Religious Beliefs


aswan temple isis


Renn Guard

Who were the most recognized gods?

  • Osiris god of the underworld.
  • Thoth was the god of writing and knowledge-had the head of an ibis.
  • Horus god of the sky-had the head of a falcon.
  • Anubis had the head of a jackal- mummification and the afterlife.
  • Hathor- was one of the most important, she was goddess of joy and motherhood
  • Bes a dwarf with a tail, ears and beard of a lion was loved because he brought joy and protected the house.
  • Ra sun god

What did the Egyptians do in the temples?

  • Temples were the earthly home of gods and goddess.
  • The temples looked more like palaces because the “holy” statue of god lived there.
  •    Only in special occasions were commoners allowed in the inner court yard of the temple.
  • During these special occasions the statue of the god or goddess was carried to the most sacred place of the temple.
  • There were however smaller places where the commoners could pray to the gods.

Creation story

  • Most people thought that the world began with just water
  • Then when the Nile flooded the first part of earth appeared
  • People in Hermopolis believed that Thoth called four frog and snakes who made an egg and the sun came out of it.
  • Memphis the god Ptah who had all the other gods in him and just with his thought created the world.
