Tag Archives: Risko1

Tone Piece

Today I woke up at 7:30 to the beeping of my alarm clock. You may think that is good, but I meant to set the time to 6:30. I frantically jumped out of bed and dug through my closet for something, anything to wear. At this point I didn’t care about if it matched or not, so I just threw on some random clothes and ran into the bathroom. Do you know how there are those days everything just goes bad? Well today was one of those days when everything just falls of a cliff and is run over by two different trains. I ran into the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. Sure enough, my toothpaste fell on my shirt. I groaned and ran back into my closet to find another shirt. As I was rummaging through, I finally looked at myself in the mirror. Boy did I look awful. I decided that I would just throw on a jacket to cover up the toothpaste stain, but the problem was that it was 80 degrees outside. I did it anyways, and by the time I finished breakfast and got into the car, I was sweating. It was 7:56 and it was clear that I was going to be late for school. I sighed as I pulled into the middle school.

I opened the door and it was silent. Class had already begun and I was going to get a tardy slip. I peeked into the middle school office and saw no one, so I proceeded up the stairs to my first class. My first and second class went by smoothly, and as I was walking back to the middle school after second period, I realized that I had forgotten to do the science homework. I immediately started running. I rushed up the stairs and into the 8th grade hallway. I desperately pulled out my tablet and started typing. Break was almost over, and I had 3 minutes to finish 2 more questions. I finally finished and sent my paper to the printer, but the printer wouldn’t work. I sent it over and over but the printer still said “No Records Found”. I ended up getting 10 points off the assignment because the stupid printer wouldn’t print. In fourth period math, we had a test. I had forgotten to study the other night and I wildly searched for the answers in the back of my head. Knowing that I had probably failed the math test, I trudged to lunch. At lunch, I spilled marinara sauce all of my pants and shoes. I went into the bathroom to clean it up, and as I was walking out, I slipped and fell and hit my head on the door. The rest of the day was okay, not great, but okay. I went home and flopped down on the couch, thinking of the hectic day I had just survived.


Today was way better than yesterday. Yesterday I had so many things to do and everything basically collapsed. Everything went bad yesterday and today was like a rainbow after a furious thunderstorm. I didn’t have anything due today and I even woke up before my alarm clock. That didn’t happen very often so the moment that I woke up, I knew today was going to be a much better day than yesterday. I even picked out an outfit the night before just in case it was one of those mornings. I had a great breakfast that consisted of oatmeal with brown sugar, scrambled eggs, and a smoothie and I had remembered to do all of my homework. I walked into school feeling that all the weights that had once been on my shoulders had suddenly been lifted up. I got more partial credit that I had expected on my science assignment and I got a good grade on my math test. I even got a 100 on my Spanish quiz, and that rarely ever happens. After art, I knew that everything was alright and all the things that were important were taken care of.

At field hockey practice, which I wasn’t late to, we played games almost the whole time and we did corners at the end. It was like the world was giving me ice cream and candy after getting shots at the doctor’s office. When I came home, the smell of fresh pizza filled my nose and I saw my grandma taking out a pizza out of the oven. I was overwhelmed by how nice the world was being, but also a feeling that all my worries were floating away. That night, I flopped onto my bed thinking about the relaxed day that I had just lived.



frantic, carefree

Tone Piece

Ryan Switzer lined up at the 20 to return the punt that could make the difference for the Tar Heels. With one minute left, Clemson was lining up to punt the ball away to seal the 3 point victory. Switzer was the most electrifying returner in college football, so you never knew what could happen.

The punter took the snap, and sent a high, lofted punt in the air, perfect for Switzer. The air in the stands was electric as Switzer exploded from the 20 with the ball. The gunners looked to stop Switzer quickly, but a well-timed spin move sent them tumbling to the grass. The adrenaline started to pound through Switzer as he blazed past midfield, with only the punter to beat. Near the 30, the punter caught up to him, and wrapped him up, trying to take down the tiny 5″10 Switzer. Switzer struggled, and finally broke free, with only daylight ahead of him. The fans roar finally hit Switzer, as he was so pumped he didn’t hear anything. As he crossed the goal line, the magnitude of what he had done finally hit him, and all he could do was bounce up and down like a little kid getting what he wanted for Christmas.

Tone Writing

Dear 8th Cary Academy Students,

I am Courtney Macintyre and I work for Fighting Cancer is the Answer. Cancer kills 7.6 million people each year and every day more than 40 children are diagnosed a day. I work to raise money to help find a cure for cancer and raise money to pay medical taxes for those in need of it. This topic is very important to me because almost everybody has been effected from cancer in some way. Cancer has impacted my life drastically, my brother passed away when he was just 8 years old from leukemia and my father is currently fighting brain cancer. Ever since my brother passed away I always felt compelled to help fight this horrible disease. It has now became a huge part of my life and I truly believe that we can make a difference.

I am here to talk to you because I hope you guys can raise money to help pay off a child’s medical taxes. I believe that with all of you guys working together you can achieve this goal. The child’s name is Cory and he is 15 years old. His family has been struggling to afford his medical taxes for the past three years. He really needs us to help him in order for him to keep fighting and hopefully defeating the cancer. It would mean the most to him and I if you donated any money towards this cause. Thank you so much your time, it is greatly appreciated. Remember you can make a difference.


Courtney Macintyre




As I look out my window rain fills the glass. Outside is dark with storm clouds filling the sky. I am sitting on my warm couch, with a bright red blanket wrapped around me. My body has sunk into the plush cushion as I turn my gaze to the television. Next to me is a steaming hot bowl of chicken noodle soup and a giant box of tissues. My dog is sleeping at the end of the couch snoring every few minutes. Outside I watch all the kids in my neighborhood jumping in puddles with their brightly colored rain jackets in tow. I am envious of their fun but my body is too tired to even care.

My brother and his friends come inside after being in the rain for hours. My dog finally gets up to greet them. He is wagging his tail and is jumping up and down excitedly. They take their shoes off in the garage and walk to the kitchen. They are laughing about all the fun they had. This makes me really wish I wasn’t sick. It never rains here in California. I finally decide I am going to go out even though I’m sick. I use my arms to push myself up and out of the couch. But my body gives out and I fall straight back to the couch. I realize that the couch is way more fun than outside.


Tone Pieces


OH My Gosh!! This history test sounds so hard! I’m totally going to fail it! What if I get every question wrong? My parents would kill me! Oh no, oh no, ohhhh nooo, I’m going to fail! I literally don’t know anything and everyone said his tests are SOOO hard! Bethany, I’m am legit going to fail!! No, No, No, I am going to get into so much trouble! And also along with this test that I know none of the material, I have to deal with the mess of trying to finish my Language Arts project that is due tomorrow and I am only half way done. Haven’t you already finished yours? Oh my gosh I’m so stressed!! What if I don’t have any time to finish my project? What if don’t have time to finish the test? There isn’t enough time in this world to get anything done! Bethany, I am so scared! I am going to fail everything! Well anyways wish me luck, cause I am going to need every little bit of it for everything that I am going to fail!

Talk to you later,


Dear Diary,

Ahh… his big chocolate brown eyes, feel like a magnet, pulling me in. I can’t stop looking at them while he sauntered towards me. His luscious golden hair was blowing in the wind like a model in a photoshoot for Vogue. His wavy hair like the ocean on a calm day. I smile, he smiles back; oh his smile. As big as it can get, a big teeth showing smile. I have to be honest, his teeth aren’t so beautiful. They are so crooked, it makes me giggle. And guess what?! He walked right over to me and sat right down next to me on the not so large couch! Leaning into me, I felt so safe in a scary world. We sat there for a while, his arm on mine. Never could I imagine being with the boy of my dreams. It was so nice until he just ran away from me! His 4 legs moving as fast as they can, his tail like the motor on a speed boat. The boy of my dream’s name is Fender, and he’s a dog.



Dear Mom,

This morning at skating today was not my best practice. Of course I started my day out like any other day at 4:45, but it was pouring rain and pitch black outside. I got my skating clothes on and packed all of my bags, and after quickly eating a bowl of cereal, I shot out the door. I had to run through the rain which left me freezing cold once the air conditioning came on in the car, which was not pleasant at all. Dad and I got to the ice rink in about 10 minutes, and then I had to encounter the pouring rain once again to get into the ice rink complex. Once I made it safely inside at 5:40 , my coach immediately made me drop my bags and run laps around near the shops in the building. This was definitely my least favorite way to start a morning. Once I was all warmed up, he made me lace up my skates and get on the ice. Within five minutes, I had already fallen face first because of being half asleep and tripping over a giant chunk of ice because the Zamboni hadn’t done a good job. The rest of practice was all basically hearing my coaches yell at me because I was falling on very basic and consistent jumps as small as single jumps. I heard the phrases “jump higher” and “skate faster” what it seemed like a million times. I got off to change into my clothes for school, but as I got into the bathrooms to change the light wasn’t on and I couldn’t turn it on because the room with the light switches was locked. I ended up getting ready in the dark which lead to me falling over a trash can and putting my shoes on backwards. I said my goodbyes to the people at the rink, even though I would see them less than 12 hours later jumping rope, running and slipping all over the ice.


The arena is dead silent, but then I hear loud cheers call out from everywhere around me as I see a blonde girl gracefully step onto the ice, and then stand in her starting position. The rhinestones on her dress sparkle as all of the lights flash because of people getting every picture they can of her while she is out for as little as four minutes. The loud and beautiful music blares out of the speakers as she begins to glide across the smooth ice. She begins with footwork that fits together like a puzzle piece, and then onto one of her incredible jumps that consists of three rotations in the air. She lands it with so much ease as her back leg extends, and a joyful look is expressed on her face. Her program is put together so carefully with creativity and steps that no one had ever seen before.

She continued on landing double and triples and weaving in perfect movements and steps in between each element that were perfectly in synch with the music. What looks like the smallest push, got her half way across the ice and into a never ending spin with multiple positions that seemed almost impossible to accomplish. Once the music had ended and she had completed a successful clean program, she was awarded not only with a first place medal, but an applause out of every single person in the arena.

Tone Piece

  1. Cheerful

Today has been such a wonderful day. Nothing has gone wrong at all. Everything went perfectly: I did all of my homework, I didn’t get too much homework in class, and I finally got a new four square ball.  I am just so happy with today. Today was a great day, and I wish that everyday could be like this.  Nothing bad happens, everything goes perfectly, and I get 100’s on everything, even tests.  Hopefully tomorrow is even better, though I highly doubt it can get much better than this. If it did go better tomorrow, I would wish everyday was like tomorrow. I would get whatever I wanted.  It would be free, everything would go perfectly, and I would finish first in the XC race, even though I didn’t exercise for 3 weeks.

Today was so perfect, especially since I was happy the whole time, and nothing went wrong. I guess nothing would be able to go wrong, otherwise it wouldn’t be a perfect day.  Perfect days are definitely a lot worse than this. I guess even not perfect days aren’t that bad.  If you have a good attitude going into them, then you should be perfectly fine throughout the day.  If you go in with a bad attitude, then you will probably hate those days, hate them with a fiery rage, which you will get over when you get a perfect day, and become blissful, and happy again.  Ah, the times of rage, and sadness. Those are over now that I am at peace with happiness and perfect days. I am at peace.

2.  Somber

“I have some very bad news to tell you.” said the man in the dark, black coat.  I wondered what it could be, and decided that he must be telling me that one of my relatives died.  I hoped it wasn’t one of my favorite grandparents. “Your grandfather James died yesterday while getting a heart transplant.” What? I thought. How could my favorite grandfather die. And while getting a heart transplant.  My eyes started to tear up as I thought about all of the good memories I had of James.  Throwing a baseball to him when I was younger, him teaching me how to properly swing a golf club.  All of those memories, and now no more would be created.  I ran upstairs and fell into my bed. I lay there and I cried for God knows how long.  When I was finally able to get up, I went back downstairs.

