All posts by ethann548

Tone Pieces


Why Mars is Red?

Professor Bailey

South Dakota College


Civilizations have pondered on why the red planet has its distinct red color for millennia. The Romans even went as far as naming it Mars their god of war after its blood-red color. But why is it truly red? This question will be answered in this essay.

This red color comes from layer of iron oxide (commonly known as rust) on the surface of Mars. This iron oxide was believed to formed hundreds of millions to billions years ago when there was more water on Mars’s surface. Just this year it was discovered by NASA’s Phoenix Lander which drilled down in search of groundwater on Mars that this layer of Iron Oxide is only a few centimeters deep and under it is just regular brown soil. Perhaps Mars should now be known as the brown planet.

For More Information


It was a miserable day and everything was going wrong, when that horrible little boy made my absolutely imperfect day even worse, which I didn’t even think was in any way possible. That’s not how the story started of course, but I really don’t have any respect for the unwritten rules of story writing right now, so I am starting from the middle of my story and I hope you catch up.

Future World

I drove to work in my old Telsa 2192′ hovercraft. Well strictly speaking I wasn’t the one driving it was the Google X AI program that was, but that wasn’t really important. I heard the hum of the air coming out the vehicle and hitting the ground below me. The Hydrogen Fuel Cells powering my car had a barely noticeable burning smell. I look out the window that most people don’t every realize is there and see the huge spherical nuclear fusion plants at which I work. Google X tell me in that annoying digital voice telling me that I have arrived at my destination. Most people would just by busy on their VR Headset, but not me as I get out of the hovercraft and hear the loud noise of Helium 3 Atoms being forced together and ponder the probability of antimatter power.