All posts by cameronw987

Community and Friendship

Community and Friendship

Today in Charger Trails, I learned that teamwork and friendship are very big parts of our community. In the Marble Challenge, I learned that when you are allowed to talk, it is very important to have positive, and helpful communication with you group members. In the Hog Call, I learned to always listen to others ideas, because they could be very helpful. In the Maze, we couldn’t speak, so it was challenging, but Runyon made a map for us to use, and it was very helpful to some of us, but for the others that it did not help, Rohin stepped up and helped. This morning one of the main things that I learned was that sometimes it is good to be a leader, and other times it is good to be a follower, neither one is right or wrong, and neither one is better than the other. I had a great time at Charger Trails today, and I can’t wait to do it again next year.

Daily Life-Writing and Education

Daily Life-Writing and Education

Cameron Wood

What is a scribe?


  • Scribes are the people who record data for the pharaohs.
  • Scribes were the men who helped administer laws, collect taxes, and supervise government projects.
  • They were Egypt’s official record keepers
  • The scribes were usually men, but sometimes, there were some women scribes.
  • The scribes wrote and read things from business contracts, to jokes and songs.
  • Sometimes they would work at the pharaoh’s palace, but other times they would travel with the members of the court to keep track of official data.
  • The scribes achieved high rank and honors, there job was highly respected and often financially rewarded.




  • The written language that the Egyptians used in this period of time was hieroglyphics.
  • The written pieces and objects that are found today, are 5,000 years old.
  • When the people used to use hieroglyphics, there were over 700 different symbols to memorize.
  • Because it was such a complicated course to go through, only about 1 percent of the population could literate.
  • Some hieroglyphic symbols are used to make sounds, and some are used to make words, and some are 2 put together to form a different word.
  • Mot all hieroglyphics were written on walls, buildings, and papyrus, a paper made from the papyrus plant.



Scribes Education

  • The scribes were taught by priests.
  • The education was very strict for the students.
  • If there was any sign of misbehaving or not wanting to learn, the student would be scolded, or even physically beaten.
  • Sometimes the school day would last from sun-rise to sun-set.


Scribes Profession

  • After the Scribes complete their course in education, they go off to do different things, to improve their profession.
  • They would go off with more experienced scribes, to learn even more about record keeping.
  • Soon after that, the pharaoh would send the scribes out to cities and villages to keep track of tax records.
  • The scribes would then record the grain, so there wasn’t a famine, and then record the Nile River, so there wouldn’t be a flood.

1  ancient egyt writing and education    2  ancient egypt writing and education


  1. (Image) 9/16/15.web


  1. (Image)


  1. Michael C. Carlos. Egypt. 9/15/15. web

Character Favs!!!

So far in the book Seed folks, my favorite character is Leona. I like how the author created her to be older, so she has experience with many things. I also really enjoy hearing about how determined she is, when something doesn’t go her way, she keeps striving and pushing, until she gets what she wants. For example, when she made a phone call, and they put her on hold, she went there in person, to get her way. I also admire Leona because since she has kids, she knows what it is like to have to be a caring, and loving mother to other living things. Leona reminds me of my soccer team, who is calm, and caring, but can be very determined and strong when they want to be.