All posts by elizabethw078

Project Ideas for LEDs and 3D Prints

1. light up jewelry box

2. light up mirror

3. translucent ball

4. backpack with lights in it

5. bike/hoverboard with lights

6. light up necklace pendant

7.  light up pencil case

8. light up sunglasses

9. LED bangle

10. tablet case (light up)

11. light up magnets

12. light up shoes

Top 4 table ideas

1. light up charger

2. light up phone case

3. translucent ball

4. light up alarm lock

Combined Top Table Ideas

1. LED lamp

2. light up jewelry box

3. light up ball

4. glasses with lights

5. light up clock

6. light up charger

7. light up phone case

8. computer skin that lights up

9. light up watch

10. toy car with lights

The Best Invention Ever

Our group decided to make something that would hold cords. We wanted to do this so there could be a place to put cords that they would not get lost or tangled. We also designed it so that it clips onto a table or desk or other surface, so that your cords are easily accessible. To make our chord holder, we made a 3D square in sketchup and cut out the parts to make the shape that hooks onto a table. Then we did the same thing to make the part that holds the cords.

sketchup cord holder


Learning SketchUp

I learned everything in Sketchup because I didn’t know anything about it or what it was before. Sketchup was completely new to me, but I learned a lot about it and the basics of how to make stuff and do what I want to do using the program. This is a useful tool for creating 3D objects.

sketchup chair