Tag Archives: Shipposauruses

Community and Friendship

When our group was doing the challenges we all had to use our leadership skills to help guide our team to get through the challenges. When we did the Hog Call challenge we had to find the person that had the word that went with yours. So we had to see what other people had to find out if they were a pair and since we couldn’t talk we tried to find out using other people to help you find your pair. So when we did the challenge we were all scooting around In our chairs to find the other person so we had to use our leadership skills to find the other person so I tried to go to each person and see what word they had and I would see if it matched up with mine.

When we did the maze challenge we had to use our leadership skills to find out which path work .  So we had people stand around the square and help guide people to the correct squares so that we can complete the challenge. We completed the first challenge and it took a while but it was because we weren’t organized. The second time we did it fast because we had a game plan and we were more organized.

When we did the marble maze we tried to think of a game plan.  Then when we had our plan we tried it and it didn’t work so we tried a new one. It didn’t work the first time so we tried it again and it worked. We had to use our leadership skills to try and come up with a new plan. When it was successful we celebrated as friends.

Community and Friendship

Today we did three activities. Hog call, the maze, marble challenge. The first activity we did was the hog call. The way this game worked is we each had a piece of paper on our back and we had to find our partner. I think I was a good teammate in this challenge because I was acting what the other people had on there back  and was trying to tell others different ideas. Most of us had the same ideas, but there were a few of us that had different ones. I think everyone eventually had the same idea. I was being a good friend when I was helping find my teammate’s partners. Since I could see what was on their backs, it was easy for me o find their partners.

In the maze, we all helped each other a lot. It was a trial and error game. In the first round we took a long time out find out the pattern. But the second time wasn’t as long. I was being a good teammate because I was helping out people when they didn’t know where to go or which squares had already been stepped on. Since we couldn’t talk, everyone was pointing to the squares that were correct or that we had not yet tried. I was being a good friend  in this game because when people got to a new square that was correct I would give them a thumbs up. If they didn’t get to a correct square then I wouldn’t grunt or get mad at them. The second time, we were doing things faster. When we were figuring out the entrance, everyone had a square that they stepped on and she said if it was right or wrong. After most of the people had gone we knew which square to start on. After we knew 2 or 3 squares, we all went in a line following the next person. This made it a lot faster.

In the marble game we were doing a really good job in the beginning. We were letting people speak and were listening to everyone’s ideas. After that we tried a few different ideas before getting to the one that worked.

Community and Friendship

I think I was successful as a friend and a team member in Charger Trails.  In Hog Calls I listened to everyones ideas while not interrupting and used hand signals to signify what the names on their backs were.  I was successful in helping people find their matching words and I found my matching word every time.  In the maze we all shared our ideas without interruption in the second maze.  In the first maze I didn’t cooperate with people that much and that took a lot of time.  In the second maze  we got our ideas and I cooperated much more and solved most of the puzzle.  I helped people that forgot the way to go and we solved in within 3 minutes it seemed.  In marble challenge we got our ideas out quickly and efficiently and we solved the problem using a good technique that we all agreed on.  I shared my idea on the second challenge but it failed because people weren’t listening anymore.  That is where we fell apart and nothing could get people to listen to a good idea.  I think I that I was successful at cooperating as a friend and as a teammate.

Community and Friendship

How were you successful as both a friend and a team member participating in the Charger Trails activities today?


As a team member I was helping to figure out strategies and solutions to the problems that the activities were encountering. During the Hog call, as a team member, I was helping other team mates match up with their correct partner. We could not talk so it was difficult. I instead, we used hand gestures to get our team mates attention. In the maze challenge, we could not talk either. We couldn’t even make an “mmm” sound to get people’s attention. I helped people by pointing to the next spot where thy are suppose to step. In the marble challenge, as a team mate, I helped come up with ways to put the marble inside of the red solo cup. At the end of each activity, we successfully completed each challenge as a team.

As a friend, I helped people make it across the maze, supported them with their ideas, and listened to what they had in mind and what they had to say. This made people feel good and part of the team.

