Tag Archives: Tone

Tone Pieces

Tone Piece #1:

There was no way I was getting caught this time, no sir. I’ve trained too hard and too long for it. The Jeffersons almost caught me last time, seeing me dart out the window as fast as a bullet. But they couldn’t catch me, no they couldn’t. I’m back at their place, slowly taking small steps towards the safe, for if I get caught I’m never getting out of prison. Must be careful, the slightest sound could wake them up.

Suddenly, I heard a slight creaking coming from upstairs near the Jeffersons’ bedroom! They must have heard me! I don’t know how but they must have! Can’t get caught, oh I’ll hide in the closet! They’ll never find me in there. I climbed into the closet and sat there, so still that a rock couldn’t sit more so. Mr. Jefferson came hobbling down the stairs, holding his back muttering something about mice, shuffling into the kitchen. I realized I wasn’t even breathing I was trying to hold so still.

Mr. Jefferson walked back towards the stairs and shuffled back up muttering now about his bad back. I let out a sigh of relief as he walked back up, but he stopped. He must have heard me sigh! I can’t get caught! As he started walking back down the stairs I couldn’t take it anymore. I jumped out of the closet and sprinted for the door. He saw me just as I did and he yelled “Stop! Thief!” even though I had stolen nothing.

Tone Piece #2:

“Hey, can I get a double cheeseburger with ketchup, tomatoes, lettuce, and mustard? Also a side of large fries and a drink.” said Jimmy, as he walked up to the register at McDonalds. Behind the register was Latisha, who had just started working there. “I don’t know, can you?” Latisha said spitefully through clenched teeth. Jimmy was taken aback. “Um, I’m sorry what? I was asking if you could make a double cheeseburger?” replied Jimmy, feeling astounded. Latisha, with a smirk on her face smugly replied “Why don’t you make it yourself, lazy?”

Jimmy lost it, his face turning as red as the tomatoes he had previously wanted on his cheeseburger. “I’d like to speak to your manager.” he barely uttered without yelling. He started trying to breathe normally and calming down when he saw Latisha’s smug look slowly fading away from her face. Jimmy had done it! He would get this evil cashier in the trouble she deserved. But this feeling faded, as her evil smirk reappeared and she quietly said “I’m sure you would, but we don’t all get what we want, now do we?”

Tone Piece #1:

There was no way I was getting caught this time, no sir. I’ve trained too hard and too long for it. The Jeffersons almost caught me last time, seeing me dart out the window as fast as a bullet. But they couldn’t catch me, no they couldn’t. I’m back at their place, slowly taking small steps towards the safe, for if I get caught I’m never getting out of prison. Must be careful, the slightest sound could wake them up.

Suddenly, I heard a slight creaking coming from upstairs near the Jeffersons’ bedroom! They must have heard me! I don’t know how but they must have! Can’t get caught, oh I’ll hide in the closet! They’ll never find me in there. I climbed into the closet and sat there, so still that a rock couldn’t sit more so. Mr. Jefferson came hobbling down the stairs, holding his back muttering something about mice, shuffling into the kitchen. I realized I wasn’t even breathing I was trying to hold so still.

Mr. Jefferson walked back towards the stairs and shuffled back up muttering now about his bad back. I let out a sigh of relief as he walked back up, but he stopped. He must have heard me sigh! I can’t get caught! As he started walking back down the stairs I couldn’t take it anymore. I jumped out of the closet and sprinted for the door. He saw me just as I did and he yelled “Stop! Thief!” even though I had stolen nothing.

Tone Piece #2:

“Hey, can I get a double cheeseburger with ketchup, tomatoes, lettuce, and mustard? Also a side of large fries and a drink.” said Jimmy, as he walked up to the register at McDonalds. Behind the register was Latisha, who had just started working there. “I don’t know, can you?” Latisha said spitefully through clenched teeth. Jimmy was taken aback. “Um, I’m sorry what? I was asking if you could make a double cheeseburger?” replied Jimmy, feeling astounded. Latisha, with a smirk on her face smugly replied “Why don’t you make it yourself, lazy?”

Jimmy lost it, his face turning as red as the tomatoes he had previously wanted on his cheeseburger. “I’d like to speak to your manager.” he barely uttered without yelling. He started trying to breathe normally and calming down when he saw Latisha’s smug look slowly fading away from her face. Jimmy had done it! He would get this evil cashier in the trouble she deserved. But this feeling faded, as her evil smirk reappeared and she quietly said “I’m sure you would, but we don’t all get what we want, now do we?”

