

Andrew Lake

Where did people live in Ancient Egypt?

  • Most people lived in towns and villages
  • Lower-class people often between larger houses of wealthier families
  • Upper-class and nobles/government officials in larger cities
  • In the Nile valley

What were the houses made of?

  • Mud bricks
  • Nile mud in wooden molds left to dry in the sun
  • Upper-class houses were often plastered white

What were features in and around the houses?

  • Upper-class houses often had a tree shaded pool, flowers, bushes, tall walls, two stories, central courtyards, guest rooms at the front, kitchens at the back with servants quarters, toilets, rugs, and lamps.
  • Lower-class houses had a table, a bed, one story, one room, and sometimes floor mats.
  • Flat roofs for extra space
  • Doors facing north to capture the wind and circulate air

[Image]http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/timelines/topics/pics/house_nakht_papyrus.jpg. September 16th, 2015. Web.

[Image]http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/timelines/topics/pics/breasted-house.gif. September 16th, 2015. Web.