Category Archives: Robotics


Robotics Post 9/22

After we finished creating the frame and the camera module for the robot, we attacked the wheels and finished the robot. To install the camera module and the ps3 controller blue tooth, we used Linux and Piborg to set up the camera module and other software components. RyanScott2k15

finished robot



We have just finished our robot, and we are all very happy.  It is not as big as we all expected but it is still pretty cool.  We also programmed it so we can drive it on Sam’s phone.  The programming took about 20 minutes and was copying what they said to do from the directions. It doesn’t go very fast, but it can climb up crazy inclines (45 degrees).  We can also drive it without following it because there is a camera on the front of the robot that we can see a live image of were it is going.  The image does buffer a little and doesn’t have good depth perception. Because of this, Ryan and I are now going to start to try to program it to be controlled with the PS4 controller.  Very exciting.


Today, we completed our robot, and began setting up the software to connect it to the PS3 controller. We used Linux and piborg to set up the software components on the diddyborg, and controllers.


Robotics Progress


So far during our group project in robotics, we have successfully made two motors spin while connected to an arduino and one arduino connect to our computers via blue tooth. We have done this by hooking up batteries to the bread boards, connecting the motor controls to the arduino and the motors to the bread board. On the blue tooth module, we have connected it to the arduino and the bread board. We have connected all the motors to the computers through cables. Our next step is to create a chassis and be able to control the motors with wheel through a device.



Next Steps

We have successfully connected the motor to the Arduino and Breadboard.  We have connected another motor to an Ardunio and Breadboard.  We have also begun the first step of using Bluetooth to drive our car.  Our next step in building our car would be to finish connecting Bluetooth.  After that we will begin to build the frame that way we can connect all of the parts.  Here are some pictures of our progress:


bluetooth pic


This is our first attempt at connecting Bluetooth.  We need to finish connecting this to our computer and phone.




This is our motor successfully connected to the Ardunio, Breadboard, and synced with the computer program.  We are now able to get it running on the first time.

We will also need to make a chassis as part of our new few steps.


Robotics blog

AS a team we have completed two motors connected to bread boards and arduinos we can control the motors and change their speed. Also we are building a bluetooth system. We now need to connect the motor to the bluetooth and put it all on a chassis. We have done this by hooking up a motor to a bread board and arduino and connecting it to a computer that we coded on.

bluetoothbig battery

Robotics (building Progress)

Though  i  wanted to use it, I found no use in using the chain.

I added more support to drive base, added motors to 2 of the wheels and still needed to add motors to the other two.  I added the mounts were the lift and claw will go. Next step find mounting spots for other two motors. Next step start programming.

Blog Post 2

Update on Progress:
We’ve soldered practiced soldering for a while, and today ended up actually soldering three of the pieces to the circuit board and desoldering/resoldering one. We’ve also had a couple of mistakes, including soldering a piece on the wrong spots (which required the aforementioned desoldering), and losing one of the wheels. However, this doesn’t provoke much worry, because the instructions say to split one of the wheels. Therefore, with the two remaining wheels, we can just split both and have the same number of wheels as we’re supposed to. That’s pretty much it…


Last work session i added gears to the shafts so i could add more more power to the drive base, once i add the motors connect the other gears. Starting to design claw and teaching myself java programming.  I deice against connecting the entire drive base to just one motor, because it would lower speed, power, and an inability to turn.


I don’t really want to do the cordless drill go-cart because it’s very similar to another project which I have done before and it wasn’t very successful and was pretty frustrating. I would rather do something simpler is design, but more complicated in other aspects. I would rather go back to thinking of RC cars which would use Arduino and possibly the 3D printer to make. We may have wasted so much time try to choose a project that some of this is no longer possible, but I hope that we’ll be able to figure it out by Tuesday so we can begin and stop wasting time.

Here are a few links of things which are similar to what I was thinking although some of them have materials or things which we possibly couldn’t use:

An RC car isn’t the only thing which I want to do, but we’ve been having trouble coming up with anything else and are running out of time so this might be one of our only options. It is the beginning of the year so an RC car may be a good project to start with and will give us ideas for different projects we could do later.

First Journal Entry

My first project is about making a miniball. This is a ball that uses solar energy to power a robot, which then makes the ball move. So far, my partner and I are just waiting for the parts to arrive. We have already received the plastic ball on Tuesday and had to make a few adjustments. The ball had a nub on the side, so we had to cut this off. Sadly, the ball was inadvertently scratched during the removal. However, we are still able to use the ball for our project.

First Project

For our first project, we will be making a Raspberry Pi powered robot. It will be  controlled by a PlayStation 3 controller and has six wheels. There are high powered motors that will have enough power to even carry someone! Today, the parts are on their way and not here yet.

Our robot will look like this

Our First Robotics

To build an rc car we will need

1. An android device

2. A diy car chasis

3. mcu controller

4. A blue tooth module

5. motor driver

6. miscelaneous items: wires, batteries, battery holders, zip ties, and etc.

7. Knowledge of the rc car and the wiring and circuitry

Parts needed

Our first project will be a simple RC car.  The car will be controlled with an Android device that also has a built in accelerator.  This accelerator will also have Bluetooth.  The device will be connected to via USB Host.  We then need a motor driver.  We also need a Bluetooth Modules.  The hardest part would be the chassis.