Tone Pieces

1 – WHAM! Went the locker as I, Jake McLarson, locked puny little Kevin Sans inside his own locker. Kevin was a weird guy. He was a Sans, which means that he was super rich, and very smart. But that also means that he is skinny, has glasses, and is easy to pick on. Ha. I am so much better than him. I am cooler, actually have friends, better, don’t need to be smart, and did I mention superior to him? No one should let him go to Farmington High, in New Mexico. He is too smart. And belongs in a preppy private school that no one wants to go to. Oh, there is his sister, Hermione, if possible she is worse. She is smarter and a lot less cool the awesome Jake McLarson, who is the best person on the Earth.  Oh I am the best.

WHACK! Went the base-ball on the bat the next day. CRACK! And OW! As it hit Kevin Sans in the head. “Ha” I laugh “Take that! I have such good aim, that I can hit you from a mile off!” I am so good at baseball, and every other sport in the universe. I am awesome at everything I do, everything I try, just everything.

2 – WHAM! Went the locker as the big bully, Jake McLarson, slams me into my own locker. I am scared, and don’t feel like I belong. “Ha, there is little Kevin Sans, locked in his own locker. If I was in there I could get out like that. But I wouldn’t fit. I am too strong.” Jake said. I am scared, I look very small, and like I am a kindergartener instead of a 10th grader.  Farmington High in New Mexico is scary. I am always intimidated by everyone, especially Jake. That guy scares me. I am always so frightened by him, and feel like I don’t belong, or I have done something wrong whenever he is around. He is just so tall, and everyone likes him. I am just puny little Kevin. Who is super smart, and has a really pretty sister named Hermione. I have nothing important about me and I always feel cold sweat running down my neck whenever I am in front of people. I am always scared that I do something wrong. And sometimes I think I am doing something wrong because people are staring at me, and snickering.

WHACK! Went the ball as it hit off of Jake’s baseball bat the next day. CRACK! And OW! As it hits my head. I am crying inside. I am scared now, because I know I will be made fun of, and laughed at, and I don’t want to be laughed at! “Ha” laughs Jake McLarson “Take that! I have such good aim, that I can hit you from a mile off!” He is so good at everything. And I am not. It is weird. Because I get laughed at if I do something wrong. He doesn’t.


Act Like a Girl

Wear nice clothes. Have nice hair. Look good. Be careful yet carefree. Walk with purpose. Don’t argue. Act like a girl.

What if I don’t want to? Maybe I want to wear dark washed out jeans and a gray worn sweater. Maybe I’ll wear an ordinary cotton camp T-shirt. I’ll put my hair into the messy unbrushed ponytail, with a plain white headband. And leave it like that. Want me to dress nice? You get newer black skinny jeans. And the new black sweater. And maybe a curly ponytail. Without the headband.

Since the beginning of time girls have been told that they need to wear dresses and skirts. And to get someone to like you, you have to be pretty. If you like me you’ll like me as me. Not in a pretty blue dress. Or a cute skirt and top. You’ll like me in black skinnys, black lace-up combat boots and a sweater.

From the beginning of time. Yes girls were taught to be pretty and sit back and do nothing. But since the beginning of time girls have chosen to not just sit back and be pretty. But rather to stand up and speak out against what they want to change and for what they believe in. So let’s change this generation. And act like a girl.

Tone Pieces

I drew in a sharp intake of breath- and held it. My heart racing, I clicked on the ominous blue “Outlook” icon at the bottom of my brightly shining computer screen. It felt as if hours had passed before my inbox finally appeared before me. I clicked on the refresh button incessantly, impatiently waiting for a certain e-mail that I’d been expecting for days: the dreaded Nutcracker cast list. With one click on one attachment, a dancers’ dreams could come true, or be crushed. I had been waiting for this cast list since even before the Ballet Company audition occurred- I feel like everyone had. It had been at the back of my mind every day, slowly creeping up, into my thoughts until I could barely take it anymore. The e-mail was supposed to be sent two days ago, but it still hasn’t come!

