Tag Archives: smarties

Community and Friendship

Our team was especially good at figuring out the challenges when we were at the marble maze. We had several great ideas,  but as we went through trial-and-error, we settled on one, and it worked. Then, we were challenged to always keep a piece of PVC pipe in our hands the whole time. We had some more trial-and-error, but we figured it out and finished just in time. This shows that we can figure things out even under pressure. I look forward to future team building events!

Community and Friendship

This morning during our Charger Trails Challenges, I think my advisory worked much better together cooperating as a team than we did on our class trip. When we were at Camp Hanes, we had more than one person talking at a time when we were sharing our ideas, so the teamwork building session turned into a giant yelling mess. This morning, we were calmer and tended to come up with a strategy everybody agreed on very fast.  All three activities that we did were pretty successful because we achieved the main goals without too much trouble.


Community and Friendship

In the Charger Trails Challenges this morning, our team did pretty well on The Maze and we almost completed it but people would make the slightest noise and everybody would fail. We also did pretty well on the Marble Maze and figured out a way to pass the marble along with everybody always holding a PVC pipe. In the Marble Maze we made a big plan before we started and used THE GOLDEN SNITCH as a object that you have to hold to talk. We didn’t do so good at Hog Call but we still managed to (almost) complete it in under 3 minutes.

Community and Friendship

My team was successful at the marble maze because we cooperated and took turns talking.  We beat this challenge twice and we all worked together quickly and efficiently.  We figured out the pattern for the maze quickly.  We figured out the trick to this maze, but it was hard because we could not talk.  In the hog call, we did well the first time, but we struggled the second time.  My group really enjoyed the charger trails.

Community and Friendship

We were  successful as friends and a team members during charger trails today by using teamwork and listening to other peoples ideas. In the maze we helped each other by showing the each person where to go and where not to go. In the marble maze we listened to everyone’s ideas and this caused us to successfully complete the task. During the hog call we listened to ideas and elected a leader so not all of us were running around so we could figure it out quicker. This caused us to complete all of the tasks successfully.

Community and Friendship

I was successful as a  friend during the charger trails during the second rotation. In the second rotation I came up with the idea of a talking object. This kept my friends calm and not yelling at each other. I was a successful team member by helping people find the right squares in the maze. This helped us eliminate the wrong tiles and almost finish the challenge.

Community and Friendship

I was successful because I helped my team during the Maze by pointing to the correct square that they should go too. Most of us did this, so it was very helpful to the person actually going. During the Marble Maze we decided that we had to sit down and pass the marble through the tubes all the way to the end. It took us a while but we were able to do it. I was one of the main people helping on that activity.  During the Hog Call, we elected a leader to match everybody up. I was not that person. I tried to help by staying still but it did not work.