All posts by abbyg766

Project Ideas for LEDs and 3D Prints

My partners and I are brainstorming something that we can do that incorporates the 3D printer and LEDs:

1. Brain that lights up

2. Words spelled out with lights

3. Stoplight

4. Star

5. Jellyfish

6. Bio luminescent

7. Tiger with light up eyes

8. Mini Robot that lights up

9. CA light up sign

10. Sign that lights up on back of computer (sticky)

11. Human Heart diagram with light up pathways


1. Light Up Brain

2. Light up Dagger

3. Light up heart diagram

4. Light up sign

5. Light up Water bottle

6. Light up hair extensions

7. Light up Eiffel Tower

8. Light up Watch

9. Light up glasses

10. Light up phone case

LED Life

LED it up 1LED it upI learned several things from watching the LED it Up videos. First of all I learned how to make LEDs light up in general with simple batteries, and then I learned how to create circuits and how they work. LED lights have one longer side and one shorter, which are negative and positive which relates to the sides of the battery that they need to be on. Circuits use female female, male male, and female male wires in order to create a loop of energy. You need a battery and the light in general, but you need a resistor if the battery has too much energy

Pencil Holder to Fill All Needs

Pencil holderPencil holder2

To design the pencil holder, Grace and I first drafted a few sketches. One had four holes that were rectangular and the others had circular holes. When making it in SketchUp, we realized the best way to maximize space would be to combine two and take the best aspects of both. We then started with measuring everything and then using the rectangular tool, line tools, and measuring tool, and then used the push pull tool to create the holes and walls. We realized during this that the walls couldn’t be flat, so we added millimeters of depth to them. Thus this blue creation surfaced.

Learning SketchUp

Chair proto

While making my dining room table, I learned a lot of neat tools and how to use them. I learned how to make guides and measure things, as well as how to make full objects, and move/rotate them. I also learned about the push/pull, follow me, and offset tools. Overall, I have a much better understanding of sketchUp entirely and how to use it to make precise models.