What could possibly be taking them so long? I thought irritatedly. I had been checking my inbox for new e-mails every chance I got- practically every five minutes. I couldn’t get it off my mind- the list was eating me up inside. I felt as if the cast list defined me and who I was as a dancer. If I don’t get a good part, I say to myself, trying to calm me down, then what’s the worst that will happen? Oh, nothing really, just that I’ll be a complete failure I say to myself, my words dripping with sarcasm. I’ll watch my fellow friends and dancers, or as I like to call them, competition leave me behind as they become the stars of the show. But if I do get a good part… I think to myself with a smile, everyone will envy me. Imagining myself up on the stage, spotlight centered on me, I gazed off into the distance, into a world of bliss and completely forgot about the list I had been waiting for for weeks.

Suddenly, a loud ding filled my ears. I turned my head sharply in the direction of my computer. Right in front of me appeared an e-mail with the subject of “Nutcracker Casting 2015.” I gasped in surprise and looked again- is it really there? Has the time actually come? I asked myself excitedly. I clicked on the attachment, and then, surprisingly, looked away. This list had been the center of my attention, basically the only thing on my mind for weeks, and now that it’s finally arrived, I didn’t want to read it? My hands shaking and my stomach turning, I finally turned my attention towards the list and cringed; afraid of what was about to come. I take a deep breath and scrolled down the long list, looking for my name- but I could not find it. I looked up and down the never ending list of names with panic. Does this mean I wasn’t even good enough to get a part? Am I just an understudy? I asked myself; fear, dread, and hysteria rising up into my throat all at one time. Once I’d reached the top again, something caught my eye. Is that my name I just saw under SUGARPLUM??? I could hardly control my excitement- Sugarplum Fairy is the lead of the whole entire Nutcracker. I couldn’t suppress my grin anymore; I did it! All my hard work and preparation paid off… I thought to myself with a sigh of relief.



On one frigid December night, I found myself in the midst of a blizzard. Perched on my bed, bundled up in fleecy blankets, I looked out the window to see swirling snowflakes being pushed violently though the air by forceful wind.  A sudden gust of crisp air blew over me sending a chill down my spine and covering my arms and legs in goosebumps. We hadn’t been able to leave our house in two days- the snow had piled and piled up; leaving us prisoners in our own homes. There was plenty of food, and we hadn’t lost power… yet, but for some reason, an immense hunger was gnawing at my stomach. It seemed like it would never stop! I need to leave this house and I need to leave right this minute! I thought to myself. I just don’t think I can take it anymore! Suddenly, a memory flashed before my eyes.

It was a warm summer night and school was going to start start next week. I squinted my eyes, trying to remember the moment more clearly.  The memory of an aroma of warmth and happiness filled my nose bringing me back to those lazy days of summer. An aroma that only means one thing in this world: Asian food. Accompanied by the sound of metal on concreate, I pulled the black chair out from under the table in front of “Red Bowl.” I greeted my best friend with a hug and a smile, and promptly patted her dog on the head who was seated comfortably on the chair next to her. As I sat down, the seat of the metallic chair felt cool on my bare legs. Back in my freezing room, I remembered the carefree feeling of the sun on my face as I sat alone, shivering from the cold. I drifted back into the summer; After a few minutes, the waitress handed us our drinks. The tart yet sweet flavors of the lemonade overloaded my taste buds and caused me to scrunch up my face once I took my first sip. After that, I couldn’t stop; the tangy taste drew me in again and again. I took one sip after another after another until my order arrived, and by then I had finished the whole glass. Placed before me was the most glorious meal I had ever seen; the steam from each plate rose towards my face, and surrounded me with mouthwatering scents.  Back at home, fighting off the frost, my mouth began to water as I imagined the delicious meal I had the pleasure of having all those months ago. I didn’t know which one to dig into first- the pristine white rice formed into a perfect dome shape? Or maybe the steaming plate of fried tofu, with the sharp smell of Teriyaki sauce practically jumping up at me from its bowl? Or the delicious looking sushi plater? How could I ever possibly chose? Oh, how did I want those delicious plates full to the brim with steaming hot food to be sitting in front of me right now on this cold, wintry night…


Tone Pieces (Featuring Levi)

Glowing candles lit the passageway, soft and calming against the pastel-pink walls. Cushioned rugs lay across the floor and creamy white beanbag chairs cushioned the curved edges of the circular retreat. The place looked worn yet new, homey yet starkly clean. It was the perfect place to take his repose in, Levi thought as he traversed the hallway, making his way from candle to candle as he came closer to the chairs.

