All posts by joem630

Project Ideas for LEDs and 3D Prints

My partner and I are ideating about something we could make with a 3D printed design that uses LEDs

1. A message board with light letters!

2. Treehouse with lights

3. Lightswitch glower

4. Light for the 3d printer

5. betters emergency exit signs

6. trash can ring

7. things that hold your charging cord, and light up, when you are changing.

8. a loaf

9. and ideation box that glows when you put your ideas in it!

The Top 4 Table ideas are:

1. Emergency exit

2. Glasses

3. Spinning Top

4. Trash Can Ring

Other top 8

1. LED Spinning Top

2. LED Rubrix Cube

3. LED light swtich cover

4. Fan of LEDs

5. Frisbee Light (Around a Frisbee)

6. Bicycle Blinker

7. Fake Ice Cube Lights

8. Clock Face Decoration

Arduino Expertuinos

Jack Werner Meh

Durante la clase de Art y Design yo aprendo sobre Arduino. Nosotros trabajamos con los circuitos y luz. Nosotros tenemos una problema con los circuitos porque la luz no función correctamente. Cuando haciendo circuitos tú necesitas tener cuidado porque es fácil para causar una problema. Nosotros aprendemos sobre los LED y cuando tu pones los LEDs en la batería no función porque hay mucho energía. Finalmente nosotros aprendemos sobre los RGB y los colores de la luz. La luz puede tener muchos calores del arco iris. Arduino está muy chulo y divertido.


The Cewl Computer USB Case

CaptureWe first had 3 ideas, all of which were USB case. We had a giraffe, person, and a computer. We decided on the computer pretty  cewl right. We then started to create our cewl computer USB case. The hardest part was tilting the computer screen, but other than that I thought it went smoothly. Overall I feel like our product was a success.

Learning SketchUp

While learning how to use SketchUp there were some new things that I learned how to do. When we were making our sick nasty chair the first thing that we learned was how to use the push pull tool. While making the dinning room we had to rotate our sick nasty chair on top of our table. This part was hard at first but I think I have the hang of it now.

From your favorite student, Joe
From your favorite student,