All posts by danef956

Man I love software updates

Man I love Windows Updates. They come at the best time ever. And they happen so often and do so much for our operating system, it is great! Just the other day I was playing video games, and that games I play you are locked in. I mean there is now way that you can leave them. You better be sick, kidnapped, or dying if you leave a game in progress. I mean I love it. When I going on that 10 kill streak in “Call of Duty,” and boom! 15min warning! Or Boom! Your computer is updating, no if, ands, or buts about it. It seems that is happens at least once ever and every time it happens, I’m filled with joy and suspense of when the next update is going to happen. Every day is a great day with Windows Updates.

OH, but wait. I haven’t even touched on the Apple updates. Once in a blue moon will Apple releases an update. For one of the largest companies in the world, how can it not update more than once or maybe twice a year. I’m not talking about 8.0 to 8.1 with bug fixes or anything small like that. I’m talking about Windows 8 to Windows 10. Now that was good. Windows actually made a smart move, but where was Apple for a counter. All they were making was I.O.S. 8 point whatever. And when you update to the new O.S.X. on mac, every program you got on your computer won’t work because it’s out of date and you got to download the new version. What you don’t see is this is real good. It makes you work for what you want and we all love to work more than we should.

Overall both of these companies are super smart (one more than the other). Both know, and release updates on correct schedules. There updates always add something super important and always promises to help me in the future. In all, I totally love software updates.

The Squirrel and the Pigeon

Every day was a day to gather food for the squirrel. He would scurry around and gather nuts and berries and bring them back to his home with the trunk of a grand oak tree. Every day was wake up, run the routs and find the food. Then he would bring them all back to his wooden home. But one day was different. When he awoke from his sleep he scurried out of his home to find little foot prints in the snow. He dismissed these print and kept on moving down the routs for his first batch of nuts.

At the end of the day the little squirrel arrives back home to find pigeons. And yes you herd me correctly, pigeons. There were about 20 of them crowded around the tree that he called home. But being a squirrel in the forest, he didn’t know what pigeons were exactly. So he moves slowly and quietly up to one of the pigeons. Then as he got closer, he grabbed its head and started licking it. Then out of nowhere came this guy and he took a picture at that exact moment.