Creating a USB holder

My group was able to come up with a great design and the result turned out to be what we wanted. We wanted to create a USB holder that is convenient and helped the flow of the class room and helped organization. We thought that it would be handy to have our USB holder hanging on a cage in the front of the room. This way it would be easy to quickly grab and would be in a central area. So that was what we decided to design. We also knew that hooks on the side of our contraption would make it even easier to efficiently grab the hold the USB’s. This would also create better organization. After trying a few different designs, we settle on having some sort of hanging basket with hooks along the side. This would create convenient holding spot for USBs as well as an extra organizational tool of the bucket that could hold other items. We soon began working on our design. We managed to create an object that looked a lot like our original plan and would be useful in the class room.

Here is an image of our design:

USB holder2