Project Ideas for LEDS and 3D Prints

My partner and I are brainstorming about projects we could make with a 3D printed design that uses LEDs:

1. Clock where the number of the hour lights up
2. Bathroom stall door lock that lights up when the door is locked
3. A timer that lights up when it’s done
4. A charger that lights up when its plugged in (color would change depending on the battery life)
5. Pen that lights up when clicked
6. Light up bookmarks for reading in the dark
7. Light up cup that changes color based on temperature

We then collaborated with others at our table to choose the four best ideas out of everyone’s. The top four ideas we are:

1. Light up charger
2. Light up phone case
3. Light up translucent ball
4. Light up clock

Then, as a class we communicated each table’s ideas to create one big idea list. The top ten ideas are:

1. Led lamp
2. Light up jewelry box
3. Sunglasses that light up when you blink
4. Light up ball
5. Light up clock
6. Light up charger
7. Light up phone case
8. Computer case that lights up
9. Light up watch
10. Toy car with lights