The man was still there.  I don’t know why he was still there, but I just wanted him to leave.  All of the sadness he had given me, all of the hate towards the doctors, all of that just from a few words.  I told him to leave, and he did, his head held low.  When he reached the door, he turned around and said “I am truly sorry for your loss.” “I know.” I said.  Once he had left, I decided to go look through some of the old photos of James.  The first one was of me and him.  He was in mid-swing of his golf club, and I was watching him.  That made me tear up, since I had never fully learned how to swing a golf club. I had always intended to learn from him fully, and in fact I had planned to take a lesson this coming Saturday, but now all of that was ruined because of a heart transplant.  It’s funny how life can seem great one moment, and in the next you’re suddenly in a world of sadness, hate, and loneliness.


Act Like a Girl

Wear nice clothes. Have nice hair. Look good. Be careful yet carefree. Walk with purpose. Don’t argue. Act like a girl.

What if I don’t want to? Maybe I want to wear dark washed out jeans and a gray worn sweater. Maybe I’ll wear an ordinary cotton camp T-shirt. I’ll put my hair into the messy unbrushed ponytail, with a plain white headband. And leave it like that. Want me to dress nice? You get newer black skinny jeans. And the new black sweater. And maybe a curly ponytail. Without the headband.

Since the beginning of time girls have been told that they need to wear dresses and skirts. And to get someone to like you, you have to be pretty. If you like me you’ll like me as me. Not in a pretty blue dress. Or a cute skirt and top. You’ll like me in black skinnys, black lace-up combat boots and a sweater.

From the beginning of time. Yes girls were taught to be pretty and sit back and do nothing. But since the beginning of time girls have chosen to not just sit back and be pretty. But rather to stand up and speak out against what they want to change and for what they believe in. So let’s change this generation. And act like a girl.

Tone Writing Piece

1st Writing Piece:

Sometimes I can’t help but wonder why I didn’t enjoy that time. Those days, those hours, those minutes all just seem like a blur to me. Sometimes I can’t help but look back at that time and just feel a brush of sentimental sadness like a chill crawling up my back. I remember that feeling I got when I hopped off the airplane. “A New Beginning” was a chapter that had just begun right as my feet touched the ground in a place halfway across the world.

As I exited the airport, I could feel the energy waving and dancing around me as a new found excitement took the place of boredom and monotony. As nightfall came, I gazed out the huge glass window of our modern long-term hotel and was amazed by the million lights that dotted through the skyline. A few series of fireworks burst through the night. The constant beautiful booms and lights illuminated the already bright city as I fell asleep. This free firework show continued right outside our window every night. I miss the bright lights. I miss the crazy tall skyscrapers. I miss the energy. I miss everything.


2nd Writing Piece:

I jumped up awake as the alarming sound coming from my phone screaming and buzzing at me, telling me to wake up. I swiped to the right disarming the alarm clock and laid back down. Five minutes later, another piercing sound awakened me again. I suddenly remembered that I had set three consecutive five minute alarms last night, making sure I would definitely get up in time. I swiped right again, knowing that the third one would definitely do its work. And yet it did, as the vibration and bell sounds jolted me awake again; my day had just begun.

I then remembered that I had a dance performance that night. I have this crazy theory that if I wanted to do well on stage, everything during the day had to be perfect. Don’t ask me why, but it’s just like that. I had to be very careful in order to do this.





Tone Pieces

I drew in a sharp intake of breath- and held it. My heart racing, I clicked on the ominous blue “Outlook” icon at the bottom of my brightly shining computer screen. It felt as if hours had passed before my inbox finally appeared before me. I clicked on the refresh button incessantly, impatiently waiting for a certain e-mail that I’d been expecting for days: the dreaded Nutcracker cast list. With one click on one attachment, a dancers’ dreams could come true, or be crushed. I had been waiting for this cast list since even before the Ballet Company audition occurred- I feel like everyone had. It had been at the back of my mind every day, slowly creeping up, into my thoughts until I could barely take it anymore. The e-mail was supposed to be sent two days ago, but it still hasn’t come!

What could possibly be taking them so long? I thought irritatedly. I had been checking my inbox for new e-mails every chance I got- practically every five minutes. I couldn’t get it off my mind- the list was eating me up inside. I felt as if the cast list defined me and who I was as a dancer. If I don’t get a good part, I say to myself, trying to calm me down, then what’s the worst that will happen? Oh, nothing really, just that I’ll be a complete failure I say to myself, my words dripping with sarcasm. I’ll watch my fellow friends and dancers, or as I like to call them, competition leave me behind as they become the stars of the show. But if I do get a good part… I think to myself with a smile, everyone will envy me. Imagining myself up on the stage, spotlight centered on me, I gazed off into the distance, into a world of bliss and completely forgot about the list I had been waiting for for weeks.

Suddenly, a loud ding filled my ears. I turned my head sharply in the direction of my computer. Right in front of me appeared an e-mail with the subject of “Nutcracker Casting 2015.” I gasped in surprise and looked again- is it really there? Has the time actually come? I asked myself excitedly. I clicked on the attachment, and then, surprisingly, looked away. This list had been the center of my attention, basically the only thing on my mind for weeks, and now that it’s finally arrived, I didn’t want to read it? My hands shaking and my stomach turning, I finally turned my attention towards the list and cringed; afraid of what was about to come. I take a deep breath and scrolled down the long list, looking for my name- but I could not find it. I looked up and down the never ending list of names with panic. Does this mean I wasn’t even good enough to get a part? Am I just an understudy? I asked myself; fear, dread, and hysteria rising up into my throat all at one time. Once I’d reached the top again, something caught my eye. Is that my name I just saw under SUGARPLUM??? I could hardly control my excitement- Sugarplum Fairy is the lead of the whole entire Nutcracker. I couldn’t suppress my grin anymore; I did it! All my hard work and preparation paid off… I thought to myself with a sigh of relief.



On one frigid December night, I found myself in the midst of a blizzard. Perched on my bed, bundled up in fleecy blankets, I looked out the window to see swirling snowflakes being pushed violently though the air by forceful wind.  A sudden gust of crisp air blew over me sending a chill down my spine and covering my arms and legs in goosebumps. We hadn’t been able to leave our house in two days- the snow had piled and piled up; leaving us prisoners in our own homes. There was plenty of food, and we hadn’t lost power… yet, but for some reason, an immense hunger was gnawing at my stomach. It seemed like it would never stop! I need to leave this house and I need to leave right this minute! I thought to myself. I just don’t think I can take it anymore! Suddenly, a memory flashed before my eyes.

It was a warm summer night and school was going to start start next week. I squinted my eyes, trying to remember the moment more clearly.  The memory of an aroma of warmth and happiness filled my nose bringing me back to those lazy days of summer. An aroma that only means one thing in this world: Asian food. Accompanied by the sound of metal on concreate, I pulled the black chair out from under the table in front of “Red Bowl.” I greeted my best friend with a hug and a smile, and promptly patted her dog on the head who was seated comfortably on the chair next to her. As I sat down, the seat of the metallic chair felt cool on my bare legs. Back in my freezing room, I remembered the carefree feeling of the sun on my face as I sat alone, shivering from the cold. I drifted back into the summer; After a few minutes, the waitress handed us our drinks. The tart yet sweet flavors of the lemonade overloaded my taste buds and caused me to scrunch up my face once I took my first sip. After that, I couldn’t stop; the tangy taste drew me in again and again. I took one sip after another after another until my order arrived, and by then I had finished the whole glass. Placed before me was the most glorious meal I had ever seen; the steam from each plate rose towards my face, and surrounded me with mouthwatering scents.  Back at home, fighting off the frost, my mouth began to water as I imagined the delicious meal I had the pleasure of having all those months ago. I didn’t know which one to dig into first- the pristine white rice formed into a perfect dome shape? Or maybe the steaming plate of fried tofu, with the sharp smell of Teriyaki sauce practically jumping up at me from its bowl? Or the delicious looking sushi plater? How could I ever possibly chose? Oh, how did I want those delicious plates full to the brim with steaming hot food to be sitting in front of me right now on this cold, wintry night…


Tone Writing

Tone Writing 1:

This need to happen now, for you have waited for the actually last moment. This has been put off for at least a week now and now it’s time for you to take the responsibility of it. This is the most important thing in the class this year and what did you do, you blew it. You have known about this assignment for some time now but no you put the Xbox and your phone ahead of it. All you had to do Harrison was write 2 pages about the class.

It’s like every other project, it’s the night before its due or it’s the day of that you finish it Harrison, but now there are no excuses. I have been reminding you at 6:30 sharp every night to do this simple task, for it is your entire grade this year. Now you have the biggest, hardest and most tedious task to complete, but you don’t remember.

Tone Writing 2:

You have never been so scared in your life Spence, whenever I’ve fallen you picked me and no matter the challenge before picking yourself up. You played with a broken wrist and stepped up for coach when he needed someone, now look at yourself, scared to look at him. He hit you, you need to hit him back. It’s me Spence what would you do if you were the reason you little brother got hurt. Mom and dad say you have the responsibility and courage to do whatever I say you can.

It’s not just for me bro, it’s for you entire reputation. You get hit and go down, I get hit twice hobble and fall down. That’s not like you, you have the heart of a lion and are willing to do anything for the family. Opa said he saw something special in you but right now I see a coward hiding in the protection of his injured brother. You have to get up and show him and the entire world that you are NOT a joke.

Tone Pieces (Featuring Levi)

Glowing candles lit the passageway, soft and calming against the pastel-pink walls. Cushioned rugs lay across the floor and creamy white beanbag chairs cushioned the curved edges of the circular retreat. The place looked worn yet new, homey yet starkly clean. It was the perfect place to take his repose in, Levi thought as he traversed the hallway, making his way from candle to candle as he came closer to the chairs.

He’d been offered this place by a friend of his, just for a day, so that he may rest. Levi would take a journey tonight, one that would be scary, but here, in this place, it was impossible to imagine that just yet.

He sunk down into one of the beanbags, sighing in contentment as it enveloped him like a fluffy cloud. The chair made him feel free, like a bird or a fish travelling in a blue expanse. He sighted a bookshelf next to him; in his leisurely state he had not seen it. He grabbed a book at random and read the title: it was Jane Eyre, a classic and one of his favorites. Smiling to himself, Levi wondered how his friend had known that he would be so comfortable here. Then again, they had known each other for ages.

The windows, large and curtained, hinted at sunlight. Reluctantly standing, Levi walked over and threw back the curtains; the light that poured through was the color of vanilla, thick and beautiful against his untanned skin.

Once he had made his way to his chair again, Levi decided to rest before his big night tonight, visiting the Harrow house. He had no time to think of this adventure, though, because in seconds he had fallen into a deep, restful sleep.



The floor screamed.

Levi jumped, feeling the dusty floorboards whistle and groan beneath him. The house was dark, very dark– a penetrating dark that went through your eyes and right to your soul. The whole place seemed haunted, though Levi had not seen a ghost. Yet.

The last of the sun’s rays had sunk beneath the window long ago, and no light but the flashlight carried throughout the blackness. No one had died here that Levi knew of, but he could not be sure. There was no blood, no smell of decay, yet the house seemed just as haunted as the ones in the movies. It was, from the outside, just like any other house– red brick and a grayish roof, slightly overgrown in the yard but well enough kept by the city government that it didn’t look terrible. The inside, however, was another story.

