All posts by anjaliv594

Project Ideas for LEDs and 3D Prints

My partner and I are ideating about something we could make with a 3D printed design that uses LEDs:

1. Light-up glasses

2. Eiffel tower with lights

3. 3D printed roller skates with lights

4. Light up belt buckle

5. Cityscape with lights in windows

6. Nightlight with darkness sensor

7. Glowing hat/cap

8. Fishtank with LED accessories

9. Temperature sensitive glowing coffee cup

10. Lit-up phone case


Table Top 5:

1.  Tissue Box that lights up when you take out a tissue

2. Flashlight with switch

3. Geometric light-up paper weight

4.  Night light with darkness sensor

5. Belt Buckle

Other Table’s Top Ideas:

1. Lit-up Halloween Jack-O-Lantern Basket

2. Light Up Coffee Cup

3. Table Edge Cover

4. Lit-Up Glasses



This week in art & design, we worked with LEDs, batteries, breadboards, and Arduinos. Last year, we did something similar, but we just copied circuits from a book rather than understanding what the components do. This week, I learned how to make a simple circuit with a switch:


I learned that the wires conencted to the switch must be right next to each other in order to fully connect the piece of metal inside so it can complete the ciruit.

I also watched another one of Ms. Macdonald’s video tutorials and made this:

I ran into trouble with getting the lights to turn on. From this, I learned that the things that are supposed to be connected must be in the same row or column on the breadboard. I also learned that the longer sides of the LEDs are the ‘ground’ side, so that made it much easier to connect it to certain wires. This was an extremely fun hands-on activity for learning about circuits, and I can’t wait to tackle the RGB LED circuits next!


This past week, our group decided to make a place to put the cord grabber. We decided to make something that will hang off the side of the board so it can stay of the way, while being easily accessible. The cool thing about our hanger is that it has a hinge and can lock. This is so that unwanted perpetrators can’t take the grabber when left unattended. The hanger easily attaches to the top of the board with two prongs for the grabber to hang. We offer a simple, minimalist design that is supremely effective in the ways of organization and possession. AutoSave_Grippy Project 2


Learning SketchUp

Last week in Art & Design, we learned some of the basic features of Google SketchUp. Although I used SketchUp in 7th grade for the 1st time, going over the all the tools made something that I thought was complex much easier. It was really fun to play around with the colors, and I was so proud to show off my small dining room (pictured below).  Rotating and moving the chairs was the hardest part, because there were 3 axis that needed to be manipulated. My favorite too was the paint bucket tool – I must’ve changed the colors 5 times! 🙂
