Circuits and Switches

I am not the kind of person that has an easy time understanding circuits and how they work. By working with my partner, and watching a series of videos, I was amazed at what we learned how to do. We learned how to use a battery to make an LED light turn on. I learned that in order to turn it on you have to match up the negative side with the positive side.

Simple Battery Light Connection

The second thing that I learned is how to use the wires to make the LED light turn on. We connected one wire to the battery (in a holder), and the LED light to the other side. The wire was then connected to the switch and then to the LED light.

Basic Circuit with Switch

The third thing that we accomplished was the breadboard. We put a series of wires into certain spots on the breadboard along with an LED light(s). I learned that to put more lights in it you have to put them in the same column as the first light.

Breadboard 1