All posts by zackw765

Community and Friendship

I was successful as a  friend during the charger trails during the second rotation. In the second rotation I came up with the idea of a talking object. This kept my friends calm and not yelling at each other. I was a successful team member by helping people find the right squares in the maze. This helped us eliminate the wrong tiles and almost finish the challenge.

Daily Life- Burial Practices

Daily Life – Burial Practices

Zack Woodcock



After they were removed organs were put in jars called canopic jars made of lime stone.

In the process of embalming first the priest would Remove the organs

Next they would remove the person’s brain through their nose. Then the body is placed in a coffin covered in natron for 40 days

Next to clean the body the priest has to wash, oil, and wrap the body in several hundred yards of fabric.

Finally the body is covered in Momia and put into a coffin

Wealthy vs poor

People who could afford one just had a simple funeral and were buried in a wooden coffin.

When a pharaoh died very special treatment was used. There were entire boats built to carry the pharaohs to help protect the body.

Grave Robbers

Sometimes thieves would break into tombs to steal all the riches that pharaohs were buried with.

Egyptians sometimes buried pharaohs in secret locations to prevent their graves from being broken into.

Although hundreds have been found some Pharaohs tombs still haven’t been found.


The heart is the only organ left in the dead people. When burying someone the priest wears the mask of the jackal headed god Anubis.

The dead were buried with items they could use in the afterlife like food drink and even everyday items like games or mirrors

mummy_egypt300 canopic2


(image). 9/16/15.Web


(image). 9/15/15.Web



Tio Juan Seed Folks favorite character

My favorite character is named Gonzalo. Gonzalo has to help take care of his great uncle because he does not speak English. I like Gonzalo because he helps his uncle with the garden. Also Gonzalo helps Tio Juan do the things he doesn’t know how to do in the garden like read the packages of seeds. I can relate to Gonzalo because when my grandma with dementia lived with me I had to take care of her when my parents weren’t home.