All posts by jonathanw820

Project Ideas for LEDs and 3D Prints

My partners and I are ideating about something we could make with a 3d print and design that uses LEDs:

Pencil dispensers with lights

cup with lights

picture frame with lights

dagor light savor

Rosche’s with lights

speaker case with lights


Top 4 table ideas (Freshman)

Light savor dagor

Human heart with lights to show to pathways

Light up CA sign

Light up brain


Top 4 table ideas (sophomores)

water bottle with lights

light up hair extensions

light up effle tower

Light up watch

Light up sun glass



McDonald ideas


lanterns on a string





Robotics (building Progress)

Though  i  wanted to use it, I found no use in using the chain.

I added more support to drive base, added motors to 2 of the wheels and still needed to add motors to the other two.  I added the mounts were the lift and claw will go. Next step find mounting spots for other two motors. Next step start programming.

led lights post

I learned about male and female wires. This is important because you need to have the correct wires in order to correctly wire your motor or in this case led.

using bread boards. Bread board are ways to make numerous connections. We can put wires into inputs instead of just pressing the metal parts of the wires directly to power sources. The bread board have metal strips in them that way we can direct positive and negative charges to rows of the bread board using wires. If to much power is head toward an led you will burn it out. This is why we use resistors to slow down the amount of power going to the led.

Making circuit diagrams- I learned how to make circuit diagrams, which show the flow of energy that start from the positive of the power source (Battery) to the returning to the negative of the positive source. This completes the circuit. If you place or light in the between the circuit it shows that the battery is powering the light. you can put a switch in the circuit before the light, it represents a light switch. a switch is represented by and opening or close section in the circuit.





Learning sketch up

I learned the importance of measuring and being exact. I also learned how you have to be careful build things to scale, because if your off it can mess up the whole piece your print. Here is the picture of a part for a pencil holder i designed. This is the piece that fits into a separate part. We designed a pencil dispenser. We based are dispenser off of a normal tooth pick dispenser. The pencils lay horizontally into a box. Inside the box their is a ramp that causes the pencils to roll out of the box, through the whole at the bottom. The pencils don’t roll out the box because of this piece below. The piece blocked the pencils from coming out, but we are able to roll this piece so that pencils roll around the piece and out the dispenser.

make 2 of piece 2



Last work session i added gears to the shafts so i could add more more power to the drive base, once i add the motors connect the other gears. Starting to design claw and teaching myself java programming.  I deice against connecting the entire drive base to just one motor, because it would lower speed, power, and an inability to turn.