All posts by alekhp606

Community & Friendship

Community & Friendship

Today we did Charger Trails. It is composed of three challenges, all completely different except for the basis of the activities, teamwork. They all required teamwork to be completed. We usually started by thinking of a good strategy for success. Usually someone said a strategy and then others who thought it was a good idea would edit it and make it better, covering the loopholes for failure. Our group (the Stewart Stereos) did exceptionally good on each challenge, thanks to our good teamwork and open minds. Oh, another thing that was similar in all the activities was that they were silent, making them more hard but team building.

I was a good team member and friend during the challenges, because like others I encouraged people and helped them out. When someone in our group messed up or made a wrong step (*cough*team member #7*cough*) me and the team members would help them more the next time, resulting in everyone success. I was a good friend because instead of yelling at people I kindly suggested that they change their strategies or listen to others ideas.

Daily Life – Writing and Education

      Daily Life- Writing and Education

Alekh Palakurthi





  • Hieroglyphics were very difficult to learn.
  • The Rosetta stone was translated by a French man named Champollion.
  • Hieroglyphics were the most important way of writing in Ancient Egypt.
  • Champollion was not the only one that helped discover the secrets of the Rosetta stone. He had many people who helped, including a man named Thomas Young.

Student Life

  • Students were taken from all forms and classes of society to learn.
  • Students were severely punished if they were not willing to learn.
  • They would be learning sometimes for very long times, sunrise to sunset even.

Scribal Work

  • Scribes would do tasks for the Pharaoh like making tax records and keeping track of food records. They also kept census.
  • Scribes earned respect and high financial rewards, for their work was highly respected.
  • Scribes could usually write in most of the Ancient Egyptian ways.
  • Famous scribes accomplished many things. Famous viziers were often scribes. Some scribes were even considered as gods.

Scribal Students

  • Scribal students spent a long time learning the different writing styles in Egypt.
  • They used tablets and papyrus.
  • They eventually helped scribes to make their learning faster.

Citations:                                              Scribal students picHierophabet


(Image). .9-16-15.Web




My favorite Seedfolks Character

         My favorite character is Sam because he is always nice to everybody and makes them smile. He tries to bring be together to make a more united community. He thinks before he acts or does, like the time when he said the garden was like paradise. He then said that paradise meant walled park. He cares about other people and cares about the city. He wants to make everyone friendly with each other. He thought the garden would do that, but it is not so he thinks he might have to step in.


I would like to visit Venice in Italy. I want to visit Venice because I have gone there before and I liked the architecture and the way many rivers run through most of the city, making it very interesting and distinct.