If Levi had been able to see the walls, he would have seen generations of faces painted along them, a name and a year listed below them. A date of death, not of birth. The inhabitants of the house hadn’t seemed to like life that much. The floorboards were nice hardwood, oak, to be exact, but they were weathered, worn, and coated in layer upon layer of dust. Old clothes hung in the closets that Levi had found, torn to shreds by raccoons and moths who came creeping in during the night. Levi had seem them too.

As he pushed open the door to the kitchen, the door squealed like a frightened animal. Inside the kitchen, pots and pans lay strewn across the floor. Knives glinted in their racks as the flashlight beamed upon them, and their blades, still razor-sharp after all these years, shone with an ethereal glow.

Across the hallway, another door creaked. Levi jumped as a wall began to move before him. A trapdoor activated by the kitchen? Then he heard a hissing voice, a voice as terrifying as the voice of Death himself:

“Who goes there?”


Hey everyone!

Today we played awesome! As Coach said she has never seen anyone win 23-0. And we didn’t beat any team, we beat Ravenscroft. We did so many things amazingly. We never passed to them, our defense kept their sticks on the ground and didn’t let anything by them, we took the ball down the sides of the field, we had a lot of shots, and we made them foul a lot in the circle, which led to a lot of corners. Everyone on the team had at least one goal, even the goalies. Again something that Coach had never seen before. We already had a game this year when the other team only made it past the half three times, but today they didn’t even make it that far. There was not a single time when they made it over the 50, and they really were only close once. Our defense did a great job of playing up, but still stopping their offense when they would try and get a break away. Our offense did an amazing job of using flicks, pulls, and pull backs to create space and get around defenders.

We had twenty-three goals. That is outstanding. You would think that if we had twenty-three goals we would have at least seventy-five to one hundred shots on goal, but we surprisingly only had about sixty. That is good and bad. It is good because that means that about a third of our shots go in which is pretty amazing, but that also means that we did not take as many shots as we should. Even though we need to shoot some more, I’m not going to talk about that because we won 23-0. All of the offensive drills in practice have paid off. Not only that but practice at home was shown off today. We had four girls with amazing reverse goals. We had two in the top left corner, one in the top right, and one in the top center. Our offense was amazing.

Our defense also did a great job. Instead of the defense being so bored like they were when we played Cary Christian, Coach decided for you to play up. You put a lot of pressure on their defense, so it was almost impossible for them to clear it. I’m guessing you guys had a lot of fun trying out a new position and all of you guys scored. I think one of my favorite parts of the game was when Madeline and Naya both scored. It’s not like we put them in as a different position, they scored wearing goalie gear. They also kicked the ball all of the way up the field, which we are not even sure if that is  legal. Great job defense.

This was the greatest game in Cary Academy history and I can’t wait to make more records with this team. You guys are amazing and I don’t know what I will do without you next year. Always remember, run like Coach T is watching!

Dear Diary,

Today hasn’t been a very good day. I slept through my alarm, so I only had ten minutes to eat and get ready. When I got to school I found out that I had forgotten to do my math homework. I got back three grades that weren’t exactly my favorite. There wasn’t anything good for lunch today, so I had two peanut butter sandwiches, which gave me a peanut butter overload. For field hockey we had a full running practice. We spent an hour and a half conditioning, even though we have a game tomorrow. I then went home and was up until two in the morning doing homework. I only got four hours of sleep.

Tomorrow I have a test, two quizzes, a project due, and I have to give an oral presentation. I also have to run the mile in PE and I have a field hockey game. Not just any game, we play Ravenscroft. We also have so many hurt players that we have zero subs and so when someone gets tired they will just switch positions to the least running position, so I will have a lot of running to do.

I have so many emotions that I don’t really know what I’m feeling because I’m not angry, I’m just so stressed. I can’t believe it.


Tone Pieces


Why Mars is Red?

Professor Bailey

South Dakota College


Civilizations have pondered on why the red planet has its distinct red color for millennia. The Romans even went as far as naming it Mars their god of war after its blood-red color. But why is it truly red? This question will be answered in this essay.

This red color comes from layer of iron oxide (commonly known as rust) on the surface of Mars. This iron oxide was believed to formed hundreds of millions to billions years ago when there was more water on Mars’s surface. Just this year it was discovered by NASA’s Phoenix Lander which drilled down in search of groundwater on Mars that this layer of Iron Oxide is only a few centimeters deep and under it is just regular brown soil. Perhaps Mars should now be known as the brown planet.

For More Information



It was a miserable day and everything was going wrong, when that horrible little boy made my absolutely imperfect day even worse, which I didn’t even think was in any way possible. That’s not how the story started of course, but I really don’t have any respect for the unwritten rules of story writing right now, so I am starting from the middle of my story and I hope you catch up.

Tone Post

A lone ship flies down into orbit. It is covered with red dust and shows signs of wear and tear, as if it had been away from its home for too long. The astronaut inside was in fact very tired and missed his family dearly. He could hear the creaking and groaning of the engines and mechanisms as the prepared for their final descent. The lone occupant was used to hearing the monotone voices of the NASA technicians “congratulating” him for his return to Earth. The astronaut himself felt terrible, and not worthy of any sort of joy, even from a non-emotional worker getting paid less than minimum wage. Sighing, the lone worker pressed a button on his wrist, sending out a signal to the nearest communications tower, wanting to hear where and when he would be landing.


He heard a beeping, which meant a signal was approaching him. “Hello?” No response “Hey?” There was a buzz, followed by the sounds of people screaming. “Conrad! Screamed an unknown voice. There was huffing and puffing, as if the speaker was running. “Stay in orbit, they are here, repeat they are here”! Conrad was so caught up in getting home, he did not even bother to look out his port window at his home planet, Earth. Glancing out the window, he did not see the luscious blue seas and rolling green valleys, instead he saw the horrific sight of molted brown and black-blue seas of pure death and misery. Earth was dead. All that remained was a shell of its former magnificence that seemed to be an overgrown asteroid of Hell .




The puck glided gracefully across the ice as 13 year-old Jack Haldane pushed forward towards the offensive zone. The tens of thousands of fans in the audience at the Consol Energy Centre were all hollering, their smiles seemed to explode from their faces as they saw their favorite young player, number 77 dangle the defenseman and toe drag the puck fast his flashing stick. Haldane charged past Chara, cutting to the middle. Marc-Andre Fleury was skidding back and forth across the crease, trying to track the movements of this insanely fast right wing of the Buffalo Sabers as he tucked the puck between his legs.


Jack spun, and with one swift motion, he had the puck on his stick. Coming off of his spin, Jack released the puck, sending the vessel of victory towards the top right of the net. Fleury saw this, but was to slow and could only watch as the puck sailed past his blocker into the net. Brinnnnnng! The red timer on top of the net went off in a flash, igniting many of the fans from their shocked demeanor to raucous applause and loud and ecstatic cheering. Jack had never felt this excited and overwhelmed in his life as his team hoisted him above them, carrying the Stanley Cup.


The fiercest of all in the jungle was the tiger. She could roar as loud as a thousand pumas and she could also scare twice as many birds as any animal could. She would talk to all animals in a threatening way and all animals knew that she could do what she said she could do.

The tiger could fight and win against two of the strongest pumas and would often make them go away with their tails in between their legs. She was indeed the fiercest of all animals. All were scared of her if they got on her bad side, sometimes she would prove her points by showing how ruthlessly she could fight. Usually, she didn’t need to though. This pussy cat is indeed fierce.


Dear Diary, or should I say “my best friend in the whole wide world”

Today, writing in you has just made my day a whole lot worse. In the morning I did “super” on my French test and my French teacher of course had me go to detention. You see, going to detention in high school is not any different from going to detention in middle school, except for the fact that it goes on your resume which was just what I needed.

Anyways, in the afternoon, during PE, of course we had to run the mile and it was actually quite “entertaining”. Some of the girls had eaten too much for lunch and sure you could say that they did not feel great but I would say that would be a little too much of an under exaggeration. They were like, barfing up whole meals and of course that was a “pleasant” sight.

Overall, I had the “Best day ever” and it just keeps on getting worse.

Tone rightings

I only walked in due to the end result; health. As I walk into the dreaded doctor’s office barely tall enough to stand up in my mother approaches the assistant working the desk. There is no line because well, there is no one there, the office was so quiet you could hear a mouse fart. My mother is handed the forms she must fill out every time we come here, she goes to sit down on the plush one person couches to start the paperwork. As she does so I cough so loud that I think that I triggered a car alarm because as soon as I coughed a car alarm went off. Don’t blame me! The only reason I coughed was because of my stupid sister anyway who thought it would be fun to spit on me when she was sick. My mom looked up from her paper work then looked around to see where the noise might be coming from, she has a hunch that it is our car so she rushes outside to go check. Meanwhile I wait, and wait and wait and WAIT! She still does not come back for what seems like hours. I sit there, with my head propped against my hand and I think about how in the world it could take this long to check who’s car is making the noise. All the while the noise had still been blaring but suddenly it stopped and my mom walked in and I felt a moment of relief; finally! I don’t have to wait in this stinkin broken wood chair any longer and as soon as I think that I am done with this static experience I realize that my mother is not even close to done with the paperwork. I try to hold back the surge of anger I am having, but I can’t so I belch “How in the world can someone wait this long for crying out loud?” and the lonely lady working the desk and my mother both look up in the same surprised manner, so similar I think that they are twins for a second, but there was one thing that they did different and that was my mom yelled “Don’t you ever talk to anyone like that ever again!”

Looking back on that moment the feeling that I had during my time waiting for my mother was very similar to that of the man’s feeling in the telltale heart. It was almost as if I could see the seconds ticking by getting longer and longer every time one passed. It felt like my life was ticking away ever so slowly, so slowly it was almost painful, I could feel my youth slipping away even though the wait was supposed to help me. That moment was full of dread and loneliness and I never want to experience it again.



I do this all the time, I sit in lines and wait for up to hours just to do something, usually at the end of the wait there is a magnificent roller coaster or delicious treat at the end of it, but no; I was waiting in line for a painful experience called donating blood. I waited and every half hour I took one step forward towards the needle that would eventually take my blood and put it into a bag. I stood there in line with people in front of me and people behind me, it turns out that the person behind me was horizontally challenged and had the strongest body odor on the planet. This lead to a very unpleasant experience for my nose so I only breathed through my mouth as I waited to have me blood extracted by a hideous needle. If you can’t tell by now I have a fear of needles and giving blood, so you may ask why I am in line, well the answer to that is simple, my friend is dying of leukemia and it made me realize that my blood could be needed so I decided against every logical thought to donate blood. So when I am waiting to do something I highly dislike I can definitely afford to wait.

I wait and wait until my time comes and when it comes I feel very anxious and wish I had never stepped in line in the first place. I finally walk up into the truck and a nice old lady asks me to sit down, I do and after I sit down she works on her computer for a minute or two just before she can give me instructions my mom calls to me, “Sun I don’t think you are ready for this, do you wanna come out?” I was so glad I had a savior and I immediately said “Yes please.” I rushed out of the truck with so much joy, I was glad that my blood which is meant to be in my body stayed in my body.

Tone Writing

Hey Jenny,

I just can’t get over how gross Robert’s new haircut is. I mean, it’s so, like, 1950’s. Who would actually think that that, like, looks good on them?! I mean, it’s just, like, “Ew!” Who cuts their hair with a part, like, down the middle, dyes the two parts, like, blue and yellow, and then, like, believes that no one will, like, notice? I mean, like, his reaction when the first person asked him about it was just like, whoa, I didn’t think that anyone would, like, notice. I mean, really?