He’d been offered this place by a friend of his, just for a day, so that he may rest. Levi would take a journey tonight, one that would be scary, but here, in this place, it was impossible to imagine that just yet.

He sunk down into one of the beanbags, sighing in contentment as it enveloped him like a fluffy cloud. The chair made him feel free, like a bird or a fish travelling in a blue expanse. He sighted a bookshelf next to him; in his leisurely state he had not seen it. He grabbed a book at random and read the title: it was Jane Eyre, a classic and one of his favorites. Smiling to himself, Levi wondered how his friend had known that he would be so comfortable here. Then again, they had known each other for ages.

The windows, large and curtained, hinted at sunlight. Reluctantly standing, Levi walked over and threw back the curtains; the light that poured through was the color of vanilla, thick and beautiful against his untanned skin.

Once he had made his way to his chair again, Levi decided to rest before his big night tonight, visiting the Harrow house. He had no time to think of this adventure, though, because in seconds he had fallen into a deep, restful sleep.



The floor screamed.

Levi jumped, feeling the dusty floorboards whistle and groan beneath him. The house was dark, very dark– a penetrating dark that went through your eyes and right to your soul. The whole place seemed haunted, though Levi had not seen a ghost. Yet.

The last of the sun’s rays had sunk beneath the window long ago, and no light but the flashlight carried throughout the blackness. No one had died here that Levi knew of, but he could not be sure. There was no blood, no smell of decay, yet the house seemed just as haunted as the ones in the movies. It was, from the outside, just like any other house– red brick and a grayish roof, slightly overgrown in the yard but well enough kept by the city government that it didn’t look terrible. The inside, however, was another story.

If Levi had been able to see the walls, he would have seen generations of faces painted along them, a name and a year listed below them. A date of death, not of birth. The inhabitants of the house hadn’t seemed to like life that much. The floorboards were nice hardwood, oak, to be exact, but they were weathered, worn, and coated in layer upon layer of dust. Old clothes hung in the closets that Levi had found, torn to shreds by raccoons and moths who came creeping in during the night. Levi had seem them too.

As he pushed open the door to the kitchen, the door squealed like a frightened animal. Inside the kitchen, pots and pans lay strewn across the floor. Knives glinted in their racks as the flashlight beamed upon them, and their blades, still razor-sharp after all these years, shone with an ethereal glow.

Across the hallway, another door creaked. Levi jumped as a wall began to move before him. A trapdoor activated by the kitchen? Then he heard a hissing voice, a voice as terrifying as the voice of Death himself:

“Who goes there?”

Tone Writing Piece – Mr. Johnny

Greetings Mr. Johnny,


I am afraid I have some very dreadful and depressing news. Your whole family, including your dog and fish, are being kept hostage by a Siberian terrorist organization and are probably going to die. We are focusing all of our efforts on savings missions but most have failed (usually to assassinations). The chances of any savior missions succeeding are close to null. These people are ruthless and don’t stop for anyone. What they ask for ransom are the nuclear missiles that the military have. Even though you are one of our most important generals, we can’t risk the safety of America to your family. Any missions will now be terminated.

20 hours later…

Hello again Mr. Johnny,


I am sorry to report that your fish and dog have been brutally murdered by being decapitated and more will die if the ransom is not given. But, there just pets so they don’t matter. Again, I am sorry that we can’t help. It seems as if your world may be filled with dark clouds now and I offer my condolences.

10 minutes later

Hello Mr. Johnny,

pheewww. Okay, yep. Everyone is dead. The ways in which they were murdered may not be pleasant to hear. I would definitely understand if you want to leave your job and spiral into a deep depression. The job is yours if you ever decide to climb out of the dark hole of hurt and horror.

Tone stories


To: ProfessorHonolulu@Smarts.com

From: IAMKING@monarchy.com


Subject: Questions your teaching styles




Last Friday I sat in on your AP Biology class. I was fascinated by your teaching styles and how you were able to intrigue your students. I am sure your student were able to comprehend the information for presented swimmingly. I do have a few questions for you on behalf of how your present to your class.


