All posts by savannahl489


The fiercest of all in the jungle was the tiger. She could roar as loud as a thousand pumas and she could also scare twice as many birds as any animal could. She would talk to all animals in a threatening way and all animals knew that she could do what she said she could do.

The tiger could fight and win against two of the strongest pumas and would often make them go away with their tails in between their legs. She was indeed the fiercest of all animals. All were scared of her if they got on her bad side, sometimes she would prove her points by showing how ruthlessly she could fight. Usually, she didn’t need to though. This pussy cat is indeed fierce.


Dear Diary, or should I say “my best friend in the whole wide world”

Today, writing in you has just made my day a whole lot worse. In the morning I did “super” on my French test and my French teacher of course had me go to detention. You see, going to detention in high school is not any different from going to detention in middle school, except for the fact that it goes on your resume which was just what I needed.

Anyways, in the afternoon, during PE, of course we had to run the mile and it was actually quite “entertaining”. Some of the girls had eaten too much for lunch and sure you could say that they did not feel great but I would say that would be a little too much of an under exaggeration. They were like, barfing up whole meals and of course that was a “pleasant” sight.

Overall, I had the “Best day ever” and it just keeps on getting worse.

The future bedroom

My robot comes into my room asking me what I would like to eat for dinner while I am telling my desk what to write on my homework. My bedroom has a rainforest theme today and the walls show images of trees and vines as well as rainforest creatures. A colorful parrot suddenly flies by and lands on a branch of a tree. My bed has also developed this theme and is a hammock seemingly made out of vines and moss. I quickly reply the robot with a few directions and send him off. I continue focusing on my homework with the rainforest’s sights and smells all around me.

When I finish my homework, my robot brings up my dinner and my desk’s hand puts the cap onto my favorite blue pen. I can smell the aroma of the Alfredo and chicken that my robot has made. Of course, the chicken tastes wonderful with just the right amount of garlic and barley in it and the Alfredo noodles taste even better. I chat awhile with my robot and then lets him clean up the dishes and put them in the dish washer. I watch a little bit of TV and then go to my room to do some more homework.

Finally, after finishing homework, I tell the bed to change into the shape of a tree with a hammock hang from it, shower and then climb into the fluffy hammock and fall asleep, listening to the sounds of the rainforest.

Diction piece

In a meadow full of blossoms lived a cow that was ecstatic all the time. She made jokes about her herd and told them to other people. Driving by her herd, one would often see a cow telling jokes or teasing her friends by playing pranks on them. That was always, every time, her. Her name, what she was called by was The Laughing Cow. Every single day, she would work so- SO hard on her writing skills. Preparing each and every day for her final and most cunning prank of all. After pondering for several weeks, at last she decided what she would and could do. Using an aging and dusty billboard, she used a sharpie to inscribe in big bold letters the words: “Don’t Cross this Field unless you can do it in 9.9 seconds. The bull can do it in 10.”

After this, she settled down in a patch of shady grass and slept.