All posts by runyont781

Community and Friendship

Community and Friendship

The Riptide worked together well because we communicated before each challenge, and also listened to each other’s ideas. We communicated a lot during the Marble Challenge. I spoke up during that challenge to help my team get through. Even though we practiced and practiced, we still couldn’t get the job done. We also listened to other’s ideas. During the Hog Call, David and Laura came up with some really good ideas. They suggested we get in a line and two people go through the line matching up people. I say we worked together and communicated during Charger Trails really splendid.




Runyon Tyler

 House of egypt plain EgyptNobleHouse

Where did Egyptians live?

  • A lot of ancient Egyptians lived in villages and town located on the Nile valley.
  • Lower class people lived in small houses and wealthier Egyptians lived in bigger, fancier houses.
  • Royal families and other government officials lived in bigger cities.

How where buildings and houses made?

  • Tombs, temples, and monuments in ancient Egypt were made out of stone.
  • Houses for the pheasants and for the wealthy were made out of mud bricks. They got the mud from the Nile.
  • To create mud bricks laborers carved mud in rectangular molds and set them out to dry to become sturdy and hard.
  • These houses were made facing north to allow the calm northern wind to enter and flow through the houses providing cool air for the Egyptians.
  • The wealthy people had houses which were plastered and painted.

What were ancient Egyptians houses like?

  • Very poor people only had a few table and a bed to spare.
  • Most people sat on the ground, mats, or cushions.
  • The wealthy Egyptians had houses usually built around a central courtyard.
  • Very few wealthy Egyptians had a tree shaded pool, flowers, and bushes.
  • These wealthy house usually contained a large central hall, bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen with servant quarters.• The wealthy Egyptians had stools, tables, beds, chests, pots and lamps.Image sources:
  •  They went to the bathroom in a hole.

[Image] 16, 2015.Web.

[Image] 16, 2015.Web.

My favorite character

My favorite character that I like right now is Leona. The three things that I like about Leona are, she wants to help people, she cares about our planet, and she never gives up. First, she never gives up, she was on the phone for three days trying to reach someone that could help her. Also, she wants to help people, but she doesn’t want to help them face to face, she just does it on the phone. Finally, she cares about the earth, which is very important. I can relate to Leona because, she wants to help people and she cares about the earth which I do to.


Place I Would Like To Visit

I would like to visit Imagination Land because it is one of my favorite imaginary places. The first reason I would like to visit Imagination Land is because they have a French fry forest where all the trees are French fries, which is one of favorite foods! The second reason I would visit Imagination Land is because they have a Trophy Town where everyone is a winner! The first place I would go to is the Lava Pits where the floor is bubbling with steaming lava. I hope I can visit Imagination Land soon.

Imagination Land