All posts by ravid808

Community and friendship

In the events we did today I feel I did pretty good. As we did each activity I tried to come up with new ideas and take from other peoples ideas. For Example in the maze if other people didn’t know where to go I would help and guide them. Or in the marble challenge I came up with new ideas and shared them. And when they gave me input and told me what to do I would listen. As a friend I did not yell or get mad at people when they didn’t do something correct. I also cheered on for people who discovered something new. Also on hogcall I collaborated with people With hand gestures to see if we match up.


Daily life in Egypt (food and drink)

Daily Life – Food and Drink

Ravi Dev

  1. Nile River
  • The Nile flooded once a year
  • The flooding of the Nile river fertilized the farmers soil for crops
  • The farmers would harvest once a year  after the flooding of the Nile
  • The Nile River must be flooding in a certain area for the farmers soil to be fertilized
  1. Farming different crops
  • Wheat and barley were high in demand for bread and wine
  • Egyptians hunted birds mainly but some cows
  • To kill four legged animals the Egyptians tied their legs then pushed them down to the ground
  • Egyptians had a special way to start a fire with a bow drill and a piece of wood
  1. Lower class foods vs upper class foods
  • Lower class ate a lot of bread
  • Upper class had a big range of different foods  Such as cakes, stewed figs, beef, mutton, fish
  • Lower class ate and drank simple foods
  • Both rich and poor ate many dairy products
  1. How farmers work
  • Farmers would harvest crops once a year after the flooding of the Nile
  • They would sow there fields in pairs
  • Farmers used wooden stickles (metal blades with short wooden handles) to harvest crops
  • Donkeys were used to bring wheat to the granary

pic grain Nile pic






Daily life in egypt (food and drink)

Nile picpic grain


Daily Life – Food and Drink

Ravi Dev

  1. Nile River
  • The Nile flooded once a year
  • The flooding of the Nile river fertilized the farmers soil for crops
  • The farmers would harvest once a year
  • The Nile River must be flooding in a certain
  • area for the farmer’s soil to be fertilized.
  1. Farming different crops
  • Wheat and barley were high in demand
  • Egyptians hunted birds mainly but some cows
  • To kill four legged animals the Egyptians tied their legs then pushed them down to the ground
  • Egyptians had a special way to start a fire with a bow drill and a piece of wood
  1. Lower class foods vs upper class foods
  • Lower class ate a lot of bread
  • Upper class had a big range of different foods
  • Lower class ate and drank simple foods
  • Both rich and poor ate many dairy products
  1. How farmers work
  • Farmers would harvest crops once a year after the flooding of the Nile
  • They would sow there fields in pairs
  • Farmers used wooden stickles (metal blades with short wooden handles)
  • Donkeys were used to bring wheat to the granary









Seedfolks Leona writing

Leona is my favorite character . One thing that I like about her is that she is a strong independent person. And she takes charge if something is not right. For example since there was so much trash in the vacant lot she tried to do something about it. She also is very clever. For example when she went to address the situation with all the trash she brought a sample to show them how bad it was. She also is handling all the tragedies that have happened to her very well.