All posts by kylerc210

Community and Friendship

For our first game, the matching game, the team mates were very helpful. The team mates pretty much helped each other out to match their paper. Sometimes, you don’t always  have to be walking around to find your match, you may have to step down for other people to do things which may be more effective than what you are doing. For our second activity, the maze, teamwork was everything. When we tried it, the other people helped by pointing, clapping and leading us towards the right squares. It was important to not talk, and the team mates were helpful in trying to help, all while being silent. They were nice if we messed up, because they didn’t argue or embarras each other. For our last challange, it was important to listen to everyone, because everyone may have different ideas. Some may have been better than others, but all were included and tried. We had to use team work because we all had to have a part in taking the marble somewhere. We included everyone in taking the marble, because it was absolutely nececary, and it worked out very well.

Food and Drink

Food and Drink

Kyler Chen

How did they sow and harvest?

  • They sowed in November after the flooding of the Nile
  • One person was behind a cattle pulling a plow
  • Other person was in front, scattering wheat and barley seed
  • Usually the whole family harvested
  • Used wooden sickles to harvest
  • Afterwards, donkeys brought crops to granaries or marketplaces

What did the Egyptians harvest and kill for food?

  • Crops-Wheat, barley, onions, radishes, peas, beans, cucumbers, lettuce
  • Meat- cattle, geese, ducks, cranes, other wildfowl, cows/milk/cheese, pork (which was forbidden to be eaten), fish, grapes
  • Wheat and barley was made into beer and bread, grapes were made into wine

How were the Lower Class foods and the Upper Class foods different?

  • Lower Class people ate simpler meals-
  • Vegetables, fish, bread, water, and beer
  • Upper Class people had more to choose from-
  • Fish, pigeon stew, kidneys, quail, ribs of beef, bread rolls, small round cakes, cherry-like fruit, stewed figs, cheese, and for drink, wine or beer.



[Image] .9/16/15.Web.


Character Favs

My favorite character from Seedfolks is Leona. She is very confident and without trying, is very funny. She is nice how she saw the garden and decided to help out. I can’t believe how she spent 3 whole days on the phone just to try to clear up the trash.

I think she is very funny how she marched into the PHD and took out a trash bag filled with trash, and opened it, releasing out all the fumes. She was very confident and expertly proved her point to the PHD, getting all the trash out (as well as an angry homeless guys couch).