All posts by lawsonw985

Charger Trails

The success came from the communication weather it was verbally or non-verbally. That was the key to success each activity. Sometimes while being a team member, pointing or using hand signals was a good tool. It was really fun to work together as a group and achieve all of the goals. I was successful as a friend and a team member by helping all of my friends in my advisory out. It was surprising that we made everything more complicated than it needed to be. We used a lot of teamwork by pointing to solve the maze. It was very hard to get through it, but we solved it with just enough time. While doing the marble maze, we used all of the tubes to make our plan a success. We were able to build off of our first idea and make a new plan to solve the other challenges. In hog call, we used the pointing because we were not able to talk. The first round was easy, but the second round was hard because there were a couple of words that could’ve gone together but only one pair matched right. The hog call was a very fun and hard challenge.

Charger Trails was very fun!



Lawson Wheeler

ancient egypt pic1

Who were the Ancient Egyptians that studied medicine for a hundred years?

  • People that studied in special training
  • Humans that attended special school
  • People that learned about diseases and how to cure them
  • People that understood organs of the body
  • Training doctors that used human pulses to rate healthiness
  • Why did the Ancient Egyptians believe in magic and medicine to treat health problems?
  • They thought worms caused diseases or sicknesses
  • Thought that magic and spells could heal them
  • Doctors had prescriptions—used plants to treat them—for eye problems, tumors, or snake bites–Magicians used magic spells
  • Used bandages and stiches, didn’t perform surgery
  • Why did the Ancient Egyptians rely on magic and help from the gods more than medicine?
  • Gods were called upon to bear children safety
  • Prayers, charms, and spells—protected mothers during pregnancy
  • Protected babies from childhood diseases and dangers
  • Relied on magic and spells for all circumstances of childbirth
  • [Image] . September 16, 2015. Web
  • [Image]  Web . September 16, 2015. Web

My Favorite Seedfolks Character

My favorite character so far is Sam. I really like him because he sounds like a very nice and kind person. Sam makes all of the right choices in his life. The biggest thing that Sam does is making everyone happy. He doesn’t like seeing all of the different types of people separated. He likes seeing them all having conversations together and getting along. Sam is a very awesome and caring person.