First of all, I noticed that you encourage your students to take notes. Do you provide class notes? I also noticed that each student had their own tablet. This looks like it increases productivity and organization dramatically for the students. Do you believe this too or do you think it is a hazard because they cause distractions?


Finally, when I sat in on your class you were teaching your class the topic on the Smart Board. Do you only do lessons like this or only when you are presenting a new topic? Recently I have been pondering on the best ways for students to learn and to get a more in-depth.  Allow me to share my ideas on this topic. I think it would be better if the students get a brief but descriptive of the new topic and then instructions on how to complete a basic lab. Then using their limited knowledge on the topic they will have to complete a lab with classmates that in the end builds up on their knowledge. Afterwards they should share their data and communicate with other why they got their data. This will only further build up their knowledge on the topic. Especially since they are sharing their results/findings with others so they will learn something that another group found that they didn’t. Then, they should complete one more lab that is far more advanced which will challenge them to use all of their knowledge on the topic, common sense, and will have to communicate with their peers. Finally, after the lab is completed and they understand the topic completely, hopefully, then they will be challenged once again to write a lab write up. In the lab write up they will be forced to prove what they have learned. This will put the last Lego on the tower. Their knowledge on the topic should be complete for their grade level. The reason I have thought out this lesson plan is because students need a more interactive education to make them want to go back into class and to learn.


I had a great time sitting in your class Friday. Email me back on what you think about my lesson plan? Thanks.




Sir Timoothy Renrew


Dear Diary,

Today I was riding my bike with Mills. We normally ride our bikes by the old rusty train track. But today was no normal bike ride. When we got to the train track we heard the quiet whistle of wind breezing through the trees. And we heard something else too. We heard a faint bark. Mills and I immediately looked at each other, puzzled. Then we looked back to the source of the sound. Right there, laying in the middle of the train track, was a bloody brown puppy. The puppy must have gotten lose from its owner and cut herself on the rusty metal that makes up the track. Thankfully no train was near. The puppies fur was matted to her skin, covered in blood. When we ran over to her, she was so weak she could only let out a single wag of her long brown tail. Her eyes covered in tears. We had to do something.

I whipped out my phone and called my mother. She said she would meet me at the parking lot of the park in front of the train tracks with medical supplies. Carefully I picked up the puppy, one hand on her neck the other on her lower stomach. I carried her to the park bench where I sat her down to wait for my mother to arrive. I couldn’t just watch the poor little puppy suffer from excruciating pain so I took of my shirt and started dabbing her wounds with it. I got my water bottle and started to rinse her body from the blood and dirt. I held pressure to her wounds until my mother arrived. Mills and her wrapped the puppies stomach, where the puncture wound was, with bandage wrap. Afterwards, I called the local veterinarians office where we would take the puppy to get proper care. When we arrived to the vet a jolly man named Dr. David, who wears crocs, came out to the car and brought the puppy in on a stretcher. Dr. David performed surgery to remove a broken piece of rusty metal from her stomach. She would be okay. When the procedure was over we said goodbye to her, and left her their for adoption. We walked out the door, and we never saw her again. Until my mom said “Timoothy do you want early Christmas present?”.

Tone Piece #2 (Defiant)

“Good Morning!” My mother sang happily at my door.   “It’s the big day!”

My mom was right it was the big day. The big and miserable day. Today was the day of my big speech in front of the entire school. My worst nightmare since I was practically born!

“Ugh!” I groaned in my bed. “Are you kidding me, can I just lie here and die!”

“Don’t be so dramatic honey, now get up.”

“Ugh,” I groaned again.

I just wanted to forget about the world. Forget that I even had school that day, and forget my life for once. What even is the point of giving a stupid speech anyways? Just to annoy me and make me miserable? Just in the matter of time I fell back asleep.

“Evelyn Anna Hutson, get up!” my mom screamed at me.

“Ugh!” Of course my life will never go away I thought sarcastically.

I finally got up and slumped down the stairs without getting ready or even looking at myself in the mirror. My dad greeted me warmly as I walked out the door to the bus stop.

“Break a leg!” My mom told me cheerfully.

“I wish I had,” I mumbled under my breath.

Tone Piece #1 (Excited)

It was the day of October 31, 2013, Halloween day. My six friends and I were overly excited because it was finally here! The day we had been longing for, for six full months. And since Halloween only came once a year this was a day we hoped to never forget. I skipped down the block to Hinders Academy, the school I had been with since preschool. As elated as I was I still had eight full hours of school before the big night.

