All posts by alexg543

Community and Friendship

Today we had Charger Trails. The Taygers team was successful and completed all our challenges. I was a good team member because I listed to ideas and encouraged my team members. I was a good leader because I came up with new ideas and sometimes took charge. I think that I was a good leader and a good team member during Charger Trails today.

Writing and Education

                      Writing and Education

                 Alex Goldstein

Ancient Egypt Poster Picture 1            Ancient Egypt Poster Picture 2

What did scribes do in Ancient Egypt?

  • Record Keepers
  • Worked in Government and Religious positions
  • Administer the laws
  • Collect taxes
  • Supervise government projects
  • Worked at Pharos Palace



What were scribes?

  • Educated by priests
  • Learned to read and right hieroglyphics
  • Many students learned a simpler system called hieratic
  • Egyptians used hieroglyphics for lots of the writing



What was school like?

  • School day could last from sunrise to sundown
  • Teachers were harsh and sometimes physically beat students
  • Spent for years practicing on tablets before being entrusted with papyrus


What different positions for scribes were there?

  • Record Keepers
  • Worked in Government and Religious positions
  • Administer the laws
  • Collect taxes
  • Supervise government projects
  • Worked at Pharaohs Palace
  • When on military expeditions
  • Measured the Nile River
  • Kept track of food and grain supply
  • Kept track of taxes


Photo Sources

[Image] September 16, 2015. Web

[Image] September 16, 2015. Web

My Favorite Seedfolks Character

My favorite character in Seedfolkes is Tío Juan. There are many reasons that Tío Juan is my favorite character. One reason that my favorite character is Tío Juan because he has the ability to communicate without speaking a language that other people understand. My second reason is that Tío Juan is a great gardener. My final reason is that Tío Juan can adapt to life in America quickly. I relate to Tío Juan because he gardens a lot and I garden a lot. These are several reasons that Tío Juan is my favorite character in Seedfolks.

The Place I Would Want to Travel


If I had the chance to I would visit Germany. If I went to Germany I would watch a FC Bayern Munich game and watch the German national soccer team play. I would learn about the German culture and try some German food. I would go during the winter time to enjoy the festivities and many other celebrations that happen during this time of year. These reasons and many others are my reasons why I would like to go to Germany.