All posts by Renn

Religious Beliefs


aswan temple isis


Renn Guard

Who were the most recognized gods?

  • Osiris god of the underworld.
  • Thoth was the god of writing and knowledge-had the head of an ibis.
  • Horus god of the sky-had the head of a falcon.
  • Anubis had the head of a jackal- mummification and the afterlife.
  • Hathor- was one of the most important, she was goddess of joy and motherhood
  • Bes a dwarf with a tail, ears and beard of a lion was loved because he brought joy and protected the house.
  • Ra sun god

What did the Egyptians do in the temples?

  • Temples were the earthly home of gods and goddess.
  • The temples looked more like palaces because the “holy” statue of god lived there.
  •    Only in special occasions were commoners allowed in the inner court yard of the temple.
  • During these special occasions the statue of the god or goddess was carried to the most sacred place of the temple.
  • There were however smaller places where the commoners could pray to the gods.

Creation story

  • Most people thought that the world began with just water
  • Then when the Nile flooded the first part of earth appeared
  • People in Hermopolis believed that Thoth called four frog and snakes who made an egg and the sun came out of it.
  • Memphis the god Ptah who had all the other gods in him and just with his thought created the world.


Character Favorites in Seedfolks

The character I chose as my favorite is Leona. She is brave and is very determined get her way. Leona knows that she has to do the right thing, and speak to the government. Leona is so bold, she marched right up with a bag of trash in her hand to the Public Health Department. She wants the garden to be a beautiful place. Leona knows that so something had to be done for the garden. She’s also going to plant some goldenrod in that small garden. Leona is a brave and determined character and that’s why she is my favorite.