How did his parents let him get that? I mean, there’s no way they were there, or else he would be, like, totally grounded. How does that, like, even work, being grounded? Are you just, like, thrown into, like, a hole in the ground or something? That makes, like, the most sense to me. Anyway, I’m writing this to talk about his hair, and his hair, like, scares me. Like, the two things that scare me in life are butterflies, and Robert’s haircut.

Anyway, just letting you know to avoid looking at his hair as much as possible, so you can avoid falling over in laughter, and, like, dying. I gotta go, my parents are making me do homework, the most useless thing on this planet. See ya later!



The old man, with the black glasses as dark as the darkest night, stared back at me. His eyes, although covered, seemed to follow me around the room. A small, hoarse request emanated from the dying man’s mouth. “Come here, boy”. I hurriedly complied as I rushed to his bedside. He looked at me, seeing into the depths of my soul. He spoke quickly, as to not waste a single, precious moment, saying “something is coming, and there’s nothing you can do”.

“I have seen what lies beyond, and there will be no way you can save your family, your friends, or yourself”. At this, I chuckled to myself at the senile old man’s theories, but the chuckle died as soon as I saw that he had not turned his gaze away from me. “You think me a fool, boy” he rasped desperately. His time was running out. “Once I am gone, there will be no one left who believes in me. Unless, of course, you choose to believe”. This time, and uncontrollable fit of laughter came over me, as I feel to the floor, laughing my heart out. As I was able to regain control over myself, I stood up again, only to find the old man not moving, not breathing, or making a sound.

As I notified the nearest doctor, I quickly made my escape. “What if”, I said to no one in particular, “what if he had been taken before more had been said? What if someone didn’t want us to be warned?” The thoughts quickly ran through my mind as I saw the lightning crash to Earth, the lava erupting in the streets, people running for dear life, as the end of days began.

Tone Writing

To: James Doe

From: Jane Doe

Subject: Prank Today


I heard about the prank you played today on poor Timmy. Your father and I are very disappointed and upset at your behavior today. We’ve been noticing that your attitude and actions at home have become very rude, mean and disrespectful. We decided to let it slide because you had been acting like such a great friend to everyone at school. Your father and I are absolutely appalled that you would even think to do such a thing, let alone do it. Humiliating someone to that extent is extremely mean and hurtful.

We have decided that you need to come home immediately after school instead of playing basketball with your friends. You also are not allowed to play on the soccer team for at least three weeks. We know how much you love to fish, so we generously donated your fishing rod to a local charity. Your father and I need to speak with you about your behavior as soon as possible. We also expect you to write a note to Timmy and apologize in person to his family. Your father and I also agree that there needs to be even harsher punishments to ensure that your attitude and behavior problems are completely fixed. We will talk about this later with father. We are very upset and disappointed in you and your actions today at school.



Dear John,


Hey! How’s it going? Well listen, I have a question for you. Do you remember when you spotted me a few bucks last month so that I could afford a place to live? Well, somehow, I might have accidentally spent the money on a new pair of shoes instead of an apartment. So now to get to the question. Can I please, please, please have a few more dollars? I promise it won’t go to waste! Please be a good brother! You know I’d do the same for you if I had the money.

I know it seems like I keep giving you the same reasons for giving me money but I really will use it wisely this time. Last year, you were very upset at me after I had taken your money and bought other things than an apartment. For some reason though, you still give me money. You MUST have some kind of trust in me to keep doing that. Please, please don’t let me down and I promise I’ll do anything you want me to do. I’ll pick up your dog’s poop, I’ll shine your shoes, and I’ll even drive you anywhere! Just please lend me a few bucks. Well by few, I mean like a thousand or two, but I promise I’ll pay you back! I hope you come through on this and help your poor brother out. Just a couple of bucks, please!


Thanks in advance,


Futuristic World– The Yemenite Union of Law and Order

“Mum, is that the oven?” Chrissy tromped down the stairs, the pungent smell of smoke filling her nostrils. She snorted in annoyance as she pressed the button to turn off the large, humming machine. “This thing never messes up,” she muttered under her breath.

Hearing the beep of the arriving elevator, Chrissy turned to the Locator. It was her mum.

“What’s wrong, honey?” Chrissy’s mother asked as she stepped through the door before coughing as she smelled the oven’s debacle. The elevator beeped impatiently, needing a fingerprint to close and move back to the second floor. With a sigh, Chrissy’s mum obeyed the intermittent sound and then waved at the elevator. “Off with you, then,” she said, and the elevator scooted upwards.

Chrissy’s mother grabbed the Extinguisher and slowly sucked the smoke from the air. The last time the oven had messed up was years ago, but they kept the Extinguisher because they were middle class and so of course the oven would mess up eventually. Chrissy’s mum wiped her eyes with her shirt, and placed her fingerprint over the Locator to find Arnov. He showed up almost immediately in the game room with their son, Maver, probably playing that oh-so-fun immersive war game again. Why couldn’t they play something normal, like Cooking or Police?

The Locator’s huge screen (they’d saved up for the big version, the five-by-five-foot machine) showed a dot symbolizing another figure as well. It labeled the figurine, bulky and large, as “Unknown Human”, and he was pacing– patrolling?– back and forth just inside the boundaries of the yard. An automated voice beeped into existence, and the Englishwoman sounded almost pleasant as she gave her message: “Unknown figure currently travelling from location 17.5 X, 20 Y to 20 X, 20.2 Y at a rate of 3 miles per hour. Possible weapons on person.” Chrissy and her mum held her breath. Then the horrible, horrible statement: “Presence of one automatic electron gun confirmed with ground cameras.”

Arnov came onto the speaker then. Apparently the screen had booted them out when the security system had confirmed the weapon’s presence. “What’s going on, Isabella?” And another voice, too– Maver’s– groaning in the back. “I was just about to finish those chips, too. Food is rare in this game and–”

“Hush, Maver. We could be in danger here. Real danger,” sounded Arnov’s voice.

“Like the war in–”

“No, Maver. Now hush.”

Isabella responded through the speaker. “There’s an intruder. System warned us a minute ago.”

The Locator chimed– a worried, frantic chime– and asked if the family would like to activate the security system.

“Yes,” replied Isabella nervously. “Make sure that the bills aren’t too high afterwards; we’re short on money.” She turned to Chrissy. “Go upstairs with your brother. Arnov, come down, will you? We’ll take care of this if it gets too bad.”

A second later, Arnov’s figure was moving on the screen. Another twenty seconds and he was on the first floor, and he ushered Chrissy into the elevator. “Be safe,” he told her. The only thing to do was nod.

Maver was waiting for her in the game room, arms crossed. “I feel the need for food. How about some nachos?”

“Sure,” Chrissy replied, and soon the microwave was warm with the premade nachos that they had put in. As they opened it, the aroma of cheese wafted through the room, more real than anything their middle-grade Gamer could produce. Now all they had to do was wait.

They waited for a long time.

Finally, finally, a beep on the Locator just as Chrissy and Maver were finishing their chips. “Threat disabled. The premises are now safe.”

Chrissy groaned with relief.

“Now more food,” said Maver. “It’s lunchtime and I’m hungry.”

They headed downstairs, both in the elevator, to meet their parents for lunch.


A soft click signaled the arrival of the children. Isabella already had the Locator on high alert, searching for any other intruders near the house. The police were taking the intruder into their truck, and she and Arnov wanted the children to watch– a good lesson on what happened to criminals.

“Chrissy, Maver, this way,” she told them. Arnov was outside, shaking hands with one of the officers. A pact of safety– you don’t hurt me, I’ll help you. It was the motto of every policer.

The children scampered up to the window. “Where’s the– oh,” said Chrissy as the man was wheeled up to an officer, electric scanners and cuffs holding his limbs in place. Something shone on his neck– a cross. Chrissy shivered. Was there ever a good Christian?

The Stretcher where the criminal lay was already conducting full body scans so that a Suit could be made for him and so that he wouldn’t be able to escape the prison– security was even higher on the Moon than it was on Earth.

“This is why you don’t do anything bad,” Isabella told the two, who were watching with wide eyes. “You don’t want to get sent to the Moon– or Mars, for that matter. Be loyal. The YULO is a great country.”

Chrissy nodded, and Maver murmured “yes, mum” under his breath. They had never seen a criminal before, and the shock was beginning to sink in.

“Alright, you two. How about some lunch?”

“Yes, please!” Their eyes shone as they dashed to the kitchen, ordering a chocolate cake– dieted and with minimal calories, of course, it was the law– and a small Larry’s Lower-Fat Pizza. Arnov, having left the police to deal with the intruder, flipped on the news.

“And Smith will be heading to the Mars Maximum Security Prison on Station 5 later this week. Now for another story, the swearing-in of the Yemenite Union of Law and Order’s new Elector, Harold Germene. Elector Germene will be visiting folks in public squares and work offices, and your ticket to see him is free! Imagine that! Well, we at YULO National News will be excitedly awaiting his arrival and the coverage of the story as it develops.”

The screen behind the newscaster flashed once, and instead of the normal commercials it usually played a video of Germene walking through a swarmed square, flanked by policers, shaking the occasional hand. The people he chose to greet were usually the rich– CEOs, businessman, lawyers, politicians– who had voted him into office. The middle class was only a cheering mob that had to be contained.

Isabella sighed in longing. “If only he’d shake one of our hands, Arnov. They say that if the Elector shakes your hand–”

“Yeah, I know. We’ll have ‘all the money we can get,” he finished for her, “and the everlasting love of the government and its people.’ I wish.”

The kitchen began to smell strongly, and the children squealed with glee as the cake and pizza made their arrival. Despite the measures taken to make the food healthy, the cake still smelled gooey and around the pizza hung the scent of grease. A second later, the children had popped open the cupboards and were taking out plates on which to eat their meals. “Ooh, sausage!” Isabella heard Chrissy sigh. “My fav!”

“And now, for the story we’ve all been waiting for– besides our lovely Elector, of course–” laughs sounded from the studio– “the colonization of one of Jupiter’s remaining moons, Europa. We’re lucky to have it still, because not only has Europa been found as a source of fresh water, but of minute life forms as well. Currently, robots are finishing their work building an above-water station on Europa, near a well where water can be sourced. Scienctists from the USA are saying that the life-forms could transmit diseases, but whoever listens to them?” More laughs. This newscaster is jovial today, Isabella thought. Besides, doesn’t everyone listen to the USA?

“However, this will not be merely a supercity for criminals and the police who spend their lives serving us by guarding them. The upper class will be able to transport to the YULO’s new city there, and trade establishments with spaceships, stations and cities from other countries will soon be made. This, of course, is strictly reserved for the upper class and they are all strongly encouraged to go and…”

Then it hit Isabella. Arnov clearly sensed it too, because they shared a startled look. The only reason that the YULO would be evacuating the upper class was–

“Oh, and one last announcement. The United States has declared war.”


As Chrissy drove through the Skynet with Maver in the wheel seat, as the law required, her mind drifted to what they had overheard on the news last night. The war seemed to have come out of nowhere. Now they were at risk of everything– small nuclear bombs at the least, and energy weapons and lasers and things that Chrissy had only ever seen in games.

Besides, though she loved their country, they were going to war over religion. The family officially identified as Muslim, of course, it was law, and they did what they had to in public, but they weren’t really that religious. And Maver was almost 15, the official age for the draft. What if the government chose him? He wasn’t a Jihad. He wasn’t a killer, even though he played those stupid games.

What if he was drafted?

He’d have to fight. He wouldn’t, couldn’t be classified as a criminal– he would have to do as they ordered of he’d be shipped off to the Moon or worse.

