Community and Friendship

Marble luge, Hog call and the Maze

When we did these activities I thought that our advisory bonded well with each other  but, we didn’t let every body share these ideas. I think charger trails was a wonder experience to have with my enrichment class. The activity’s were challenging but once you get the hang of it it was just a game. Marble luge was where was had 12 PVC pipes and one marble the marble cant touch the floor but the person withe the marble can’t move but have to get it in the cup. I think this challenge was difficult because we didn’t know how to approach it. We never did complete the challenge but were very close. The Hog calls were where we had a word taped to our back and then had to match them with each other and we couldn’t talk. This one was easier challenges because people would point to each other and they would match up. The last challenge was the maze… The was was a four by four mat. Then we would have to complete it without making any noise unless we would restart. This was the hardest challenge because if we made one mistake you had to restart I think many leaders rose up and helped each other.

“Some times there are too many chef in the kitchen”.