Project Ideas for LEDs and 3D Prints

1. light up jewelry box

2. light up mirror

3. translucent ball

4. backpack with lights in it

5. bike/hoverboard with lights

6. light up necklace pendant

7.  light up pencil case

8. light up sunglasses

9. LED bangle

10. tablet case (light up)

11. light up magnets

12. light up shoes

Top 4 table ideas

1. light up charger

2. light up phone case

3. translucent ball

4. light up alarm lock

Combined Top Table Ideas

1. LED lamp

2. light up jewelry box

3. light up ball

4. glasses with lights

5. light up clock

6. light up charger

7. light up phone case

8. computer skin that lights up

9. light up watch

10. toy car with lights