Chrissy sighed and pressed her head against the clear glass window. The blue sky rushed past, clouds disappearing in an instant and land eaten up before them. They’d never be able to afford a hopper– they bounced on air so well now that they could get halfway across the world in 50 minutes– but the Dove was a well-equipped Flycar and served them well.

Inevitably her thoughts drifted back to the draft. The Jihadists had taken over Yemen centuries ago, and then the rest of the Middle East, then India and Vietnam and Taiwan until finally they had Korea and China cornered. And after they took over them, well, the whole of Afro-Eurasia and Europe were theirs.

The US, too, had grown more powerful. They allied themselves with every other country in the Americas, and in an act of desperation made them all surrender to their might. A year later and the world had only two countries, the Union and the United.

There hadn’t been war. They’d both been too powerful. But a hundred years later, they had decided to go back to fighting.

The newscaster had seemed almost happy about it. Probably a rich kid being shipped off tomorrow, she remembered thinking. And she hadn’t seen him the next day either.

The news of Europa and of the recent flyby of HD 1897 33ab, set in motion a century ago– the planet was over 60 light years away–were dwarfed by this. War meant destruction, and destruction meant death. Chrissy knew at least this from her meager girl’s education. Maver had had to help her along. Maver, who never wavered– a true-to-self pun on his name. Maver, who was strong and kind. Maver, who was brave. Maver, who was almost a man but still a child.

What if he got drafted?


END (or is it?)

The future bedroom

My robot comes into my room asking me what I would like to eat for dinner while I am telling my desk what to write on my homework. My bedroom has a rainforest theme today and the walls show images of trees and vines as well as rainforest creatures. A colorful parrot suddenly flies by and lands on a branch of a tree. My bed has also developed this theme and is a hammock seemingly made out of vines and moss. I quickly reply the robot with a few directions and send him off. I continue focusing on my homework with the rainforest’s sights and smells all around me.

When I finish my homework, my robot brings up my dinner and my desk’s hand puts the cap onto my favorite blue pen. I can smell the aroma of the Alfredo and chicken that my robot has made. Of course, the chicken tastes wonderful with just the right amount of garlic and barley in it and the Alfredo noodles taste even better. I chat awhile with my robot and then lets him clean up the dishes and put them in the dish washer. I watch a little bit of TV and then go to my room to do some more homework.

Finally, after finishing homework, I tell the bed to change into the shape of a tree with a hammock hang from it, shower and then climb into the fluffy hammock and fall asleep, listening to the sounds of the rainforest.

Future Imagery Piece


It’s the year 2238. Society as we know it can’t be better. The rusty colored planet of Mars has been colonized, and we are exploring more of the universe.  My name is Jeff Smith, and I live in the US of A! Our nation is still alive and thriving after almost 500 years. We have pioneered the world in many inventions and achievements. I myself invented the world’s first bionic body, and it was a smash hit. People who were cryogenically frozen long ago, back when we fought terrorists in bloody conflicts, can be brought into life and have sleek, metallic bodies that look like real humans. Speaking of conflicts and terrorists, all wars over differences in religion, race, or ethnicity were ended a long time ago. No more sad children, with their puffy eyes and bruised faces. No more rubble of holy sites, with their prized objects destroyed like a tornado ran through them. The United Nations passed a law in 2109 saying that if any wars were started, the people fighting in them would die. Immediately.


Well, I should probably tell you about myself. I live in what is known as Texas, in a plush mansion bought by my bountiful payment for my invention. It’s like living in your own neighborhood, especially since some of my family share part of it with me. It’s got its own pool, even though it smells like some of that nasty chemical we put in there to keep it clean. But the best part by far is our kitchen. We have a robot who does our cooking with or for us, and let me tell you. When you wake up in the morning, all you can smell is the sizzling eggs and bacon on the stove. As you come from work, the stove rumbles with pasta boiling, or elegant meals being perfectly done. We can always do things ourselves that our robot can’t do, like bake perfect chocolate chip cookies so you taste the gooey chocolate right as you bite into them. Our aunt Tina decided we ate too much junk food, so our robot doesn’t cook dessert.

200 Years

    It is the year 2215. New York City, New York. The earth has changed in last couple centuries. As it should. But not for the better as we had hoped. The earth finally caught up to us. And brought upon us her revenge.

    Naturally, New York received the brunt end of it in the US. Or what is left of the US. With a crumbling government and an economy brought to ashes are we still really the United States of America? Home of the free, land of the brave? I suppose for the first time all people are really free. With no government to control us there are no taxes. That also means more crime. Not like there’s anything left here worth stealing. I suppose the thieves are brave. Nowadays running in the street is a crime punishable by death on sight. But are we really united? With each state a different democracy, republic or dictatorship. Different rules for crime punishment. The list goes on and on with every passing state.

    New York is no longer the busy, bustling city it once was. Now it looks more like a disaster after nuclear fallout. People in dark coats and previously white masks hustle by with children in the same. The sky is an eternal dark haze of dust and smoke. The air has a slight taste of sulfur. Not enough to kill you right away, but enough to hurt you more in the future. If there is a future for the people in this no godforsaken place. The future doesn’t matter anymore. When the average life expectancy is 25. 30 if you’re lucky. Now all we can do is try our best to save an earth that is already dying. New York. The city that never sleeps. Has never wanted to sleep more.

Ultimate Destruction and Doom… or is it?

Mankind has survived for over two millennia. We have endured hardships, and struggles. We have created amazing, new technologies, and we have made violate, dangerous weapons. That was over 400 years ago. It is now the year 2477. The human race has looked to colonize other planets, and we have succeeded in our endeavors, for the most part. When pollution on Earth rose to unimaginable levels in 2213, we were forced to leave. Seeing as that was not possible, with the heavy sulfuric air all around us, we took all of our waste and pollution using wormhole technology, and sent it to Venus. The already hostile planet was able to absorb our pollution and more, and today Earth is as clean as it was in pre-historic times. Still, many wanted to move, fearing this would happen again and we would not be able to stop it. 45% of Earth’s population moved to Mars, and set up colonies on the Red planet. 5% moved to various asteroids in the asteroid belt, wanting to escape ever father away from Earth. Then some took it a step further, and began to colonize Jupiter’s moons. No one had ever been this far out. The farthest a human had ever been from Earth was the asteroid Ceres in the asteroid belt, and that had been a NASA mission, a quick back and forth mission. There was barely any light this far out, and it was too cold for humans to live there, so an astronaut on the Europa mission of 2333 set up an “artificial sun” in Jupiter’s core, making it generate enough light to act like Earth “an have an artificial environment”. 1.5% of Earth’s population moved here, because the sun could never go out, or grow to big, because it was fixed in place! This is where I come into play. My name is Conrad Michelangelo D’avion XVII. My family moved here in 2463 and then had me a year later. I was the first child born this far off-planet. Yippee! That also meant there were no other children except me. Boo. Really! 2 million people on one moon and no kids under 20! The air here is perfect, it is like every spring breeze chose to feather its self onto you at that very moment. It’s never hot, or cold because Jupiter’s temperature is remotely controlled. All you here are the soft hisses of the airtight locks on everyone’s doors opening and closing, and the gentle hum of the air re-breather. If you look outside your window on Europa you see an amazing sight, 60+ moons flying in erratic patterns around a gigantic base. When I was young on Europa, my family taught me how to skate, like the humans of old. It is most essential on a world made of ice and snow. One day, while I was skating, about a mile from my home, (a quick 5 minute glide), I found a weird patch of ice that I had never noticed before. It appeared to have something under it, making it turn and move. Curious as ever, I stepped on the ice, and smash! I fell right through, screaming down an ice cavern, going top speed. At last, I finally reached a stopping point by smashing into a forgiving bank of snow. I had stopped at a beautiful cavern, it must have been at least 50 feet tall! It smelled of snow and a cold winters breeze. There were crystalline walls and amazing stalagmites and stalactites made of crystal that had been soaked by water. Wait. Water! Water doesn’t exist on Europa! Running towards the back of the cavern I saw a gigantic ocean, with waves crashing against the sides of the walls sounding as if the gods themselves were playing the cymbals in the cavern. This was it. Running water on Europa!


It’s the year 2215 and we are able to access the entirety  of our brains and we have exo suits. This is our kitchens now. It’s an oily and rustic smell from all of the worn out rusted over machines. The smell lifts the hair on your next and sends a chill down your spine. The sounds of boops and bops are constant like the birds chirping on a sunny day. If you were to look outside the cars have become tiny square that shrink you and move so fast it’s almost as if they are teleporting. In the kitchen it the same way every utility need can be called by just a voice command. “Toaster” bam already there with fresh bread of your choosing cooked to perfection.


Also the hallway. It’s not even a hallway anymore. It more like a screen that you can pull out from your pocket and scroll to the room you want to appear in front of your face.  Then boom in that room. The movement from one room to another is like a lightning strike or the blink of an eye. It feels as if you are in an airplane but on the outside hanging on to the wing. The smell is a sweet fudge smell that’s freshly spread out on the marble ready to be pressed together.

Future Writing Piece

Everything around him was as black as black could be.  He didn’t know what was going on.  What was he doing there?  How did he get here?  Where is HERE?  All of this questions were circling around in Keith’s head as he floated in the black, viscous liquid.  What he didn’t realize, was that he was in fact nowhere.  He was just floating between the universes in a tube, filled with black, viscous liquid.  He had been part of an experiment on Sub-New Earth, which was testing how long someone could last in a coma like state.  Or at least, that is what they told all of the people who volunteered to be a part of the test.  What they were actually doing is shooting people off of the overly populated Sub-New Earth.  They put them into the liquid, and then shot each one in a different way. They shot one into space, actually shot one, and then they shot Keith into the space between universes.


There isn’t much to see, smell, touch, taste, or hear inside of Keith’s tube.  The liquid felt kind of like mud, only with a thinner added into it. It didn’t smell like much, but there was a hint of butter. It looked like pitch darkness from the inside, and on the outside, it looked like a pitch black liquid inside a black container. The only good sense you could get from it was the sense of taste.  If you tasted some of the liquid Keith was in, you would taste the most delicious thing that you could imagine. Literally anything that you could think of, the liquid tasted like.  This was because the liquid was made of a little bit of everything. They had taken every single molecule in existence, and put them together into that liquid.  The liquid was for Keith to drink, and eat.  Since there was also air in there, he could breathe, even though it is a liquid.  Nobody really knew how they had made that liquid, since some of the atoms should be solids, gasses, and a few liquids.  But, they had still done it, and it was able to support Keith for up to 10 years, because there was an extra tank filled with just food liquid, to use as backups.  Of course, Keith was supposed to stay in the void for a lot longer than that. He knew that, and that was all he knew, since they had told him as the liquid was filling the tank. He remembered it now, the liquid filling the tank, and hearing someone say “by the way, you’re not coming back, EVER!”


