All posts by timothyw419

Tone stories





Subject: Questions your teaching styles




Last Friday I sat in on your AP Biology class. I was fascinated by your teaching styles and how you were able to intrigue your students. I am sure your student were able to comprehend the information for presented swimmingly. I do have a few questions for you on behalf of how your present to your class.


First of all, I noticed that you encourage your students to take notes. Do you provide class notes? I also noticed that each student had their own tablet. This looks like it increases productivity and organization dramatically for the students. Do you believe this too or do you think it is a hazard because they cause distractions?


Finally, when I sat in on your class you were teaching your class the topic on the Smart Board. Do you only do lessons like this or only when you are presenting a new topic? Recently I have been pondering on the best ways for students to learn and to get a more in-depth.  Allow me to share my ideas on this topic. I think it would be better if the students get a brief but descriptive of the new topic and then instructions on how to complete a basic lab. Then using their limited knowledge on the topic they will have to complete a lab with classmates that in the end builds up on their knowledge. Afterwards they should share their data and communicate with other why they got their data. This will only further build up their knowledge on the topic. Especially since they are sharing their results/findings with others so they will learn something that another group found that they didn’t. Then, they should complete one more lab that is far more advanced which will challenge them to use all of their knowledge on the topic, common sense, and will have to communicate with their peers. Finally, after the lab is completed and they understand the topic completely, hopefully, then they will be challenged once again to write a lab write up. In the lab write up they will be forced to prove what they have learned. This will put the last Lego on the tower. Their knowledge on the topic should be complete for their grade level. The reason I have thought out this lesson plan is because students need a more interactive education to make them want to go back into class and to learn.


I had a great time sitting in your class Friday. Email me back on what you think about my lesson plan? Thanks.




Sir Timoothy Renrew


Dear Diary,

Today I was riding my bike with Mills. We normally ride our bikes by the old rusty train track. But today was no normal bike ride. When we got to the train track we heard the quiet whistle of wind breezing through the trees. And we heard something else too. We heard a faint bark. Mills and I immediately looked at each other, puzzled. Then we looked back to the source of the sound. Right there, laying in the middle of the train track, was a bloody brown puppy. The puppy must have gotten lose from its owner and cut herself on the rusty metal that makes up the track. Thankfully no train was near. The puppies fur was matted to her skin, covered in blood. When we ran over to her, she was so weak she could only let out a single wag of her long brown tail. Her eyes covered in tears. We had to do something.

I whipped out my phone and called my mother. She said she would meet me at the parking lot of the park in front of the train tracks with medical supplies. Carefully I picked up the puppy, one hand on her neck the other on her lower stomach. I carried her to the park bench where I sat her down to wait for my mother to arrive. I couldn’t just watch the poor little puppy suffer from excruciating pain so I took of my shirt and started dabbing her wounds with it. I got my water bottle and started to rinse her body from the blood and dirt. I held pressure to her wounds until my mother arrived. Mills and her wrapped the puppies stomach, where the puncture wound was, with bandage wrap. Afterwards, I called the local veterinarians office where we would take the puppy to get proper care. When we arrived to the vet a jolly man named Dr. David, who wears crocs, came out to the car and brought the puppy in on a stretcher. Dr. David performed surgery to remove a broken piece of rusty metal from her stomach. She would be okay. When the procedure was over we said goodbye to her, and left her their for adoption. We walked out the door, and we never saw her again. Until my mom said “Timoothy do you want early Christmas present?”.

Imagery for LA

“Okay coming!!!” I yelled down the stairs as I was throwing clothes on. Today my parents and I were going to buy a brand new 2215 Volkswagen hovercraft. Volkswagon just released the new model of the Aqua this morning. The aqua is a land and water hovercraft. This means it can hover just above the surface of earth and act as a regular car like my ancestors had and it can also navigate through the deep depths of the sea.

The 2215 Aqua features a long sleek, snow white body with curved black windows to fit the shape of the hovercraft. Lining the front of the hovercraft is a black air-bumper to prevent crashes. This is like the bumpers they used have on bumper cars back in the day. On the rear end of the Aqua is an exhaustion pipe lined with shiny chrome which takes up the entirety of the bottom portion. Above the exhaustion pipe are two large frisbee sized propellers. These propellers are also a snow white lined with elegant chrome to give the minimalist but perfectionist feel. Just below these propellers are two rectangular cherry red rear lights, one on each side. On the back sides of the hovercraft are two large propellers, one on each side of course which help lift the hovercraft up in the air during flight or a dive. On the top of the hovercraft is a large black sun roof which is perfect for see the clouds above and fish swimming above the hovercraft. On the opposite side, the bottom, is a large clock tower clock sized fan which is used for even distributing the air flow which helps get the hovercraft of the ground.

Diction Writing

The vigorous 6-11 left handed pitcher was one pitch away from having a perfect game. 9 innings 26 outs No walks. He was one out away. The pitcher threw a 102 mph fastball for a strike. The crowd was animated.  The second pitch, a 98 mph curve ball that curved too much and hit the batter in the head. The perfect game was ruined. A batter had been walked. The pitcher was enraged . He had just given up his chance for his first career perfect game. He was so enraged that he charged the batter and heaved a punch right his face. The batter was flabbergasted at the pitcher poor sportsmanship. But know he was infuriated too. Without hesitating the batter pummeled the pitcher with two punches and a kick. This started an all-out brawl between the two teams. Each dugouts benches cleared and every team mate ran onto the field and was throwing punches left and right. The umpires where trying to put a stop to the massive scuffle by throwing players out of the game every other second. But this did not nothing. Each player had their mind set to batter the living day out of the opposing team. Soon people from the crowd jumped down from the stands and were running towards the fight. Then….