September Event

North Carolina Zoo

We will be traveling to the North Carolina Zoo on Saturday, September 19 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Students interested in participating in this trip will need to leave $25 in an envelope with their first and last name and “Animal Club” written on the front. The envelope can be turned in to either Mrs. Leslie Williams or Mrs. Cindy Laughlin (at the front desk). The money will cover the $11 entrance fee for ages 12 and under or $15 for 13 and over, lunch money ($7 for Golden Corral), and money for bottled waters throughout the day. There are a limited number of spots available on the bus, so first come, first serve. Please dress for the weather including sunscreen, and keep in mind we will be walking A LOT, so wear great walking shoes, ideally sneakers. If the weather doesn’t cooperate, we will reschedule. Below are key points to refer back to:

  • Envelope to Mrs. Williams with $25
  • Drop off and pick up in front of the Middle School
  • 9:00 am – 4:00 pm parents please be on time
  • Dress for weather and walking