Anyways, Keith was still inside the tube, thinking about what he could be doing, when he suddenly bumped into something. Somehow, that something made Keith remember everything that had happened to him.  Once he remembered everything, he wondered how he had bumped into anything.  Then, he noticed that there was a very, very small glimmer of light, so small that it was barely noticeable.  That sparked some interest in Keith, since he knew that nothing should be able to exist in the void, even himself.  He felt around inside his tube, and for some reason, he found a button that had been placed inside the tube.  He pressed it, and all of the liquid slowly drained out of the tube.  When the liquid level was low enough for him to see, he saw that he was back in the lab they had shot him out of, and that nobody seemed to notice the fact that his tube had landed extremely close to them.  He waited a bit longer, and then stepped out into the brilliantly blinding light.  Nobody noticed him, standing there, dripping wet and completely naked.  Keith wondered why? Were they just playing a game on him, and pretending that he wasn’t there, or was he somehow invisible?  To test what had happened, he went up behind one of them, and poked their neck. His hand went right through his neck, and his hand got a weird tingly feeling in it, almost as if he had stuck put his hand very close to something electric.  The scientist started to choke, and Keith immediately withdrew his hand from the scientist’s neck, and backed away slowly, tripping over one of the pieces of the furniture. It left no mark on the white stool, even though he had black liquid all over him.  He looked back and noticed that he hadn’t left a trail anywhere in the completely white room.  He wondered where he could possibly be, since he definitely wasn’t on Earth, at least not fully.  Suddenly, he jumped, hit his head on something, and everything went black.  He woke up, and felt the sticky, viscous liquid all over his skin again.  He looked up, and saw nothing, since he was back inside the tube. He found the button, and pressed it.  The liquid drained, and he was back in the lab room. This time, everyone was looking at him, a look of disbelief plastered on their faces.  He stepped out and said “Hello everyone, I’m back.”

The Bedroom

The smell of the fresh rainforest snaked its way up my nose as I entered my room. I could feel a mist coming from the lush forest and I could hear the distant sounds of animals calling, the leaves rustling, and the soft sound of the water flowing. As I sat at my table doing my homework, I saw some tropical fruit on the trees, so close I could almost taste the juiciness and sweetness of it. I reached up to grab it, only to realize it was all a simulation, and hit my hand on the wall. It was the year 2035, and everyone’s rooms had simulations in their bedrooms.

I started typing on my keyboard. The rainforest’s sounds and smells made me feel tranquil. After a hard day at school, this is exactly what everyone would love to come home to. After a while, I walked across the wooden floor to the control panel for the simulation. I switched off rainforest and switched on beach. Immediately, I felt the sea breeze. The smell of the salty sea water reached my nose as I took a deep breath. It felt as if I actually was at the beach. I looked around me for a second, the waves crashing ashore, the seagulls flying and squawking, the palm trees swaying with the wind, and I felt like a wave swallowed me and washed away all of my doubts and worries. I started reading, and soon night began to fall. I switched the stimulation again to a starry sky somewhere in New Zealand. I could hear the crickets chirping, there melody slowly putting me to sleep.

200 years from now

As I slowly walked to the fogged up glass doors of the Factory at Wake Forest, I vaguely spotted a long wide hallway with what it seemed like never ending ceilings with grey pipes visible at the very top. The floors had not changed one bit, still concrete with a waxed finished that looked so bright that you could almost see your reflection. As I took a few more steps, I felt the floor beneath my feet at an angle, like I was going up a very short ramp.

I took a right turn into a giant opening in the wall where the ice rink was located. The cheap looking blue and black rubber flooring had been replaced with new sleek black floors. The walls had been painted a lovely light blue color all the way up to the top of the high ceilings. The few banners on the walls before had been accompanied by at least double the number. There were both digital banners and fabric banners. The skate rental had been upgraded with all new quality skates, with new stuffed full of skates. There was a large, grey spinning rack that was controlled by a single computer which was much more convenient than stressing a worker out by searching all over the small room for skates. The snack bar had at least triple the amount of options with foods snacks, and some that I had never seen in my life. There were still two sheets of ice on either side of me, but new colorful and crazy lights had been installed in the ceilings. The lights were dizzying, as the variety of colors swirled all around ice that was as smooth as a single piece of paper. The air inside brushed my face and sent a chilling feeling from my head all the way down to my toes, as if you had just stepped out of your house on a freezing cold January morning. After searching around the rink, I decided to go check out the rest of the complex.

Down the ginormous hallway and to the right was my favorite restaurant called Ziggy’s Pizza. The bright signature red Ziggy’s sign remained the same, but the interior had evolved from a little Italian Pizzeria, to a large sports bar with synchronized televisions surrounding me. The comforting smell of pizza greeted me as I walked further back towards the kitchen. I spotted large grey stones as they outlined the opening in the wall where you could watch the chefs as they cooked your five star meals. Conveyer belts replaced the tables in the kitchen, new and improved devices that I had never seen before sat out along the tight walls in the kitchen. I could see the exact spot where a booth used to be set up to the right, but now there was a giant wall sized TV in its place.  where I would always sit with my friends if our parents were running late or forgot about us while we practiced. The new building was much improved and modernized, but it was still obvious that I was in the same spot 200 years later.

Ice Cream Imagery

The faint yet joyous sound of children laughing pulls me out of my deep slumber. I groan, blinking at the harsh sunlight shining through my window and into my eyes. A crisp, cold air fills my nostrils as I breathe in deeply; sending a shiver down my spine and goosebumps across my arms and legs. I pull the soft, fleecy blanket adorning my bed up to my chin, letting out a heavy sigh. Suddenly, a thought strikes me… What time is it? I ask my room. “9:00, Shiloh,” my room replies in its usual monotone, emotionless voice.  9:00? I exclaim ripping the sheets off my bed and hopping onto my hover board. I jump off immediately though, the frigid, metallic base of the hover board proving too cold for my warm feet, snug in my cozy bed just seconds before. I scan the room looking for slippers… Aha! I exclaim, spotting my favorite pair slumped over by my windowsill. As I cross the room to retrieve my slippers, a pop of color peaks out from behind my blinds and grabs my attention. I quickly pull on my slippers and turn on the heating button. A warm sensation gradually starts to fill my body, starting from the tips of my toes, and finishing at my ears that were turning bright pink from the cold.  I grab the cord and pull it down violently, revealing the outside world. Bright sunlight washes over me as I stand surveying my neighborhood, my mouth gaping open. This gape of disbelief turns into a small smile, and then a grin and finally an exclamation of delight. I pull on my warmest coat, hop on my hover board, and zoom out of my room into the hallway. I stop at a small doorway leading outside. I open the door, discarding my hover board in the hallway and jump head first down my large slide, almost flipping over at every twist and turn and laughing hysterically.

I land with a squish onto the soft ground. Brushing myself off, I stand up and breathe in. Hundreds of different aromas swirl around me; one for every flavor. You name it, you’ll find it here somewhere. Chocolate. Cookie Dough. Vanilla. Strawberry. Mint Chocolate-Chip. Coffee. Cake Batter. Oreo, and dozens more. That’s right, it’s a snow day… well, sort of. Layers upon layers of ice cream cover the ground; the scoops appearing to be small mountains. Neighborhood kids bounce down the street on giant marshmallows. Others sled down the ice cream Mountains on large, vibrantly colored gummy bears, biting chunks out of them as they go. Some simply sit in the ice cream and shovel spoon-fulls of the delectable treat into their mouths. Other skate on patches of frozen over whipped-cream. If you get too cold or needed a break, you can simply grab a donut (yes, an actual, edible donut) “inner tube” and hop into the chocolate sauce lazy river to warm up. Today there are endless possibilities. Today is an ice cream day! I think to myself, as it begins to rain sprinkles, and that means no school and memories that will last a lifetime.


Year 2200

As I wake up, school starts right here in my cozy bed. I do school in the comfort of my own home and so does every other student. We use holographic computers to interact with each other and learn. All I have to do is press a black button next to my bed and my computer shows up right in front of me. It is a rectangular, semi-see through screen. The screen on mine is large, but the size depends on your opinion. The computer can be programmed to your school schedule, it will then be able to take you from class to class online.  We do still rarely use paper worksheets, they come out of the holographic computer when my teacher assigns it to us. The pen that I write with is electronic, so I just have to think of the words and it will write them for me.  I can either use my finger as a mouse on the computer or I can just talk to it.

We take classes in small groups with one teacher and children from all over the world. By learning with students and teachers from all over the world we can learn from their perspectives and I can share my own. We also go on field trips regularly with groups that live close to us. Of course we learn all the core subjects like social media and technology. But we also learn how to communicate with animals and know there instincts.

In 200 Years From Now

As I walk into my bedroom, I see a floating bed. It’s not very high off the ground, but there is nothing holding it up. It looks like a cloud. It looks soft and thin, but when you sit down, it feels sturdy. It’s a milky white. A color that isn’t too rich, but isn’t too soft. When you look up at the ceiling it’s beautiful. During the day, you feel like you are outside. You see a beautiful blue sky that is probably prettier than the really sky. There are clouds moving and the sun lights up the room. At night, the ceiling changes. You can see a beautiful starry night, every night. You can see every star in the sky, and again it’s probably prettier than the actual sky. There is also a sunrise and sunset every day. These are the two most beautiful things you will ever see. The sunrise and sunset are what you have always wished they looked like. The sky is a pinky orange for about 5 minutes, so even though they are so beautiful, they don’t last very long. The entire room can be changed by just saying a few words. You use this system for just about everything. To turn off the lights, to bring you an item you want, or maybe to play some music. You have your own personal robot maid. The maid will bring you whatever you want, whenever you want.

There is a scent that the room holds, vanilla. It’s not too strong, but you can smell it enough for it to be very pleasant. When you leave the room, you can sense the non-present vanilla scent and it will sadden you because it is so beautiful. When you walk back in, it really feels like home. There is also a taste that is associated with my room. It is not strong at all, so you only really taste it when you walk in the room for the first time because you completely forget that it’s even there. It tastes like warm, fresh baked cookies. Cookies are a favorite part of everyone’s childhood, so why not have a room that smells like cookies. The overall atmosphere in the room is wonderful. Think of the best day of your life and times that by twenty seven and that is how this room makes you feel. There is something about it that feels magical. It could be the floating bed or the maid or the ceiling or maybe something else, but this room is amazing.


Year 2215

The easiest hello and hardest goodbye, my bed. Filled with bright orange, blue, and pink swirly flowers look like a garden on a bright spring morning. Filling up the whole right corner, my big fuzzy white chair sits, calling for me. When you sit down in it, it feels like you are getting the big hug from the fluffiest dog. My closet, filled shirts, and shorts, and pants, and skirts, and dresses, and jackets. Filled with blacks and whites, orange, and red, and purple, and blue, and every other color of the rainbow. My hardest decisions I have to make all happen in my closet.

What should I wear? Do these look good together? Which one? Do these clash?

My desk, a vibrant orange with white legs, sits there always cluttered. Never has this desk been clean for more than a day. Papers everywhere, with pens, and clothes, and books, too much to look at. These are the things that make up my usually messy unmade bedroom. Most bedrooms probably have the same basis as mine, but that is now.

Bedrooms will never be like this again. In the year 2215, rooms will be mechanic. There will be robots that keep your desk clean, make your bed, pick out your clothes, leave you nothing to do except sit in your fuzzy, warm, welcoming chair. You will just sit there, and sit there, absorbed into the virtual world with all of the new technology that has evolved throughout the 200 years. The TV’s will be a wall. Your walls will be covered by a big 3D flat screen, operated by your voice. The robots are like Siri. You ask them, they do it, and they do it fast. There is no more waiting for what you want, you get it now!

Cary Academy: The Year 2215

The chilly breeze blew back my hair as I hopped down from my airplane and entered the modern high tech building that is called Cary Academy. As I breathed in the scent of success, I walked through the metal detectors and pressed my hand up on the hand print sensor. The blue arrows on the sensor detected a yes and opened up the electronic gate that let me go through.

My fuchsia 10 inch knee high boots clicked against the crystal floor as it became certain to me that the 2205 style was making a comeback. I floated through the halls on my air glider and observed all the tall people that used to be 8th grade classes. I chuckled at the 219 pictures that filled up the halls and thought about how much the building has changed through time.

