All posts by harrisonz839

Project Ideas for LEDs and 3D Prints

My partner and I are ideating about something we could make with a #D printed design that uses LEDs

1 Lit up sunglasses

2 Lit up Halloween Jack-o-lantern candy basket

3 Lit up phone case

4 Lit up necklace

5 Lit up globe

6 Lit up hat

7 Lit up container

8 Lit up headphone case

9 Lit up pencil case


Table top 4 (Not in order):

1) Halloween Jack-o-lantern candy basket

2) Heat sensor coffee cup

3) Lit up table leg

4) Lit up sunglasses


Other table top 4:

1) Tissue box-lights up when you pull out a tissue

2) Flashlight

3) Geometric paper weight

4) Night Light with darkness sensor

5) Light up belt buckle


LED it up

Today, I worked with a bread board. It was mostly a refresher, as I already learned how to use a breadboard last year. I refreshed my memory about where to connect wires and about how important where you insert a wire is, as misplacing it could make the entire thing not work. Something new I learned was “female wires”. Last year, we only worked with “male wires” but this year, I was introduced to female wires. The female wires really extended the many things you could do with the wires. The last thing that I learned about were batteries and battery holders. Last year we did not work with them, so they were very foreign to me; however, I soon realized how important they were in providing power for the circuits.

wires2 breadboard (2)

Home for the Grabber

This past week, my group and I decided to create a home for the grabber. Each one of us created our own idea, and after, we shared them amongst our group. We could not decide whose design was the best, so we combined certain aspects of all of our designs. We took Tori’s idea of having the grabber hang on the side of the board so it would be out of the way, we took Anjali’s idea of having the grabber be held up by prongs, and finally, we took my idea of having a lock so that the grabber could not be stolen. Our design will make the grabber easily accessible and easy to protect.



Learning Sketchup


Last week we learned about sketch-up. I learned a lot about sketch-up such as shortcuts. Before it was very tedious to click back and forth to switch between tools, but by learning the shortcuts it was much faster. I also learned about new tools. By using these, I was able to accurately remake the dining room set pictured below.
