Community and Friendship

At Charger Trails, I think the Gulledge Ghouls did a great job working together during the activities. One thing I think we need to work on is listening to other people’s ideas instead of having “to many cooks in the kitchen.”  The first activity was Marble Luge. In this challenge I think we worked together, but we didn’t listen to each others ideas. The idea that completed the goal was mentioned in the beginning , but it wasn’t listened to. The next activity was Hog Call. This is where Mr. Rokuskie would put a card on our backs that matched with the card on  someone else’s back. We were not allowed to talk. This activity was not to hard because others could see your card and point you in the direction of your partner. I think in this challenge we didn’t have to many leaders and we worked together nicely.  Then we went to the maze. The maze was difficult because there was only one way to go through the maze and we could not talk to each other. I think there were many leaders pointing in different directions.