All posts by ethanc751

charger trails/trials

I was successful as a friend because I was talking to people, while I was successful as a teammate because I came up with a few ideas to help the team and I also followed other people’s ideas to do activities. In the aMAZEing, I listened to the directions given by other people and in the Marble Luge, I helped come up with a few ideas to transport the marble.


Daily Life-Housing

Daily Life – Housing

Ethan Chou

How were houses made?

  • Mud bricks were made by molding and drying mud.
  • These bricks were stacked on top of each other to build houses.
  • Sometimes a pool would be dug.
  • Most houses had a miniature temple.
  • The front porch usually had a tarp for shade.
  • Poor people’s houses
  • These were usually small with few rooms.
  • They were very undecorated and had little furniture.
  • They were usually squeezed between the houses of rich people.
  • They were usually located in small villages and towns.
  • Rarely were they in the city.
  • Rich people’s houses
  • Very roomy and decorated.
  • Walls would sometimes be painted with colorful designs.
  • Pools were usually in these houses.
  • The houses had bathrooms, which were a luxury back then.
  • There would be lots of rooms, way more than lower-class Egyptians.
  • Furniture
  • Common furniture was pots, stools, tables, beds, chests, and lamps.
  • Upper- class Egyptians had a lot more furniture than poor people.
  • Most pieces were either made from wood or clay.
  • Potters made pots and carpenters made wood furniture.
  • The furniture of rich people was more decorated.

egyptian houses egyptian-hut


Rymer,Eric.Egyptian House Pictures.




My favorite character in Seedfolks so far is Sam. This is because he comes up with the water contest, and also because he tries to make the world a better place, and he’s smart. He reminds me of my dad because they both wear glasses and try to make the world a better place.


Linirea is a fictional kingdom that has all matter of terrain- plains, mountains (as shown in the picture), and volcanoes. Heroes fighting the forces of evil are around every corner. The main reason I want to go there is because of the scenery. Lush green forests and beautiful snow plains, it has it all. Another reason is that there is so much adventure. The terrain is packed with caves full of gold. There might even be an opportunity to join the battle against the evil wizard, Vez’ nan. Linirea is from the game Kingdom Rush.kingdom-rush-winter-storm