All posts by elenah592

Tone Writing Piece

1st Writing Piece:

Sometimes I can’t help but wonder why I didn’t enjoy that time. Those days, those hours, those minutes all just seem like a blur to me. Sometimes I can’t help but look back at that time and just feel a brush of sentimental sadness like a chill crawling up my back. I remember that feeling I got when I hopped off the airplane. “A New Beginning” was a chapter that had just begun right as my feet touched the ground in a place halfway across the world.

As I exited the airport, I could feel the energy waving and dancing around me as a new found excitement took the place of boredom and monotony. As nightfall came, I gazed out the huge glass window of our modern long-term hotel and was amazed by the million lights that dotted through the skyline. A few series of fireworks burst through the night. The constant beautiful booms and lights illuminated the already bright city as I fell asleep. This free firework show continued right outside our window every night. I miss the bright lights. I miss the crazy tall skyscrapers. I miss the energy. I miss everything.


2nd Writing Piece:

I jumped up awake as the alarming sound coming from my phone screaming and buzzing at me, telling me to wake up. I swiped to the right disarming the alarm clock and laid back down. Five minutes later, another piercing sound awakened me again. I suddenly remembered that I had set three consecutive five minute alarms last night, making sure I would definitely get up in time. I swiped right again, knowing that the third one would definitely do its work. And yet it did, as the vibration and bell sounds jolted me awake again; my day had just begun.

I then remembered that I had a dance performance that night. I have this crazy theory that if I wanted to do well on stage, everything during the day had to be perfect. Don’t ask me why, but it’s just like that. I had to be very careful in order to do this.





Cary Academy: The Year 2215

The chilly breeze blew back my hair as I hopped down from my airplane and entered the modern high tech building that is called Cary Academy. As I breathed in the scent of success, I walked through the metal detectors and pressed my hand up on the hand print sensor. The blue arrows on the sensor detected a yes and opened up the electronic gate that let me go through.

My fuchsia 10 inch knee high boots clicked against the crystal floor as it became certain to me that the 2205 style was making a comeback. I floated through the halls on my air glider and observed all the tall people that used to be 8th grade classes. I chuckled at the 219 pictures that filled up the halls and thought about how much the building has changed through time.

To think that Cary Academy used to be made of bricks and columns really still surprises me until this day. As I entered my first period classrooms I could see everyone typing away on their invisible keyboards that led to no laptop or computer, but simply just a brain. We all have microchips that were planted straight into our heads since we were a child. That is where we store all of our information from school. I observed how a single silver wire that connected from the teachers head to a huge speaker as small as a nail could load an entire train of thoughts. The robo-speaker spoke every word that the teacher was thinking and taught the class for us.

The alarm went off in our microchips and the entire class glided off into the next classrooms on our air glider and I thought to myself quietly. “How could people have survived by using their feet to walk everywhere?”

Diction Piece

“Stop”! What an overrated word. I can’t stand it. People need to stop saying stop! I see and hear the word every single day. I never knew why I always hated that word. But I remember that I hated it since I was a baby. Just like a lot of people have certain words that they can’t stand, well, mine is “stop”. My burning fiery hatred for this word grew and grew over time and I refuse to see it any longer. I have a plan, a really magnificent plan that’ll make my world such a happier place.

People think I’m weird. I’m not that weird. Okay, fine, maybe I’m a little weird. But I can’t help it if I’m different. Let’s be real here, I don’t really have any friends but I do have a best friend named Arnold. Arnold is my computer and I have learned all of my hacks from this very big “box”. I have always been a technology wizard. I grew up as the daughter of two successful engineers; who I guess, transferred their passion and knowledge of technology to me. I could literally hack into the Pentagon and steal all of their information if I wanted to but I tried to do that once and my mom grounded me.

Today is finally the day. November 3rd. The day of my birthday and the happiest day of my life. I will never have to see the word ever again… That is, if no one ever says the word again. A quarter past 8 PM arrived and I immediately hopped onto my trusty computer. I first hacked the traffic control server which had access to the stop signs in the entire city. That’s right, I said the entire city. I cautiously logged into the city traffic control control centers and switched around the letters to Halt. Oh no! I quickly realized that it wouldn’t let me as “error” blinked on and off on the screen. “5 – 4 – 3 “, the screen read as it was going to turn off in just two seconds. I didn’t have enough time to switch all the letters, the only thing I could do, was change “s-t-o-p” into “s-t-p-o”.

I thought that my master plan would work, but who knew the traffic stop signs were more safe than the Pentagon? Oh well, at least stpo is better than stop!