All posts by andrewh509

Charger Trails

In today’s activities we had to use collaboration and teamwork. We found that a lot of people were leaders in different ways. When we could not talk, we used hand signals to communicate between each other. We did three activities, Hog Call, the Amazing Maze, and Marble Tube. In all of these activities, different leaders stepped up and many ideas were presented and we decided which ones were the best. Each game had a twist; but in the end we had fun doing everything.

Music & Dance

Music & Dance

Andrew Holland

  • What occasions were music and dance preformed at?
  • Music and dance were performed at the crowning of the pharaoh and public festivals
  • Music and dance is entertaining
  • Music & dance was a celebration
  • Music & dance were also performed at private festivals
  • Why did the royals like music and dance?
  • The royals liked music & dance because the royals liked fun; and music and dance is fun.
  • In addition it is not work; the royals did not do work; it was a way to show that they were separate, and therefore better
  • The royals supported them because they could be entertained
  • Why weren’t there 50-50 boys and girls as artists?
  • It was a good chance for them to work
  • It was entertainment, so women probably enjoyed it
  • The men were mostly working outside the hut

egypt dailylife#1EgyptMusic #2





Image Citations:

[Image] September 16, 2015

[Image] September 16, 2015

Seedfolks Favorite Character


The reason I chose Ana is because she cares about others and is an inspirational woman. Even though she watches people out of her window- with binoculars. She cares for he little Chinese girl named Kim. When she thinks that Kim is burring drugs or a weapon, she goes to Kim’s garden. All that she sees is seeds. She knows that she has done damage to 2 of the 6 seeds. When she sends Virgil down to care for what is left of Kim’s garden. She inspires the town to make a garden.


I would like to go to Kenya in Africa again. I would like to visit it because the food is delicious (like yogurt), the culture is interesting, and the view of the savannas were absolutely amazing.