All posts by jrc223

Community and Friendship

Our team was especially good at figuring out the challenges when we were at the marble maze. We had several great ideas,  but as we went through trial-and-error, we settled on one, and it worked. Then, we were challenged to always keep a piece of PVC pipe in our hands the whole time. We had some more trial-and-error, but we figured it out and finished just in time. This shows that we can figure things out even under pressure. I look forward to future team building events!



JR Cobb

What were some common plants used in medicine?

  • Doctors often used Juniper Berries for purification.
    • Cool Fact: Juniper Berries aren’t really berries… They are cones to hold the pollen, but with a roof with a small hole, so it looks like a berry!
  • They also used Lotus for decorating and healing.
  • Henna was also used for dying the skin and hair, and supposedly had the power to ward off danger.
  • Lastly, Garlic was used in burial, and was thought to have the power to repel snakes and get rid of tapeworms.

The House of Life is a very special place. What is the House of Life?

  • The house of life is where ancient Egyptian doctors studied medicine.
    • There was a house of life at Abydos, Akhmim, Esna, Edfu, Koptos, Memphis, and Akhetaten, but only the last one was confirmed as a House of Life by archeologists.
  • The House of Life also contained a library, where people could go to refer to ancient writings.

The ancient Egyptians had very specific ways of doctoring. What were these ways?

  • The ancient Egyptians applied bandages and stitches to wounds, but they never performed surgery.
    • Why they never performed surgery is unknown.
  • They used magic and medicine, and often used a magician to cast spells.

Image Sources:

[Image]   9/16/15. Web.

[Image] 9/16/15. Web.

My Favorite Seedfolks Character

My favorite character so far is Leona. Leona is one of those people that loves to make a difference for the better, and I admire that. She absolutely despises the garbage-ridden vacant lot, and after many tries on the phone, she finally takes a trash bag to the City Hall, and opens it to make a point. That was a really thoughtless thing to do, but if we had a garbage-ridden lot in our town, I would have done the same. I like her because she seems like the kind of person that wants to make a difference for the better. She is like me because I like to make a difference too, and I won’t be mean about it to get that difference made.

Where I Would Like to Go

I would like to return to Indian Beach on the beautiful Crystal Coast in North Carolina for another week. I love this place because of the ability to have scorching hot and cool weather all in the same day, along with the fact that the tide rises and falls significantly more than other beaches, allowing for more beach activities.­­­­