Community and Friendship

The shipposauruses had a lot of teamwork while doing these 3 activities. I tried to be a leader in all of them, but, it turned out I wasn’t the best leader. Hogcall was a fun  game. We all made the mmph sounds to ‘talk’ to each other. On the marble challenge we started off very well but at the end we started to lose our tempo. At the maze we all communicated with pointing to each box of where we should go next. Overall we all worked really well together.

Community and Friendship

I just completed the Charger Trails course. I was a helpful and successful teammate because i listened to others and i took took turns talking and let other people share their ideas. I also participated by helping come up with new strategies, especially for the marble game when i pointed out that we should try a range of different ideas and see which one was most successful and improve it from their. I also pointed out faults and said what i thought we could do better. I also complimented my peers in my advisory when they helped us be successful.

I was a helpful friend because i complimented my peers in my advisory when they helped us be successful. And i cheered them on when they had found another match in Hog Call, the matching name game we played. I gave high fives and helped my friends build confidence and keep trying new ideas. Overall i liked Charger Trails, a lot of my friends who i thought would not like taking charge or being a leader or verbally giving us instructions did and they chose to stand out as a leader. So basically i am very proud of my advisory and my friends for sticking out as leaders and trying their best.


Community and Friendship

How were you successful as both a friend and a teammate in the Charger Trials today?

The marble challenge, the hog call, and maze challenge helped me to be successful as both a friend and a teammate today. Each activity was different, but each activity did the same thing to me. Every activity made me really thing about teamwork and community, and I felt like it improved my teamwork skills. I learned a lot about my advisory members and I think we were really successful as a whole. I was successful as a friend because I helped a lot of people and had a lot of fun. I feel like I know some people better now, and that my friendship has improved with the people I was doing the activities with. I was successful as a teammate for some of the same reasons. I helped people and had some ideas that actually worked. I am looking forward to the next time we do an activity like this with our advisories.

Community and Friendship

In chargertrails I  was successful as a team member because I helped my teammates by pointing out the route we already knew in the maze. I was successful as a friend because I communicated with my friends to help them with the hog call when they were unsure what to do. When participating in the marble challenge I shared some ideas with my teammates and we tried some of them. I think the marble challenge was the hardest for my team because people had a lot of different ideas. I was successful as a teammate when one of the ideas I came up with was put to the test. I was successful as a team member and as a friend in chargertrails because my teammates listened to my ideas and helped make them work.

Community and Friendship

I think that I was successful as a team member in the Hog Call when I quickly found my partner in it. In the Maze Challenge I think I worked because I helped find a few squares that we had to go to in order to beat the maze. In the Marble Challenge I was successful because I helped think of ideas that weren’t very good but were still ideas. I was successful as a friend in Hog Call because I was agreeing with people when they were telling me to partner up with someone. In the Maze Challenge I was successful as a friend when I was encouraging people to pick the right square. With the Marble Challenge, I worked good as a friend because I agreed to other people’s ideas.

Community Friendship

I tried to help in all the events we did, and made improvements. In the maze, everybody did help. I helped to make sure people didn’t mess up when doing the maze. We already knew most of the route when I came to help. I also helped in the maze by finding new paths for people to go to. I helped as a friend by trying to cheer people up, and make new ways to try in the marble challenge. In the marble challenge, I never failed. “I haven’t failed yet, I just found 10000 ways that won’t work.” By Thomas Edison.

Community and Friendship

I think that we kind of failed at the end. In these challenges I think that we did fail on the marble one but I think that we did well on the maze and the hog call. We should have elected a leader for the marble challenge and we almost did, but it was either half the team or one person saying no to it. I think that I was a good teammate but how should I know. I think that I did my share in submitting ideas. As for as a friend I am absolutely clueless about how I did during these challenges. At the first thing we went and did it very well but then it just went downhill. In the maze we were all fighting for attention including me and we did not have a set leader which was necessary to do it well. On the marble challenge we started really well and eventually I wanted a break because we were all yelling which made my head hurt. All in all I think that we did well then horrible.