All posts by jayaw049

Community and Friendship

How were you successful as both a friend and a team member participating in the Charger Trails activities today?


As a team member I was helping to figure out strategies and solutions to the problems that the activities were encountering. During the Hog call, as a team member, I was helping other team mates match up with their correct partner. We could not talk so it was difficult. I instead, we used hand gestures to get our team mates attention. In the maze challenge, we could not talk either. We couldn’t even make an “mmm” sound to get people’s attention. I helped people by pointing to the next spot where thy are suppose to step. In the marble challenge, as a team mate, I helped come up with ways to put the marble inside of the red solo cup. At the end of each activity, we successfully completed each challenge as a team.

As a friend, I helped people make it across the maze, supported them with their ideas, and listened to what they had in mind and what they had to say. This made people feel good and part of the team.

Daily Life-Music and Dance

Daily Life-Music and Dance

Jaya Winemiller




  • Some festivals that had music and dancing were the crowning of the Pharaoh, public festivals, private festivals, religious festivals, and royal occasions.
  • The crowning of the Pharaoh had a lot of dancing and music to honor the new Pharaoh.
  • Public and Private festivals were celebrations either with a family or with a large group of people.
  • Religious festivals were celebrations of the people’s religious beliefs.
  • Royal occasions were something having to do with the king, queen, or his family.



  • The types of instruments the Egyptians play are Percussion, Wood, and String instruments.
  • Examples of instruments the Egyptians play are the Harp, Lyre, Lute, Flute, Oboes, Tambourines, Rattles, and Drums.
  • Mostly women play instruments. Instead of reading the music, they memorized it by listening to the sound of the music.
  • Musicians perform in festivals of all kinds, both public and private.



  • Dancers started to dance when they were really young, almost a toddler! They were taught to dance at festivals to honor the Pharaoh.
  • Dancers performed to the music played at all of the festivals by the musicians.
  • At private festivals dancers performed in front of wealthy people.


Other performers at festivals

  • Other performers at festivals were acrobats and magicians.
  • They are like the dancers and musicians but they are not always at every festival.
  • Acrobats were similar to dancers. They both did a form of dance. Acrobats did flexible movements in dancing, while dancers danced normally.
  • Magicians also performed alongside the other performers. They sometimes entertained royalty and sometimes entertained wealthy people that hired them.







Website:   Dollinger, André.Aspects of life in Ancient Egypt.


Music Picture Dancing Picture

Music                                                                             Dance

Seedfolks Character Favorites

Virgil is my favorite character because he is someone that never gives up. That means a lot because he beliefs in his and his father’s garden. He will do anything to help him plant these lettuce. Also, he beliefs in miracles and success. For example, in school he was learning about myths and gods. They learned about the gardening god which was inside the locket that Virgil had seen. He whispered to her to help him and his father. That means he cares about his father’s lettuce. Since the lettuce shriveled up, Virgil was mad at the work his father made him do. He realized, they don’t know much, and it was just the beginning of their garden. Once he and his father started, they never stopped. They want to pursue their dream.