All posts by emilyw693

Community and Friendship

How were you successful as a friend and team member during the Charger Trails Challenges Today? The Maze, Marble Maze, Hog Call

We were successful during the Hog Call since we did not get frustrated at each other or at the activity. Even when one of the pairs were matched up wrong we just walked over to the right pair. For the blue set of cards in the Hog Call we selected one person to be the leader. Everyone else would stand with their backs to the leader so that he could pair us up. Once everyone was paired up the leader paired up with the last person left that did not have a pair. For the Maze no one was allowed to talk just like in the Hog Call. When someone made a sound and we all had to start over we did not get frustrated with the person that made us start over. Everyone on the team helped out the person that was on the maze by pointing at the square that the person was supposed to go to next. During the Marble Maze since we were able to talk we came up with a number of ideas. We had four or five ideas and we tested out each idea to see which ones were the best. One of the ideas was to line up and work together with our pipes to bring the marble to the end.

Time Capsule Project Part III

Time Capsule Project Part 3: Career Research

About Physicians

Physicians work in the medical industry. Physicians diagnose and treat injured and ill patients. They may also console patients who are on diets, hygiene, or preventive healthcare. A physician examines a patient, takes medical histories, prescribes medications, orders, preforms, and evaluates diagnostic tests. The physician will review test results to identify any unusual or abnormal findings. A physician will also address any concerns or questions their patients have, update their medical information, and recommend and design a plan of treatment. There are a variety of different types of physicians. An example of a type of physicians would be a family or general physician, general internist, or general pediatrician. A family or general physician like all physicians works in a clinic or private office. They assess and treat conditions that happen in everyday life. The conditions treated by these physicians range from a common cold, sinus and respiratory infection to broken bones. Family and general physicians usually have regular, long term patients. A general internist diagnoses and provides nonsurgical treatment for problems that affect any internal organ systems. General internists treat things like stomach, kidney, and liver problems. General pediatricians provide care for younger people, from infants to young adults.


To be a physician one must have a professional or doctoral degree. Applicants aiming to get into medical school must have at least a bachelor’s degree, though many have more than a bachelor’s degree. Even though no specific major is required applicants for medical school must have completed courses in math, biology, physics, English, and chemistry, students must take courses on social science and humanity too. Some students applying for medical school also volunteer at local hospitals and clinics for extra experience. Most applicants of medical school also must submit test scores from the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT). Medical schools will also consider the applicant’s personality, leadership qualities, and participation in extracurricular activities. During the first two years of medical school students will spend most of their time in classrooms and laboratories. To become a physician you must also have residency or internship as part of your training. Your specialty will determine how many years or residency or internship you must have, a range of 3 to 8 years. Almost all physicians complete four years of undergraduate school, and four years of medical school.

Job Outlook

The job employment rate of physicians and surgeons is projected to grow 18 percent from 2012 to 2022. The projected job employment rate of 18 percent is higher than the average projected job employment rate of all other occupations. The job employment rate will continue to grow because of the continued expansion of healthcare related industries. New technology will likely reduce the job employment rate of physicians though. The constantly improving technology will allow physicians to treat more patients in the same amount of time, thus needing less physicians. The median amount a physician was paid in the year of 2012 was $187, 200 a year or, $90 an hour.

Food and Drink

Food and Drink

By: Emily Wang

Egyptian farmers image 2Egyptian farmers image

How did the Egyptians farm?

-November after flooding farmers start planting

– Began planting millet, wheat, and barley

-Farmer followed behind with cattle drawing plow

– Used pigs to walk over ground

-Crops harvested following April

– Used metal blades with short wooden handles to harvest

-Grew more than needed so that they could sell

What types of food did the Egyptians grow/hunt for their food?

¯ wheat and barley (Used to make bread and beer), millet

¯ Also vegetables: Onions, radishes, peas, beans, cucumbers, lettuce

¯ Hunted animals: Cattle, geese, ducks, cranes, other wildfowl

¯ Cows provided milk to drink or make into cheese

¯ Pork and certain sacred fish was forbidden, people still ate them

¯ In addition to beer the wealthy class also drank wine, made out of grapes grown in the Nile Delta

What were the differences between the lower class’s meals and the upper class’s meals?

¯ Lower class ate simple meals

¯ Upper class choices had a wide selection of different types of foods

¯ Laborers meals include vegetables, fish, bread, water or beer to drink

¯ Banquets for the upper class include pigeon stew, quail, bread rolls, stewed figs, cheese, and choice of wine, beer, or water

-most drank beer

Food and Feasts in Ancient Egypt by Richard Balkwill (book)

[Image] September 16, 2015.

[Image] September 16, 2015.


A Snip of my Culture-Verse

Arts and Recreation

Every year my elementary school hosts an event called Spring Celebration. During the Spring Celebration students preform concerts, dance, and sing, there are also food trucks! During the Spring Celebration the PTA (Parent Teacher Association) also announces the winners of the Reflection Contest. The genre to the contest is announced at the previous Spring Celebration (May), in this way students will have time to create their work of art. The art can be visual art, a photograph, a dance, and skit, or song, entries must be submitted by the fall of the new school year. When I was in second grade the genre had been diversity. I drew a rainbow colored night owl. The owl was perched on a branch. In my description I said that the owl was diverse from the other owls because it was rainbow colored unlike the other owls which were some dull shade of gray, brown, or white. My owl also had designs on it and every design was colored in a different color with my set of forty eight colored pencils which my mom had ordered online especially for the drawing. I said that each feather was a different color which made each feather diverse from the other feathers. Turns out I won a blue first place ribbon for my drawing! The night owl drawing is still displayed on the shelf in the office in our house, it is framed in a black frame.

Seedfolks Favorite Character

Leona in my opinion is a very unique character amongst the others. Leona was bold, she brought a bag of smelly trash into the Health Institute to convince them to clean up the lot. Leona even opened the bag in the lobby and let the smell go through the room to gain herself more attention and convince others that the trash was a big problem that needed to be resolved soon. Leona was stubborn while making the calls and she wouldn’t give up however many times she was told to wait or call someone else. Leona was confident with the calls and called many people. Even after being told to call someone else several times she did it and did not complain or give up. Leona didn’t even give up when she realized that she would have to show up in person at the Health Institute. Soon after she had gotten many people to listen and seemed quite accomplished. When I was in second grade My drawing won a first place blue ribbon and I also felt quite accomplished, like Leona after opening the trash bag.