All posts by maggiet462

Tone Writing

Dear 8th Cary Academy Students,

I am Courtney Macintyre and I work for Fighting Cancer is the Answer. Cancer kills 7.6 million people each year and every day more than 40 children are diagnosed a day. I work to raise money to help find a cure for cancer and raise money to pay medical taxes for those in need of it. This topic is very important to me because almost everybody has been effected from cancer in some way. Cancer has impacted my life drastically, my brother passed away when he was just 8 years old from leukemia and my father is currently fighting brain cancer. Ever since my brother passed away I always felt compelled to help fight this horrible disease. It has now became a huge part of my life and I truly believe that we can make a difference.

I am here to talk to you because I hope you guys can raise money to help pay off a child’s medical taxes. I believe that with all of you guys working together you can achieve this goal. The child’s name is Cory and he is 15 years old. His family has been struggling to afford his medical taxes for the past three years. He really needs us to help him in order for him to keep fighting and hopefully defeating the cancer. It would mean the most to him and I if you donated any money towards this cause. Thank you so much your time, it is greatly appreciated. Remember you can make a difference.


Courtney Macintyre




As I look out my window rain fills the glass. Outside is dark with storm clouds filling the sky. I am sitting on my warm couch, with a bright red blanket wrapped around me. My body has sunk into the plush cushion as I turn my gaze to the television. Next to me is a steaming hot bowl of chicken noodle soup and a giant box of tissues. My dog is sleeping at the end of the couch snoring every few minutes. Outside I watch all the kids in my neighborhood jumping in puddles with their brightly colored rain jackets in tow. I am envious of their fun but my body is too tired to even care.

My brother and his friends come inside after being in the rain for hours. My dog finally gets up to greet them. He is wagging his tail and is jumping up and down excitedly. They take their shoes off in the garage and walk to the kitchen. They are laughing about all the fun they had. This makes me really wish I wasn’t sick. It never rains here in California. I finally decide I am going to go out even though I’m sick. I use my arms to push myself up and out of the couch. But my body gives out and I fall straight back to the couch. I realize that the couch is way more fun than outside.


Year 2200

As I wake up, school starts right here in my cozy bed. I do school in the comfort of my own home and so does every other student. We use holographic computers to interact with each other and learn. All I have to do is press a black button next to my bed and my computer shows up right in front of me. It is a rectangular, semi-see through screen. The screen on mine is large, but the size depends on your opinion. The computer can be programmed to your school schedule, it will then be able to take you from class to class online.  We do still rarely use paper worksheets, they come out of the holographic computer when my teacher assigns it to us. The pen that I write with is electronic, so I just have to think of the words and it will write them for me.  I can either use my finger as a mouse on the computer or I can just talk to it.

We take classes in small groups with one teacher and children from all over the world. By learning with students and teachers from all over the world we can learn from their perspectives and I can share my own. We also go on field trips regularly with groups that live close to us. Of course we learn all the core subjects like social media and technology. But we also learn how to communicate with animals and know there instincts.

Diction Piece

For 38 monotonous years I have lived here in the Arctic Ocean. I have been through it all and seen some pretty insane things in my day. I have 43 children that have grown up and now have families of their own. I invested more than half my life to them and taught them all I know. I now feel as if I have nothing to do, they were my everything. I am now feeling lonely and bored, just waiting for the day I die.

As I lie on this gate and gaze at the beautiful scenery around me, out of the corner of my eye I see something astounding. She was perched on a glacier with the sun beaming off of her. I had never seen such an elegant walrus in my life. I decided to swim over and introduce myself, we ended up talking all night. The whole night I was grinning from ear to ear.  It was one of the most perfect days I have had in a while. We now meet at the gate every day to look at the scenery and talk. I have a new found beginning in my life and I am elated for the future.