All posts by janes792

Community and Friendship

In Charger Trails this morning, we played three team-building games, Marble Challenge, Hog Call, and Maze. In the first game (Marble Challenge) we were supposed to make a marble travel through PVC pipes to go from one place to another. For this one, I helped my team by listening to their ideas and using my head if it would actually logically work without testing it out. The second game (Hog Call) we were supposed to pair up together according to the word on our back but we didn’t know our word nor could we talk. We were good at this and I helped my team by trying to sort out different people and pointing at them which person they should partner up with. For the last game (Maze) we were supposed to walk across sixteen squares, walking across each one in a specific pattern. I helped my teammates by point each square they were supposed to cross. In each of these games, I was a follower but that didn’t really affect me. As a group, I felt like we didn’t argue with each other a lot and made compromises. That saved us some time as well.

Warfare in Ancient Egypt


Jane Sihm

ancient egypt armorweapons10


Notes from Placard :

Questions from Topic Sentences:

  1. How does the military play an important role in Ancient Egypt?
  • The military protects the people in Ancient Egypt.
  • Have an army of full time soldiers.
  • During wartime, mercenaries (paid soldiers from foreign lands) were paid to be part of the army.
  • 1/10 of the workers in the temples were sent to fight during wartimes.
  • The soldiers were divided up into groups, companies, and divisions.
  • 200 foot soldiers = Company (A Captain led each company)
  • 5000 men = division (A General or Lieutenant General led each division)
  • Each division marched under a banner featuring their local god.
  1. What weapons did the Egyptians soldiers use in battle?
  • The infantry (foot soldiers) used javelins, daggers, and short, curved, swords called Khopesh in battle.
  • The infantry typical armor includes shields of rawhide and padded head caps. Some soldiers had bronze armor instead.
  • Two soldiers could be on a chariot, a driver and an archer.
  • Driver had a leather or bronze helmet and leather or bronze body armor and the archer was armed with a bow and arrow and javelins also with armor.
  • The Driver drives the chariot and the archer shoots arrows from a moving platform.
  1. What jobs did the soldiers do when they weren’t at war?
  • They dug irrigation canals
  • Carry stone from the desert to build a pharaoh’s tomb
  • Did lots of manual labor

[Image] 9/16/15. Web.

[Image] 9/16/15. Web.