All posts by cades930

Project Ideas for LED’s and 3D Prints

My partner and I are brainstorming about projects we could make with a 3 D printed LED’ that uses

1. Lamp

2. Ring that turns colors

3. A ball that lights up

4. Bracelet

5. Earring that lights up

6. Glasses that lights up

7. Flashlight

8. Chair that lights when you sit on it

Top Table Ideas:

1. LED lamp

2. Light up jewelry box

3. Light up Clock

4. Glasses (Triggered by blinking)

5. Light up Charger

6. Light up phone case

7. Computer skin that lights up

8. Light up watch

9. Toy car with lights

LED Light It Up

Today in class I worked with Chase on getting LED lights to light up on a bread board. We started out by watching the videos, and got a light up by following the directions. We kept going along the path of the videos, and accomplishing each step. By inspecting how the first light worked, as you can see in the photos we quickly went from 1 light, to 2 lights, to 5 and 7 lights in no time. We learned a lot about cables, female and male connectors, resistors, and how not to burn your light out.




Reflection on Claw Clasp Model

Claw Clasp

The “Claw Clasp” is an innovative way to clasp the Makerspace claw for the ceiling outlets. In the 2D Graphic above you can see our model for the claw to be held up, but this model needs a little explaining to see how it actually works. On the back side of this design, the 8″ by 5″ support structure has a magnet glued on, which will attach to either white board in the Makerspace. The front side has 2 cylinders, symmetrically spaced from the center for balance and sturdiness, and measured to fit in the top slots of the claw. To construct this design, the members of our group consisting of Chase, Joe, and I each brainstormed an idea, and eventually we chose mine in an attempt to create a good holster for the grabber. Once to work, Chase made the rough draft and outline, and Joe and I measured and found the best measures for practicality.

Overall the project has gone well so far, the only problem we had was a way to sink the magnet into the base structure so it doesn’t stick out the width of the magnet.

Learning Sketchup

Sketchup Table Chairs

During the class periods I spent in Art & Design using sketch-up I learned a lot about the basics, and began dabbling in complicated tools and methods for creating 3D designs. I began by learning how to use tools to move and look around, as well as creating shapes and making them into a 3D model. Later on I got into more advanced techniques for creating models, like using guild lines and puncturing holes, as well as shifting the compositions of shapes I made.