Community and Friendship

Community and Friendship




Team Work

The stereos and I became successful because we all got to be leaders. Every activity I learned more about that it’s okay to mess up. An example is that when I messed up in the maze and everyone had to start over my teammates still cheered me on and we ended up succeeding. We were the first team of the day to succeed. I encouraged everyone. My friends may have messed up but I messed up too. Every one helped me. Today I think that I understand more about team work and letting other people be in charge for once.



The Activates

The first activity I got to be a leader. It was the marble lunge. At first we tried to make a big line. But since that wasn’t working we did my idea. We passed along the tube. We did that in one try. We celebrated and everyone thanked me. The next activity was hog call. We easily got through the first one by choosing a leader. The leader was the only one who moved. Some people had trouble with that. They didn’t trust the leader. The second round we were better by trusting everyone. I helped check the work just in case. We used team work and we finished fast and accurate. Overall I think that I learned a lot. We laughed a lot because having fun with our friend helped us succsed.