“Wait up!” My friend Nancy called as I walked to my first period class. “O.M.G!” she practically screamed in my ear. “I can’t believe Halloween is already here!”

“Just eight more hours!” I said to her smiling. We all had been waiting for this special day for many months and the fact that it was actually happening was surreal.

I then walked into classroom 234, my social studies class. My teacher, Mr. Hudson, started lecturing us about the Revolutionary War but I was too ecstatic so I gazed out the window looking at all the beautiful fall trees with bright colored leaves on them and the pumpkins as orange as freshly peeled carrots.

School let out before I knew it and my friends and I ran down the street and into my house to get ready for Halloween. We all stumbled up the stairs and ran down the hall into my fall decorated room.

“Oh my god!” I just cannot wait Nancy squealed. “Let’s stay up all night and roam the neighborhood until 1 o’clock!”

“And when it gets dark we can prank our lame neighbors that never celebrate Halloween!” I said excitedly

“Guys are you sure we won’t get in trouble?” Kelly said nervously. “I mean isn’t that going too far?”

“Relax,” I assured her. This only happens once a year!


The fiercest of all in the jungle was the tiger. She could roar as loud as a thousand pumas and she could also scare twice as many birds as any animal could. She would talk to all animals in a threatening way and all animals knew that she could do what she said she could do.

The tiger could fight and win against two of the strongest pumas and would often make them go away with their tails in between their legs. She was indeed the fiercest of all animals. All were scared of her if they got on her bad side, sometimes she would prove her points by showing how ruthlessly she could fight. Usually, she didn’t need to though. This pussy cat is indeed fierce.


Dear Diary, or should I say “my best friend in the whole wide world”

Today, writing in you has just made my day a whole lot worse. In the morning I did “super” on my French test and my French teacher of course had me go to detention. You see, going to detention in high school is not any different from going to detention in middle school, except for the fact that it goes on your resume which was just what I needed.

Anyways, in the afternoon, during PE, of course we had to run the mile and it was actually quite “entertaining”. Some of the girls had eaten too much for lunch and sure you could say that they did not feel great but I would say that would be a little too much of an under exaggeration. They were like, barfing up whole meals and of course that was a “pleasant” sight.

Overall, I had the “Best day ever” and it just keeps on getting worse.

Tone Writing

To: James Doe

From: Jane Doe

Subject: Prank Today


I heard about the prank you played today on poor Timmy. Your father and I are very disappointed and upset at your behavior today. We’ve been noticing that your attitude and actions at home have become very rude, mean and disrespectful. We decided to let it slide because you had been acting like such a great friend to everyone at school. Your father and I are absolutely appalled that you would even think to do such a thing, let alone do it. Humiliating someone to that extent is extremely mean and hurtful.

We have decided that you need to come home immediately after school instead of playing basketball with your friends. You also are not allowed to play on the soccer team for at least three weeks. We know how much you love to fish, so we generously donated your fishing rod to a local charity. Your father and I need to speak with you about your behavior as soon as possible. We also expect you to write a note to Timmy and apologize in person to his family. Your father and I also agree that there needs to be even harsher punishments to ensure that your attitude and behavior problems are completely fixed. We will talk about this later with father. We are very upset and disappointed in you and your actions today at school.



Dear John,


Hey! How’s it going? Well listen, I have a question for you. Do you remember when you spotted me a few bucks last month so that I could afford a place to live? Well, somehow, I might have accidentally spent the money on a new pair of shoes instead of an apartment. So now to get to the question. Can I please, please, please have a few more dollars? I promise it won’t go to waste! Please be a good brother! You know I’d do the same for you if I had the money.

I know it seems like I keep giving you the same reasons for giving me money but I really will use it wisely this time. Last year, you were very upset at me after I had taken your money and bought other things than an apartment. For some reason though, you still give me money. You MUST have some kind of trust in me to keep doing that. Please, please don’t let me down and I promise I’ll do anything you want me to do. I’ll pick up your dog’s poop, I’ll shine your shoes, and I’ll even drive you anywhere! Just please lend me a few bucks. Well by few, I mean like a thousand or two, but I promise I’ll pay you back! I hope you come through on this and help your poor brother out. Just a couple of bucks, please!


Thanks in advance,
