped up in linen.
  • Luxury means the same as mid-range but with a portrait mask that is made of cartonnage (a mix of plaster, linen, and resin) or even solid gold.


mastaba mummy_of_rai



  1. (Image).
  2. (Image).
  3. Funerary Practices and Embalmers


My favorite character so far in Seedfolks is Gonzalo because he is smart and interesting. I also like him because he reminds me of one of my lacrosse friends. Another thing that I found interesting is that his dad likes planting and farming like my mom. A connection that we have is that we both have great uncles. Gonzalo also reminds me of how a lot of my friends are funny and interesting just like Gonzalo. How Gonzalo takes care of his great Uncle also surprises me because of how uncles usually take care of their nephews, not swapped around.




One place that I would love to visit would be Utah. One of the reasons I would love to visit Utah would be that I was born in there. Another reason I would love to visit Utah would be because of the scenery like the picture above. I think it would be very exciting to drive around Utah where I was born. I am actually taking a trip there this Sunday and I can’t wait to see the hospital I was born in and the house I lived in for a while.