All posts by rohanp827

Community and Friendship

I communicated with my team very well while doing the marble challenge because I was telling my team when it rolled into their tube and when to give my tube to someone else. I was being a friend during the marble challenge because I didn’t blame anyone if they let the marble drop out of their pipe.

I was being a good team member in during the maze because  I was helping my team find the right squares to step in. I was a good friend during the maze because I wasn’t putting blame on anyone if they guessed to step in the wrong square. I was congratulating my teammates when they found a new square to step in. I was a good team member during the hog call because I followed the plan our team had created. 



Writing and Education

Writing and Education

Rohan PhadkeHieroglphics Image

What functions did scribes fulfill?

  • Scribes kept records for Ancient Egypt
  • They would travel along with court members to record events
  • Would collect tax from
  • Scribes would be in charge of laws

How were scribes educated?

  • Priests taught the scribal studentsPortrait Image
  • Curriculum featured learning to read and write hieroglyphics
  • They used a reed pens to write on broken pieces of pottery
  • Only after they mastered writing on broken pottery, they could write on tablets and then papyrus
  • Many scribal students were taught a much simpler system called hieratic script
  • Scribes were taught to use hieratic script on daily basis for everyday tasks

Why was school life not easy for scribal student?

  • School days were long and sometimes went on from sunrise to sunset
  • Strict schoolmaster who treated students harshly
  • Students who did not want to learn were harshly punished and even physically beaten
  • Students learning to be scribes spent almost 4 years out of seven years of school learning to write the 700 hieroglyphic signs
  • What would scribal students learn when they accompanied more experienced scribes?
  • Would learn to keep track of tax records
  • Learned to record the rise of the Nile River
  • They would be taught to track the supply of grain and food supply to ensure that there would not be a shortage of food.

[Image] September 16, 2015. Web.

[Image] September 16, 2015. Web.

Character Favorites in Seedfolks

My favorite character in Seedfolks was Sam because he was a calm, peaceful guy. He was very observant and tried very hard to patch up the cracks in the Cleveland communities. He also liked to garden and hired a Puerto Rican teenager to do so in the empty lot. He would talk to everyone with a big smile trying to help them the best he could. He would get people talking to him instead of looking down at their shoes. He would get all the different people talking to each other, sewing up the rips in the neighborhood.