All posts by chailynw752

Community and Friendship

Community and Friendship

As a teammate I came up with ideas to help and different solutions. When our group was doing the marble luge we all listened to each other’s ideas and at the end we figured it out. We were the first group to finish the maze. In that activity you had to pay a lot of attention and trust your friends and teammates. I thought that the hog call was the easiest but you had to choose a leader and in that you have to step down and let the leader handle things.

-It was sometimes hard not to control something our check and make sure everything is right but you have to believe and trust to know that your team is right. My favorite activity was the maze because you had to trust your instinct and figure the maze out with your friends. When someone messed up we did not bring them down our yell at them we just said nice try. You have to trust people who you don’t hang out with because you don’t know if the person that you trust more is correct. You also have to listen to boys and girls even if you don’t like the person or believe that they are right.


Religious Beliefs

egypty_religionReligious Beliefs

 Chailyn Washington-Thompson


How many gods and goddesses were there?pic 2

– There were over 2,000 gods and goddesses

-Osiris was the god of the Underworld. Anubis was the god of necropolis

-Each god had a different job

_Every god was worshiped in a different way by different people

– were thought to use Pyramid texts and the book of gates

What type of religious books did they use if they used them?

– Heliopolis theology, Memphis theology, Hermopolis theology, Theban 4 main religions theology

– were thought to use Pyramid texts and the book of gates

-the most used book was Heliopolis theology

How did ordinary ancient Egyptians worship there gods and goddesses?

-In thier homes and tiny temples that the community made.

-A site in northern Upper Egypt was Abydos it was a religious center.

– Priest and Priestesses would have festivals that was the only time ordinary people could go in.




Picture Resources



My favorite character is Leona’s grandmother because she is super sassy and she has a attitude. I admire her because she out smarted and out lived all of the doctors that said her heart would exploded and she proved them wrong. She did not care what people thought about her and her method. I can relate to her because I am sassy and I don’t care what people think. She is really inspiring.