All posts by nikiv914

Tone Piece

Last night I went over to Mashianos for dinner. I sampled several of their finest dishes and am now here to report what I tasted. They started me off with one of their most gourmet juices, at least that’s what they called it. This fresh squeezed organic grape juice with natural flavors was a horrendous mess. I knew the moment it touched my taste buds that this facility was not going to be up to my standards. My number one rule for any critique sessions is that if the first thing they serve is not of the upmost delightful taste then why bother with the rest of the meal. As disappointed as I was I stupidly decided to stay for the next course. As the waitress brought out my hors d’oeuvre I was taken back by the magnificent smell. But with many years of experience under my belt I knew not to judge the food by its smell. The appetizer in front of me was a small Caesar salad with grilled chicken. Now you may think, what a simple dish to order. Well another rule for me when going to judge other people’s food is that you should order the simplest things to see how the chef can make them intricate. A simple Caesar salad can be an awful taste if not done right and a startlingly impressive one if done well.

I soon discovered that the smell of this Caesar salad was a deception. The dressing was bland, the chicken was dry, and worst of all the lettuce was way too crunchy. I was extremely discouraged at this point and I wasn’t sure if I should give this chef another chance. Out of the kindness of my heart, and hungriness of my belly from not being able to eat any of this unpleasant food, I decided to stay for the next course. The next course was the main meal and it was a medium rare filet minion with a side of their finest fresh cut vegetables. The meal came out and once again I was disheartened. Not to my surprise the meat was over cooked and under sauced. The vegetables were under cooked and over sauced. This whole experience was very unpleasant and I did not appreciate this. I am currently writing this from a Ben & Jerry’s across the street from Mashianos because I could not stay one more second, much less encounter whatever they had cooked up for dessert.

Imagery Writing Piece

I run up the stairs after coming home from school knowing that going to my room will be my favorite part of the day. It always is. I skip through my door and automatically hear my furniture blast its built in speakers through my room. It based the music choice off of my mood and began to play so spunky pop music. I let it blast as I close the door because I know no one will be able to hear it through my sound proof walls. I strut over to my closet door with a built in clothing selection tablet and select “comfortable” as my outfit description. It puts together perfectly arranged lounge wear options. I take a few moments swiping through the options before I find one I like the best. My closet quickly takes the command and a bedazzled conveyer belt appears above the closet door circling in my outfit of choice. I grab the outfit, put it on, and plopped onto my bed. My bed uses my temperature and body language to determine my mood and maneuvers itself to accommodate me. Now that I am perfectly comfortable I pull out my compu-glasses. They project a perfect image of a computer screen. I choose to get my math homework don’t first. The glasses take a reading of my thoughts and place it onto the answer section. After I finish my math I peel myself off my cozy, satisfactory bed and twist the volume nob to lower my boisterous music.

After an enjoyable evening in my room, left alone with just myself and my compu-glasses to finish my homework, i finish up Language Arts and Science. Once my studying came to a close I sluggishly walked over to my shower and commanded it to turn on with my voice. It heated to its default setting of about 85 degrees. I took my quick shower in under 10 minutes, dried off, and selected my PJs from my closet door’s tablet. As the conveyer belt strolled around and halted to a stop I grabbed the PJs off the hanger and put them on. I walked back into my bathroom and commanded for some old music to start playing. It started playing music all the way from the 2000s, otherwise known as classical music. My friends don’t like it so much but I find it the best music. The first song that begins to play is one of my favorites, “What Do You Mean” by now deceased artist Justin Bieber. The song’s lyrics and beats fill the room with excitement as I start to dance and sing along to it. After turning on my music I proceed to wash my face. The next song come on and it was called “Drag Me Down” by my favorite old boy band One Direction! Once my whole classical music playlist had come full circle and played all its songs, I finish up and steered myself over to the bed. I climb into my now readjusted bed, command the lights to turn off, and sleep a restful sleep until my room begins to blow out its morning alarm, signifying that I should get up and get ready for another day at school.

officer in flood

This picture is very interesting because it has two things going on to show an idea. In the first picture it is showing an officer standing outside a shop waist deep into a flood. Everyone in the back seems to be scared and panicking while the officer I keeping his cool and protecting the place he was assigned to protect. This part of the picture, to me, sends a message that basically says he will go down with his ship. Its like he feels responsible for this particular building and will stop at nothing to do his job and keep it secure. Something that surprised me about this part of the photo is how relaxed he seems. It almost like he was expecting the flood and he is ok with the risk of it. He looks as though he has excepted the fact that he will either live or die depending on how the flood goes but he will not leave the shop’s side.

In the bottom photo everything seems much less problematic. The officer is still outside the building looking just as calm and collected but still prepared to defend it. To me it looks like the order of the pictures means he surrvived the flood and he continues to keep the shop secure. It shows that he knows the risks of his job but he continues to protect it with his life. This assortment of pictures shows dedication and bravery. Something interesting about these two pictures together is that they are both taken fron the exact same place, same angle, same lighting, but they both have such different moods. The first being caotic but corageous and the second being calm and every-day looking. I think these two pictures came together very interestingly well with both their visual aspects and their hidden meanings.