All posts by ajb772

Project Ideas for LEDs and 3D Prints

My partner and I are brainstorming about projects we could make with a 3D printed design that uses LEDs:

1. Necklace

2. Picture Frame

3. Phone Case

4. Mouse

5. Keyboard

6. Ring

7. Glasses frame

8. Watch


Top Table Ideas:

1.  Phone Case

2. Computer Case/Skin

3. Box

4. Watch

5. Model Car

6. LED Lamp

7. Ball

8. Glasses

9. Clock

10. Charger


LED it Up

When doing the Arduinos today I learned a few things. First, I learned how negative and positive charges and connections work, and how to get power to the light. I also learned what a resistor does, and why we need to use them. I also learned how to write a code in the Arduino program and upload it to the Arduino. We made 2 boards, here are the pictures.

IMAG0322 IMAG0326

Learning SketchUp

We have been doing Sketchup for the past few classes. In class we learned how to make a chair and a table, and how to maneuver our creations. We used guide lines, the move tool, the rotate tool, and many others to make this creation. We also made the components of the table, and chair, so we could maneuver them more easily.

chaiiiiiiiiir n table