All posts by justins663

Project Ideas for LED’s and 3D Prints


My partners are I are brainstorming about projects we could make with a 3D printed design that uses LED’s.

1.  3d print a lamp that uses LED bulbs

2.   3d print a water bottle that uses LED lights to tell how full it is

3.  3d print a cellphone case that uses LED lights to tell how much battery there is.

4. 3d print a bracelet that lights up with LED light

5. A necklace that lights up with LED lights

6. 3d print shoelaces that lights up at the end

7. A LED ring that lights up when you put it on.


Top 4

1. LED lamp

2. LED ball that lights up when it bounces

3. LED box that lights up when you open it

4. LED ring that lights up when you put it on

6. Light up clock where numbers light up

7. light up charger (charges based on battery level)

8. light up phone case

9. Computer skin that lights up

10. light up watch

11. Toy car with lights

LED lights

Today I learned how to make LED lights light up on a bread board. We got 3 lights going at the same time. It was hard at first to figure out if we had the lights in the wrong place, or if the bulb was out, but after awhile we really got the hang of it, and got 3 or 4 lights going at the same time.

We learned different ways to set up, so that with one battery we could get the lights going.

We also learned how to read the pictures and videos of them setting it up, because some of them showed a picture, that wasn’t exactly the same as we had to set it up.



pic of our thing

What I did today in sketch up

Today I learned how to create new things on sketch up. I learned how to create the board on sketch up. It was very difficult to make this design because it was very small, but we worked through it and made the best possible design that we could. We made the design for the power cord handler thing to hang on the white board, and we think that it will be effective and work.


My invention

Learning Sketch up

At first sketch up was very difficult for me to understand, and it was very hard to use, but as I used it more it got easier

I learned how to make houses, chairs tables, spin things and so on. The first thing I learned how to do was make a box, but until the second session I didn’t know how to spin the screen, or  zoom out ext. but later on I learned how to. picture of my chair and table and upside down chair, and people