To think that Cary Academy used to be made of bricks and columns really still surprises me until this day. As I entered my first period classrooms I could see everyone typing away on their invisible keyboards that led to no laptop or computer, but simply just a brain. We all have microchips that were planted straight into our heads since we were a child. That is where we store all of our information from school. I observed how a single silver wire that connected from the teachers head to a huge speaker as small as a nail could load an entire train of thoughts. The robo-speaker spoke every word that the teacher was thinking and taught the class for us.

The alarm went off in our microchips and the entire class glided off into the next classrooms on our air glider and I thought to myself quietly. “How could people have survived by using their feet to walk everywhere?”

Future – The Nuclear Fire: Imagery Word Piece

The year: unknown. The date: unknown.

After the nuclear fire, the thick blanket of dirt and smoke enveloped the entire landscape. Nothing can be found here, as the buildings are so dilapated that there is no color left on the bricks, and the once-proud pieces of architecture, 100 stories high, now lay in scattered pieces of rubble. As I took in the smells, which was hard to do through the unwieldy gas mask, a sense of death still clung to the area in the form of rotting flesh. The rancid smell overtook me as I climbed over the burned-out shells of cars, as I made my way back to the shelter. As the wind blew off some thick black dirt from the road that was without color now, a flyer was exposed.

It contained the entire cause of the apocalypse in just 5 short words. As I stared at it in wonder, my surroundings became clearer than ever. The sun was completely blotted out due to the immense amount of greenhouse gases that had been pumped into the atmosphere, but a few rays managed to shove their way through. This light was the only reason that I could see anything. As I reached the abandoned subway station that was my shelter, the stifling silence was interrupted only by faintest bark of a dog, as I sat alone, so alone, in my small hole in the ground that once was a bustling subway stop in Manhattan.

As I stared at the flyer, gas mask still on, I carefully observed the piece of paper that had taken everything from everyone. With this one paper, I finally knew the reason behind all the suffering and hardship. The flyer read “Kanye West for President: 2020”.

My Future World

The computer hovers silently over the desk. There is no sound in the house. The computer is not like the ones we see today. This computer is a holograph and it floats just above the table. The person is sitting at the computer but he is not using a mouse or a keyboard. He can just imagine what he wants to click and type, and the computer will do it for him. Right now, he is on eBay buying a toy dinosaur. Without the click of a button, he purchases the T-Rex and then turns around to face the other side of the room.

On this side, there is a medium-sized metal door. It looks like a doggie door on steroids. Just minutes after the order is confirmed, the silence of the house is broken. It starts with a small buzzing sound as if a bug was flying by your ear. Then the sound grows. Now it sounds like a mix between glass breaking and a sword fight. Then the room begins to smell. It smells like freshly cut grass. A green light slowly grows from the door. Suddenly, with a flash and a bang, the room goes dark and silent again. It’s like an explosion without the danger. The only light is from the computer across the room.

The door then makes a distinctive ‘click’ sound. A soft humming sound starts. It is the sound you would hear on an escalator. It suddenly goes silent again. A few moments later, a small T-Rex pops out from the door. The delivery of his toy only took five minutes. The man bends down and picks it up. He is ecstatic. He walks away and begins to happily play with his new toy.

Future World

I drove to work in my old Telsa 2192′ hovercraft. Well strictly speaking I wasn’t the one driving it was the Google X AI program that was, but that wasn’t really important. I heard the hum of the air coming out the vehicle and hitting the ground below me. The Hydrogen Fuel Cells powering my car had a barely noticeable burning smell. I look out the window that most people don’t every realize is there and see the huge spherical nuclear fusion plants at which I work. Google X tell me in that annoying digital voice telling me that I have arrived at my destination. Most people would just by busy on their VR Headset, but not me as I get out of the hovercraft and hear the loud noise of Helium 3 Atoms being forced together and ponder the probability of antimatter power.

The Story of My Close Call

It was just a typical bright and sunny day. I was cruising down the streets in my brand new shiny red truck. I had just gotten a job at my local fire department and I was so enthusiastic to start work. As I was driving, I didn’t know how it happened. My mind just went absolutely blank. It was so blank that I didn’t realize I was driving into a building and onto the second floor. I was thinking of something else, and suddenly BAM! I look out the driver’s window, and there I am hanging, hanging out of the wall. I heard a crack, and I felt the truck slowly, oh so slowly, falling. I knew that I had to get out. As I scrambled out of the driver’s seat towards the back door, I felt the truck tilt back and forth like a weighing scale. I immediately froze and waited for the truck to stop moving.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that I had gathered quite a crowd down below. People stood on the sidewalk and spilled out onto the street. Some cars even stopped to take a look at the beautiful mess before they had to keep moving because someone honked at them. I could see people murmuring and whispering to each other. They were probably all wondering how the heck I managed to get myself up there, and even I can’t answer that question. I inched slowly to the back door and I could feel the truck slowly shifting with my weight. The truck was so long, that by the time I got 5 or so inches closer to the back door the truck started shaking violently again. I took a deep breath and told myself that it was now or never. I sprinted for the door, and I could feel the truck beneath me thrashing like a fish out of water. I finally got to the door. I pulled with all the power I had left in me but the door wouldn’t budge. The truck was starting slip, so I knew this was my last chance. I kicked the door open and I instantly regretted that. My toe felt like it had been dipped into honey and stuck into a bee hive. I jumped onto the second floor just as truck went tumbling down and crashing onto the street. Luckily the spectators were smart enough to get out of the way and no one was hurt, well except the truck. I lost my job and my toenail that day, but I saved what was most important to me, my life.

Pie Heaven

Jerry is one the most genial kids you will ever meet, while on the other hand, Gary is a very troublesome child. They seem to balance each other out. Always together with no one else on their minds. They always seemed ecstatic and no one was ever sure why. One of their best memories together is the story that is about to be told.

Best friends Jerry and Gary were walking down main street. All by themselves. With no one in site.

“Jerry how would you feel if we snuck into Ms. Patty’s and stole some pies?” Said Gary.

“What the heck! What if we got caught? We could go to jail. I’m only seven. I can’t go to jail now. Please, please don’t make me go. I’m begging you!”

“Aren’t you hungry? You haven’t eaten since lunch. That was five hours ago. And we only had a sandwich. Not even a big one. Come on.” Gary said very, very mischievously.

“I am really hungry. But I’m not sure.”

“Come on!”


So the two little boys tried to sneak into Ms. Patty’s. They thought deep down and found their inner ninja. They made short choppy movements, but at the same time they were so smooth. When Jerry first saw the one and only worker. He wanted to bolt, but Gary was there to protect him. They kept moving and they stayed hushed because even though there was only one worker, she was petrifying. They were making their way up to the counter. The crawled on their knees around the counter and Jerry accidently hit his foot on the counter. It made a blaring scratching noise. The boys just froze and acted like they were statues. And nothing happened. The one and only worker didn’t even turn around. You are probably wondering how this is even possible, but as I forgot to tell you earlier, the one and only employee had headphones in that I’m guessing were roaring music into her ear and probably causing some damage to them.

They were so close now. All they had to do was make it through one door and then they would be to all of the pies. Ms. Patty’s had a very large door that was heavy and made loud noises as you opened and closed it, so getting through that door was the hardest part. Gary crawled up to it and grabbed the handle. He pulled the door open as cautiously as he could and the worker didn’t even move a muscle. They hurried in and closed the door very cautiously too. The two boys realized that they were in pie heaven and started stuffing their faces with pies.

The Laundromat Murder

Here I am with my head in a washer, you may think poorly about my state of mind looking at me now but you will not after I guide you through the path I took to get here. It all started sometime ago when I left my dysfunctional prison that I call home to wash our families laundry down at the Laundromat. As soon as I closed the door to my house I glided down the rustic tile stairs of the apartment complex, in that moment I felt free of this world, gliding to a better tomorrow but when I hit the bottom of the stairs that feeling evaporated instantly. As a pushed I heaved open the heavy iron door that keeps me prisoner complex a tall ominous man dressed like the blackest cat I have ever seen pranced across the street towards me like an angel. I soon realized that I live in the Bronx and when a stranger in pitch black runs at you he is most likely trying to either mug you or mug you then murder you, so I ran. I ran faster than I have before I leaped past the trash cans in the night and I flew over the bumps in the concrete towards the misplaced Laundromat. Going to the Laundromat that is next to a weapons depot has its pros and cons. On a normal day if you were to walk down the street towards a weapon depot as a nine year old, you’d usually get questioned but today was no normal day. I hoped that the man not continue hunt me down when he saw that I was running towards a weapons depot but he pressed on. When I was 30 feet from the Laundromat I turned around to check whether I was still being followed by the suspicious man something hit me hard and that is the last thing I remember. Now I have woken up in a washer in the Laundromat with not even the faintest idea about what happened last night. So there it was not me who was responsible for my head being engulfed in a washer so think again about this picture and don’t forget to……. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH (Slicing noise) (thunk)

Diction Piece

She laughed as the wetness slapped her, once, twice. The girl’s pigtails swished as she danced and grinned, and though the mare’s ears were pinned the horse allowed the toddler to stroke her nose. The girl held out her hand, and when the mare tried to nibble on it, gentle as a dove, she squealed as tears of laughter dribbled from her eyes. A woman’s hand reached out to clasp the toddler’s waist, and the girl giggled as she was lifted up. The mare’s head followed, and she slurped her tongue over the girl’s arm before retreating to the calm of her paddock.

Diction Piece

“Stop”! What an overrated word. I can’t stand it. People need to stop saying stop! I see and hear the word every single day. I never knew why I always hated that word. But I remember that I hated it since I was a baby. Just like a lot of people have certain words that they can’t stand, well, mine is “stop”. My burning fiery hatred for this word grew and grew over time and I refuse to see it any longer. I have a plan, a really magnificent plan that’ll make my world such a happier place.

People think I’m weird. I’m not that weird. Okay, fine, maybe I’m a little weird. But I can’t help it if I’m different. Let’s be real here, I don’t really have any friends but I do have a best friend named Arnold. Arnold is my computer and I have learned all of my hacks from this very big “box”. I have always been a technology wizard. I grew up as the daughter of two successful engineers; who I guess, transferred their passion and knowledge of technology to me. I could literally hack into the Pentagon and steal all of their information if I wanted to but I tried to do that once and my mom grounded me.

Today is finally the day. November 3rd. The day of my birthday and the happiest day of my life. I will never have to see the word ever again… That is, if no one ever says the word again. A quarter past 8 PM arrived and I immediately hopped onto my trusty computer. I first hacked the traffic control server which had access to the stop signs in the entire city. That’s right, I said the entire city. I cautiously logged into the city traffic control control centers and switched around the letters to Halt. Oh no! I quickly realized that it wouldn’t let me as “error” blinked on and off on the screen. “5 – 4 – 3 “, the screen read as it was going to turn off in just two seconds. I didn’t have enough time to switch all the letters, the only thing I could do, was change “s-t-o-p” into “s-t-p-o”.

I thought that my master plan would work, but who knew the traffic stop signs were more safe than the Pentagon? Oh well, at least stpo is better than stop!


Diction Piece

After their long swim in the lake, the tiny cygnets clambered up onto their mothers back, and rested while she paddled them hastily back to their island in the middle of the lake. Once they got back to the small island, each of the cygnets sprung off, and went to lay down. Once each and every one of the cygnets had gone to sleep, the mother went off to go get food, on the threatening streets of Chicago. At one point on her expedition for food, the mother came close, oh so close, to a car that was zooming past at high speeds. After that near fatal collision, the mother swan was very suspicious of everything, every little thing, that she saw. For the next hour, she looked for food, and when she found it, she decided to go back to her little baby cygnets. On her way back, she had another startling miss with a train. This time though, she wasn't quite as lucky, and a couple of feathers were plucked off, and drifted away after the train. When she got back to her babies, she decided to never go back to that terrible area in the city.

Ice Walker

He walks on ice. A tall dark figure and his familiar cadence. 3 long strides, 7 small steps. Every morning at 7 o’clock without fail there he is. 3 long strides, 7 small steps. Never breaking the pattern not as the day grows longer. Not as the Texaco Wisconsin looms behind him. A daunting dark, shape just off his left vision. Does he know of the Texaco Wisconsin? I’ll never know. I have never stopped this ship to ask him.

The Texaco soldiers on its path. As the man walks in between the thin leveless trees. The result of some artic phenomena, I am sure. I stare, in pensive thought towards the monotonous view of winter white ice, as the Texaco Wisconsin continues its tedious journey onward. Who is the man? Why is he here? Where is he going? Thoughts cloud my mind. However, I’ll never know. I have never stopped this ship to ask him. And I never will.

Diction piece

In a meadow full of blossoms lived a cow that was ecstatic all the time. She made jokes about her herd and told them to other people. Driving by her herd, one would often see a cow telling jokes or teasing her friends by playing pranks on them. That was always, every time, her. Her name, what she was called by was The Laughing Cow. Every single day, she would work so- SO hard on her writing skills. Preparing each and every day for her final and most cunning prank of all. After pondering for several weeks, at last she decided what she would and could do. Using an aging and dusty billboard, she used a sharpie to inscribe in big bold letters the words: “Don’t Cross this Field unless you can do it in 9.9 seconds. The bull can do it in 10.”

After this, she settled down in a patch of shady grass and slept.

Diction Piece

The wind howled ferociously into the night as swirling snowflakes danced through the crisp air. The usually bustling street was vacant, yet felt filled to the brim with an eerie silence. It felt almost as if the breath of everyone in the city was being held; as though they were huddled in the safety of their homes. Watching. Wondering. Waiting. Like they knew that something was about to happen. A small figure now appeared out from the shadows of a lengthy, dark alleyway. As it drew closer, it uttered a small mewing sound like that of a cat- yes, a cat it appeared to be. He grimaced and turned his head away from the driving, powerful wind as he staggered forward; the tremendous force of the gale nearly knocking him to the ground several times. The frost bit at his paws and nose until he could barely feel them. The bitter cold forced him to squint his water-filled eyes until he could hardly see at all; so that the world was all a blur. He desperately wanted this all to be a dream. He wanted to wake up to a warm bed and satisfying- really filling meal… something he hadn’t had the fortune of having in a long time. His whole body ached. Every breath, every step was a tremendous effort. His thin, white tail and back legs lay limp on the ground as they were dragged forward by the last bit of will he had in him. He wanted- he needed to stop; but he pressed forward. After what must have felt like an eternity, he reached a large set of stone steps. With a deep shuddering breath, he began to climb up; digging his claws into small patches of ice so he could pull himself up to the next step. Two colossal statues towered over him as he came to the last step. He lurched himself forward toward the nearest statue- a lion. He curled up into a tight ball between the lion’s gigantic paws. As soon as he rested his heavy head on his own paws, he fell asleep and the deep, aching cold he felt all the way in his bones immediately washed away.

Diction Piece

The Baseball War

The pitch grew closer and closer. He could now clearly see that the ball was going to strike him in the sides, and he knew that it was done with full intention of doing so by the pitcher. As the ball forcefully crashed into his ribs, he winced in pain, which quickly turned into a feeling of utter contempt that started in the lower depths of his soul, and soon came to a boiling point. With a look of pure loathing in his eyes, he charged straight at the pitcher’s mound, and as he swung with a vigor that he had never felt before, his punch connected with the pitcher’s lower jaw, causing him to crumple to the ground. As he was about to take advantage of the now prone pitcher, he was grabbed from behind, and the full-on war between the two teams began.

Diction Piece


Lt. Smith had two more weeks until he was done in the air force. We as so  jubilant to come home to his wife and kids, he felt as if he was walking on cloud nine. He has been serving for 2 years and has only shot down one plane. He was on his way through the country side only 1,000 yards up, before he was engaged by a whole wave of enemy fighters. He dove quickly to 300 yards and soon began to rise and attack from underneath like a shark does to a seal. One down. Two down. Lt. Smith was so ecstatic to see he had taken out 1/8 of the pilots. He turned his head around and was filled with terror as he saw over 300 30 mm bullets coming at his plane. One hit his right wing. Two hit the left wing. Then it stops. He flies through some clouds and turns around to see his end. Four though his cabin. He started to lose cabin pressure. Then only on shot hit his propeller and he knew where it was heading. As he started his nose dive he took two more enemy planes with him. He took out the picture of his family from his wallet one more time. He was closing in promptly on the graveyard below him. He said one finally word. The name of his wife.

Diction Piece

For 38 monotonous years I have lived here in the Arctic Ocean. I have been through it all and seen some pretty insane things in my day. I have 43 children that have grown up and now have families of their own. I invested more than half my life to them and taught them all I know. I now feel as if I have nothing to do, they were my everything. I am now feeling lonely and bored, just waiting for the day I die.

As I lie on this gate and gaze at the beautiful scenery around me, out of the corner of my eye I see something astounding. She was perched on a glacier with the sun beaming off of her. I had never seen such an elegant walrus in my life. I decided to swim over and introduce myself, we ended up talking all night. The whole night I was grinning from ear to ear.  It was one of the most perfect days I have had in a while. We now meet at the gate every day to look at the scenery and talk. I have a new found beginning in my life and I am elated for the future.


Diction Piece

He is nearing the finish line, galloping with all of his might. He sees a horse coming up in spitting distance behind him. His big brown eyes, the color of bitter dark chocolate, untouched morning coffee, and dusted with hazel, glimpse the end of the track. All he ponders is the training, pain, sweat, and blood, “is it all for nothing?”

He only has to focus on what he came here to do: Win. His jockey pushes him to his limits. Pushing so hard, the jockey gets propelled from the stirrups, plummeting to the ground. He quickly latches his arms around the horse’s neck, grasping to stay on. There’s no time to pull himself back up, so he just dangles there, desperately, oh so desperately. By this point the two horses are neck to sweaty neck. One horse pulls forward, then the other pulls ahead. This game continues until the final step of the race. The finish is going to come down to the tips of the horses noses. The jockey knows if he falls, he will be disqualified, and everything will be over. He makes one last decision to toss his feet over the finish line, bounding after they cross.

Diction writing

The many sounds of yelling and sirens woke me from my deep, deep sleep. What time is it? What is happening? Is this a dream? Dozens of questions flew into my head which left my half-awake self extremely puzzled. Its 6:14 am, one minute before my alarm was set to go off, I prepared myself to swiftly turn it off to avoid that loud obnoxious buzzing noise. I was still confused as to why all of the chaotic noises were around me, but then I peered out my window to see a heavy stream of water rushing down through the largest street in town. Mobs of fearful people were pulling their children and loved ones to safer areas on the streets and calling for help, but it was right then that I realized that I was one of the people they were crying for. As a police officer it is to help keep everyone safe, and it was my time to help people in the way I had been training to do for years. Once I had finally gotten dressed and out the door, I had to use my inner leader and direct everyone to the safest possible place. I stood where I always stand every day of the year, on the corner of the street. Familiar faces flashed past me. The happiest environment turned into nothing but an environment resembling a nightmare. Hours passed, and the scattered people gathered into one large crowd, except for me, I stood as still as a statue risking my life in what had seemed a bottomless pit water. The rain continued and by the time it was 6:00 pm, it was hardly sprinkling. An empty stomach. Drenched from head to toe in water. Sanding on the corner of the street, all alone.

The sun arrived. The rain disappeared. The people appeared. The mess was created all from water. Slowly but surely- surely, the city came back to life. Fixing one thing at a time. The buildings were refurbished and lives were put back together. I was able to see everything get put back together. I saw new lives being assembled. I saw old lives being completed. Standing from that one corner.

Diction Piece

As the teams went out for the second half of the game, the townspeople smelled a smoky aroma in the air.

Right good barbeque they got going there,” said Bubba, a local.

“That’s not a barbeque,” uttered Joyce, another resident, “That’s a regular old fire!”

As the townspeople shrieked and others dashed to their cars, the teams just kept playing on. The fire department soon arrived and set up hoses to combat the fire. As the building started to blaze, the teams gazed in horror as the firefighters tried valiantly to stop the blaze. Alas, the building collapsed to the ground.

In the aftermath of the event, the game was rescheduled for a later date. The players clothes and possessions were not spared by the fire at all, but the town was gracious enough to reward them with new clothes and whatever they could replace.

Diction Piece

Lewis was overflowing with excitement. It was his favorite- absolute favorite holiday. St. Patrick’s Day. The air was crisp and it had a buzz to it as if it was electric. Lewis’s home town was sitting on a hill that over looked beautiful lakes, rolling hills and a lush forest. Earlier this morning he had stepped outside and found a four leaf clover. To see a leprechaun was his one wish. Soon after, Lewis and his family headed downtown for the big parade. Every short green object was closely-oh so closely- inspected by Lewis so the he was sure they weren’t leprechauns.  They finally reached the main square and settled in for the show. Only after most of the town was there did the parade begin.


Dancers in green performed cartwheels and flips as they moved down the cobblestone streets. Next came the floats. Giant four leaf clovers soared through the air. The crowd cheered and cheered and cheered. Lewis was the only one who failed to cheer for he was too busy searching for leprechauns. The next float was a humungous green top hat with a shiny, golden ring around it. Suddenly, Lewis sprinted out into the middle of the road. He had no care for the parade for all of his attention was fixed on finding little men in green suits. He peered high into the sky and looked inside the hat for hiding leprechauns. There were none. Only a few steps behind, Lewis’ mother ran into the road and scooped him up off the ground. The look- that evil look- on his mother’s face dared him to do it again. Lewis slumped his shoulders and let his mother drag him off to the side. The parade was approaching its last event, but Lewis had yet to find a leprechaun.


The last part of the parade was a traditional song performed by kilted men playing the bagpipes. The sound of the music was almost louder than the crowd’s cheers. The cobblestone road thundered as the men marched down the road. They were led by a leprechaun. A short happy leprechaun. ‘Real or not real?’ was the only thing that was going through Lewis’ mind. Real or not real? He failed to come up with an answer. It would be risky to run again but he decided his wish might depend on this very moment. He stepped slowly- oh so slowly- onto the street and looked around. Nobody had noticed him yet. He broke out of the crowd and ran. And ran. Straight towards the leprechaun. The poor leprechaun was being chased by Lewis who was being chased by his mom who was being chased by a policeman. Lewis reached out to grab the leprechaun. He was close- so close- to grabbing him. But just as he swiped the leprechauns scampered up a bagpiper’s tree trunk legs. Lewis grabbed the man’s kilt and pulled it back so that he could look for his leprechaun. There was no leprechaun! ‘How could it be?’ Lewis thought to himself. He then turned around and saw his mother quickly approaching him. He turned around again and ran off like he’d been shot out of a cannon. Lewis ran for about two feet before he ran right into a musician that was playing the bagpipes. Down he fell, like a rock tumbling off a cliff. As soon as Lewis hit the ground his mother picked him up. She took him straight home and put him in timeout. He was so mad- no not mad, he was furious. Finally Lewis slowly drifted into a deep, deep sleep, where he found his leprechaun floating on a four leaf clover in the hands of a tall, kilt-wearing bag pipe player.